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Everything posted by simplythebest

  1. Course, just find it interesting with Ally because he's a trusting character who seems to give everyone a chance and gets along with virtually anyone.
  2. Indeed, and this consortium is responsible for that. Already a plus for me and why we can't just expect them to bow down and hand over everything.
  3. I doubt Green has been around long enough for Murray Park staff to be forming an opinion.
  4. Well if you're going to claim to have sources you should at least go a bit deeper.
  5. If the price is right for him then fine, but we can't just expect him to hand everything over. Oh and David Murray had money, look how that turned out.
  6. I hope he's sensible enough to realise he'd need to if he really wants to stay.
  7. I'm not fan of his at all but under the circumstances we're heading for he'd be a good player to keep. Wage cut will be needed of course.
  8. Ally backed Craig Whyte right till things became totally clear about him, because he is that type of person. So his attitude towards Green has been surprising to say the least. Like many fans feeling no-one can be trusted anymore?
  9. Or maybe he could just get no backers pre-liquidation?
  10. So anyone other than people with club connections are not to be trusted right from the start? It all goes back to Murray anyway, Whyte only happened because of Murray. Murray is thankfully not doing the selling anymore.
  11. Like Green is the only one to have struggled to raise cash.
  12. Please get over the Blue Bottler Knights. And David Murray liquidated us, with some help from the other guy.
  13. Guilty until proven innocent again then?
  14. Green has not proven himself to be a cunt.
  15. So only 'Rangers men' are good enough? That's the new policy?
  16. The call for no season tickets to be bought indicates Rangers thriving under whatever owner is not the priority for some.
  17. Blueprints when we don't know what league we'll be in doesn't sound likely.
  18. No thanks, they will take over if they offer enough money.
  19. They have every right to ask questions of this new bid.
  20. Ally is certainly the best stature of boss we could hope for in the third division.
  21. I would, whatever my views twitter is a good way of keeping up to date and the RST does give out information. I only discovered it today when I went to try and tell them my views on the boycott suggestion, so i don't exactly know when it happened or what the specific crime was but I do remember having Dingwall rants and tagging the trust in them. I will refrain from mindless rants, or will certainly keep them to my own feed.
  22. I have overall doubts about him as a manager but the goal posts got shifted incredibly before his first full season was up, he's done us proud during this difficult time so I don't want him going anywhere at least until we're back on our feet.
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