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Everything posted by simplythebest

  1. Someone could give me the best plumbing tools possible but I still won't have a clue how to do the job. His managerial abilities absolutely do matter
  2. And do you honestly see McCoist being the man to lead us to the league titles, whatever money he gets to spend? I might come across as leading a witch hunt against him at times but i'm just so disappointed at how we've wasted these lower league years off and on the park.
  3. The attendances during the 80s would indicate the football matters, before my time but it's well documented how bad the crowds were then. In my 11 years as a ST holder the numbers have gradually gone down as well. Entertaining the fans always has to be a massive priority of a football club irrespective of other issues.
  4. I disagree, there's an uncomfortable truth that many of those not buying season tickets will be due to the football and not the board
  5. Cutting off an oxygen supply cannot save an ill patient, it's unfathomable to me that people think this can help the club.
  6. That's all fair enough it was more a reference to bringing up Ally's playing history. When I say done well I don't just mean financially, if we'd not been demoted there's no way he'd still be Rangers manager for one.
  7. McCoist is more than capable of some sly maneuvering himself, see Forfar cup defeat. In saying that i'd rather they just had the guts to dismiss him
  8. The here and now is what matters surely, like it or not Ally has along with board members done well out of our situation these last two years.
  9. I was encouraged by the CFOO talk, but what is clear is that we have to stabilize the finances as a matter of urgency. I can't fully agree, what people do with their money is their decision of course and plenty of times I feel like I don't want to go back with the football on display. But we have to consider the risk of not having a club at all and whether it's worth that risk.
  10. Care to tell me how McCoist 'saved' us? Considering I get lambasted for saying the guy the led the consortium to buy us out saved us.
  11. The review contained plenty of transparency about how much money we've wasted, yet it's been lambasted with the likes of Dave King throwing about rather childish insults. My belief is that not everything can be told and done overnight, call me naive for that, I said if Wallace hadn't followed up the review with proper action more months down the line i'd be very concerned myself yet it's not even been a week and mind's appear to be made up. I want to avoid the events of recent years myself hence why this season ticket withholding talk has got me so worried.
  12. I'll search for it later, with the media in this country it would have been amazing if he wasn't asked though. In football the manager is known as the most important man at the club, to make him sound like a regular employee is disingenuous. And while McCoist may not be in charge of the boardroom he's been happy to give his blessing to a line of CEOs, chairmen etc and agreed deals for penny shares. Just yesterday he's trying to absolve himself of all responsibility despite demanding a string of signings to play against the worst teams you'll find anywhere in football. Point being we didn't know about the manager's excessive salary until the accounts came out, and the same will/would be the case for Wallace although it looks like we'll find out early. Out of interest were you as concerned about libel when it came to online comments about Sandy Easdale?
  13. Not everything is black and white, do we know that the board even had anything to do with the initial refusal for example? There are secretaries and administrators after all that very possibly got it wrong. As for the AGM issue, Bluedell even said Wallace was entitled to believe what he was told by Stockbridge at the time. I don't believe this board have got a fair chance after inheriting a mess and it doesn't look like they'll get one.
  14. What's it to me? Only my club missing out on vital capital. I even have family members giving these scheme some thought so obviously i'm interested
  15. Not wanting people hung at the gallows doesn't mean you're overlooking mistakes
  16. If I remember right he was asked at times and never said. It's not deflection, just that the same standards don't always seem to apply to all major club employees. And it was more to make the point that the details of Wallace's etc contracts will be revealed in the accounts regardless it's not something that can be kept secret for any length of time.
  17. What i'm doing isn't really the point, there'll be some who 100% aren't renewing but you'll have at least a decent number stuck in the middle somewhere. When push comes to shove with the deadline and no real development on these plans there's a good chance they'll just renew.
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