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Everything posted by simplythebest

  1. Care to describe these wheels to me? Where exactly are they headed? I'm anti-withholding money, backing the board or not has almost become a sideshow for me.
  2. Our last cup win in 2011 was a great day
  3. Easy money, disappointed we didn't go down this route
  4. I'd consider waiting until anything positive actually comes of all this before sounding so satisfied. Right now all we have is a sorry mess
  5. Normal, passionate fans take pictures of the ticket office, put it online and act all smug about it? No doubt many have genuine concerns but the likes of Houston are simply attention seekers getting a thrill out of this 'fight'. He certainly doesn't speak for me
  6. Don't get me wrong I hate the football side as much as anyone, and I think Wallace needs to make serious steps to improve it. But I know i'd hate it more if we didn't get the required result next season, being in the lower leagues was meant to be a temporary thing after being put there for non-footballing reasons against our will, failure to get back to the top league in the first attempt would be a disaster for our image if anything. The point is we can't go into a new season like this, so unless King bites the bullet and buys a significant shareholding then I think people have to take a step back.
  7. Have I expressed annoyance? I actually said i'd welcome this if it means we could at least have a ceasefire in this whole sorry mess.
  8. In my opinion some are too caught up in the political important or not. I worry about our team for the future but there's is no obvious answer to sorting that, I certainly don't see how some long running war between club and fans is going to help. Failure to get promoted next year would set us back at least as badly as any board member can.
  9. I think some need to remember we do actually have a football team to support and a crucial season coming up. No i'm not saying that that one deal should wipe out all concerns, but at the same time there has to be some perspective.
  10. Two from my household, and I know of at least five renewals that have or will be done
  11. Have they actually officially campaigned to sack the board in a while? The last card display was to express dissatisfaction with the review.
  12. I'm well aware there's multiple concerns, and i'm not saying people have to pretend those concerns no longer exist. But the core of this withholding money campaign was the status of the stadium, the Ibrox1972 vehicle says they'll hand the money committed over in full if the terms are met. You can't suddenly claim now it was only one aspect. We have a team to support, I want to do that however dreadful they are to watch, i'd like to make sure we get to next season and go from there. In the meantime scrutiny can continue as can moves to fan ownership, fan representation or whatever else is desired. Next season is a crucial one for the club so this stand off sort of stuff can't just continue indefinitely
  13. If the belief is their position is untenable why go through the motions of aiming for deals and compromises?
  14. I'm not annoyed though, i'm genuinely asking if we could at least have a peace period if a deal is reached rather than some other demand coming about
  15. If i've got that wrong then fine but it was more a dig at him supporting the SNP in general
  16. At all costs? It's frankly absurd to ask the board to give in to demands if you'll never give them any leeway whatever they do
  17. We don't have to have them some just believe we have to. When you have a core campaign and you get what you want out of it you shouldn't just start shifting the goalposts end of. You can continue scrutinising the board without the nuclear threat
  18. In August though. Sure McColl could have skipped a few SNP donations to help pay it mind you
  19. By their own principle that should be it, the core purpose of this was to 'safeguard' the stadium and training ground.
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