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Everything posted by simplythebest

  1. Blockade the entrance for them arriving and going then, protest at their businesses etc, but don't boycott the club
  2. No, I don't think boycotts ever have been or ever will be right, I just think it's wrong for people to talk as if us being run badly from above is a new thing.
  3. I'm not playing with my Rangers' future and denying the team support to send a message. I'm giving Turnbull Hutton £17 for tomorrow so i'm certainly not about to turn around and deny my own club cash. In saying that though I rarely buy merchandise, I don't use McGills and I rarely buy anything from Sports Direct.
  4. Throwing money about like there was a bottomless pit of it, treating fans like shite, lying to the fans, cosying up to our haters, selling us to a crook, appointing McCoist as manager, just for starters. We might have been successful but we paid a right heavy price for it thanks to that man
  5. My stance hasn't really changed in months, he came in when we needed it but he has to take his share of the blame for where we are now.
  6. It's not deflection, i'm pointing out that we should have had boycotts years ago if that's the response to inappropriate owners/boards. We're running out of money anyway so how is denying us even more money going to help? Far as I can see all it'll do is guarantee administration when there might still be the chance of it being avoided if King or someone makes a move.
  7. I'm not comfortable with it, but the only way is for someone like King to come in now since things seem to be coming to a head
  8. It was just an analogy, everything is so terrible right now so let's go for a nuclear option regardless of the risks.
  9. What Rangers means to people is supporting their team first and foremost. David Murray sucked the life out of us for years so we should be well used to it, but you're deluded if you think cutting off the life support machine is somehow going to make things magically better.
  10. 22k is still about 14k down, it's clear we're in the shite regardless but speeding up the process where people will lose their jobs and we lose 25 points when there's a chance of administration being avoided is just wrong, things are clearly going to come to a head regardless so King will have to make his move. That's not to mention denying the team support in what looks like being at least a two way challenge this year. I assume they'd recommend boycotting away games likes Hearts, Hibs, Raith, Falkirk as well then, or are we really at a stage where we don't fund our own club but hand thousands over to chairmen that did their best to kill/cripple us?
  11. I could just about get my head around the merit of not giving a lump sum up front as long as people went game by game and at least the SOS have always advocated that. If they call for a full boycott though they're enemies of the club as far as i'm concerned.
  12. Admittedly i'm no expert on what happened but it's surely time to get over it, The Blue Knights were a damp squib with or without John Bennett.
  13. In the next month I could lose my nationality and my club could be right in the grubber again. Safe to say not the happiest I've ever felt in life
  14. Yep, it might not be what it used to be in terms of producing the very best players in the world but it still seems very efficient to me
  15. Blame clearly has to be shared about, but i'm yet to be convinced withholding money is helping or that it will help. I'm comfortable with the fact I renewed, the concept that taking us to the brink will bring about positive change is too full of uncertainties.
  16. This all goes back to David Murray and his gross negligence in the end, i'd struggle to give him any sort of support to say the least
  17. Why do you keep employing an incompetent manager?
  18. Don't really know much about these things so is Somers' wage 'poor' relative to what someone is normally paid in such a role? The choice of words are crass regardless though.
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