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Everything posted by simplythebest

  1. No they weren't, and I think they made it clear at the time of rejection that it was never happening
  2. Of course our support are in the spotlight, that's unavoidable when we have campaigns for ST money to be withheld. When I mentioned to a non-Rangers fan that I'd renewed my ticket I was called a scab, in a joking manner but point is people will be more than aware about our support being divided
  3. This isn't black and white, forgetting whether you trust the board or not there's clearly division over the season ticket issue, especially if the 20k rumours have any merit. You mentioned the RST as being a mature group yet a forum heavily associated with them has had users calling people who have renewed 'scum', 'idiots' etc. So the bad tone hasn't all come from one 'side'. The meeting may end up being a waste of time and if so there probably won't be another, but it's well intended. Yet you're writing it off before it's even taken place and are getting all high and mighty about some groups being so much better than others.
  4. Doesn't really fit in with the 'not another penny' brigade
  5. So why all this season ticket fuss? There will be another share issue regardless
  6. I'm not defending the 70 million figure by any means (nor has Wallace and co), but there's a fairly common scare line being put out that none of your money is going into the club if you buy a ST. That simply isn't true unless the board are going to stop paying our bills as I said.
  7. They might have mismanaged it but Murray mismanaged our money for years when Advocaat came in. Frankly i've always seen it as giving money to the club not the board
  8. Fact is the club can't run on fresh air, so unless you seriously believe the board/owners are going to stop paying the bills then it's still vital working capital being put in
  9. We've reached a sad time where fans are saying something like this in response to potentially high ST sales
  10. Andy Cameron who still sits next to board members in the directors box today. Plenty of contradiction with these kind of things
  11. What is clear is that any idea McCoist must remain in his position simply as some sort of safeguard is deluded, him being in position makes no difference to our off the field dramas. And in the meantime he continues to embarrass us with on the field activities.
  12. He'd last about a season and a half at most before going off in a hissy fit
  13. Lets get behind the team and beat these bastards next season
  14. There's plenty of blame to go about but people can't withdraw vital capital then absolve themselves of all responsibility if things go pear shaped.
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