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Everything posted by simplythebest

  1. And the belief leading up to the occasion is that we'll have a chance rightly or wrongly.
  2. We kept out selling out derby games when McLeish lead us to 7 defeats in a row against them, all other worries go out the window on such occasions
  3. Nothing to with bluster simple memory of the position we were in summer of 2012 before he came in
  4. Nice to finally chat to you then buster, did Mark swing the banhammer? On that point I mainly stand by it, clearly Green has to take his share of the blame for them money we've wasted. But I still strongly believe he did good things for us even if virtually no-one else does anymore.
  5. The discussion here seems to be about what people think they'll do rather than what they've done. I say again i'm anti-boycott rather than pro-board right now.
  6. For there to be change there has to be an alternative and apart from Dave King there's nothing even close, a fan buy out just doesn't look like happening anytime soon. My concern is that some (not saying you) are so entrenched right now they'd rather we went into administration than let the current regime continue.
  7. Still my point stands, i'm sure Shane is no infallible
  8. Pretty much confirmed based on one blogger's word seems an exaggeration
  9. It's a good cliche phrase. But I believe you have to take every situation at face value, and i'd dispute that I was 'fooled twice' anyway.
  10. Perhaps but the alternative also seems to be a case of 'starve them oot' then hope for the best.
  11. I'm not sure about this thing you have about analysing people's past opinions, I tend to go for looking at each situation as it comes
  12. With the aim apparently being to stop people buying official club shirts and therefore denying revenue i'd say there's at least an element of protest.
  13. I'm very disillusioned at all this stuff, i'll keep going to games but apart from that I'm very close too just cutting myself off from everything else involving Rangers and just hope for the best whatever happens
  14. DUE to the high last-minute demand over the past few days, the Rangers Ticket Centre opening hours have been extended over the weekend. http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/item/6975-ticket-centre-open-this-weekend Good news
  15. Already renewed and will be at the games so stadium won't be empty by one anyway....
  16. Easy phrase to use when you're underestimating that pain. I seriously doubt we'd survive another administration and being stuck any longer in the lower leagues, simply this attitude that we should try some nuclear option because things can't get any worse is dangerous. I think you're over egging the pudding somewhat, clearly we have low renewal numbers but i'm not sure it's due to some outstanding wide spread new found unity, otherwise we'd have heard plenty of crowing about the money put into Ibrox1972. I think people are disillusioned for many reasons, with so much infighting and propaganda constantly it's easy to feel like just giving up, then there's the actual football itself that's on display. I think you're in for a nasty shock.
  17. Not that I expect anyone to be starved out but will you still consider it a 'good first step' if we go into admin? Sometimes things such as a plan are needed.
  18. Was just thinking of finals mate, showing my younger age that I have to refer to 2011 mind you.
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