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Everything posted by simplythebest

  1. That makes for good soundbites but exactly how do you intend to achieve this? Frankly I think some get too much of a thrill out of the fight now, even subconsciously.
  2. And that is my concern, I don't actually have a problem with a compromise in theory but the idea that we could up with never ending campaigns of demands is terrifying.
  3. It's all very well having a mood for change, generally some idea is needed about what that change is though
  4. I'm sure you're more than welcome at a certain other forum that only welcomes one set of opinion
  5. Could you not even just take something like that as a very positive move and give it a bit of a ceasefire to see how things look?
  6. King brought the concept of withholding ticket money into the spotlight even if his actual scheme hasn't got so many
  7. The whole point of this scheme was the 'protect' the stadium and training ground, but even if that happens you're more than happy for UOF to move the goalposts?
  8. Better get security over the Loving Cup then. Seriously you've proved my point right here
  9. So what exactly is the point in all this fuss about the stadium if it isn't even the defining issue?
  10. I'd probably welcome this if I had the slightest belief that would be the end of it. With the flak thrown Wallace's way would people really just let him get on with the job even if a compromise agreement is reached?
  11. As far as the AGM complaint is concerned (not the Billy Paterson one) Wallace made it clear he's made discoveries about finances he didn't know then. I'm yet to be convinced that wasn't just cynical tactics rather than serious concern about the law.
  12. I didn't just mean in terms of complaints, there's plenty of tit for tat when it comes to statements being released, PR spins etc. This is the latest
  13. Anyone is entitled to make a complaint if they want, just another sad episode of the tit for tat going on
  14. You only have to look at our falling attendances this year to show game by game is unsustainable
  15. I'm surprised the club simply haven't promoted the importance of the season more if anything. One year away from the top flight, playing largely full time teams so in theory should be more competitive, playing familiar faces in Hearts and very possibly Hibs. Taking all the factors aside this season should be more attractive than the last two
  16. I'm very concerned with that considering we're in the last week, yet I doubt that many of the 36000 have signed up to King's scheme either or they at the very least would be leaking their success
  17. Even from what i'd all reliable sources he season ticket numbers are varying, but no doubt they'll be down from the 36000 number
  18. Heard that. Our own Barry Ferguson is probably one who'd not be up to much without the talent he's had
  19. I don't know anything but we've just played a whole two years against part time footballers and Telfer has not had so much as a look in. Not saying it'll be the one deciding factor but I doubt its exactly helped. Plus there's serious problems with our coaching infrastructure overall
  20. Wayne Rooney would probably be in and out of jail without his talent
  21. I'm comfortable blaming him for this where he and his coaches seem to have created a football culture where Dundee Utd is a more attractive prospect
  22. I wasn't actually being arrogant there is a footballer stereotype, perhaps i'm wrong.
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