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North Rd

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Posts posted by North Rd

  1. From RM post


    will PM admin my source for this if they require, but this comes from a SPL board member, high up board member.


    I won't name the source on here, as its a public forum, and I'd get major grief for it, but you can take it or leave it, I really don't give a toss if folk believe me.


    · Sky has agreed to honour the contract for one year if Rangers arenâ??t in the SPL


    · If Rangers drop to Div 3 and the Sky deal ends, four SPL clubs expect to go into administration (Motherwell, St Johnstone and I canâ??t mind the other two)


    · The SPL Chairmen have been holding meetings every week (with the exception of Lawell who has been invited but hasnâ??t turned up)


    · Aberdeen will definitely vote no, as they havenâ??t made top 6 in the last while and wonâ??t feel the hit as much


    · Dundee Utd will definitely vote no as they have two young players valued at £1m+ they believe they can sell to balance any Rangers-related losses


    · The SFA is genuinely discussing the possibility of suspending Rangers for one year


    · Best case scenario for SPL clubs is Rangers remaining in SPL but with incredibly tough sanctions (all that has been written about)


    · Next best case is Rangers demoted to Div 1, which will be used to kickstart an SPL2


    · They are lobbying for the first option, but thereâ??s enough anger that the likelihood is enough will vote no


    · Celtic want to vote no, with the safety of enough other clubs voting yes that Rangers stay in the SPL.

  2. New Rangers chairman Malcolm Murray insists that every effort will be made to keep manager Ally McCoist.


    With Walter Smith fronting a consortium hoping to buy the club from Charles Green's group, doubts surfaced about McCoist's loyalty to the new regime.


    Murray repeated Green's plea for Smith and his backers to combine resources.


    "We want Ally to commit, then move forward. It's our stated policy that he's an integral part of the club and he's been told that," he said.


    "I believe he will be the manager of Rangers next season and we have to make the effort to make that happen. It's what every fan wants.


    "We need to get Ally on board as soon as possible to talk to the players, who are away on holiday just now."


    Having served as his assistant for three-and-a-half years, McCoist succeeded Smith in the summer of 2011.


    The pair previously worked together coaching Scotland and McCoist was a Rangers player during the first of Smith's spells in the Ibrox dugout.


    Green completed his £5.5m purchase of the 140-year-old club's assets on Thursday after attempts to avoid liquidation formally failed in a creditors' vote.


    Continue reading the main story

    â??There is not an intention to flip the club. I wouldn't be involved if there wasâ?


    Malcolm Murray

    McCoist attended the creditors' meeting at Ibrox but refused to comment on his own future.


    "It was a sombre and humbling occasion for all of us," said Murray, who has been charged with chairing the new entity that emerges.


    "It will take rebuilding and a bit of getting over, which is what it's all about from now on.


    "What we want is unity between all connected parties, the fans in particular.


    "The most important thing is that we have constructive dialogue between everyone who has Rangers' long-term interests at heart.


    "We are desperate to have that dialogue with Walter Smith and his associates and I believe that process is already in place.


    "It's much better that everyone who cares about Rangers stands facing in the same direction.


    "We don't want separate fiefdoms and factions."


    Smith, winner of 21 trophies as Rangers manager, launched a last-minute bid to wrest control from Green with a group of businessmen, including Douglas Park and Jim McColl.


    McColl claims Green does not have the backing of the Rangers support and is urging the new owner to step aside.


    But Murray ruled out a quick sale, telling BBC Scotland: "There is not an intention to flip the club.


    "I wouldn't be involved if there was because I'm here to help mend the broken pieces.


    "Remember, Zeus Capital, who are the primary advisors behind this, were Manchester United's advisor when they floated and they went on to become properly invested in and a global brand.


    "These are long-term people, rock solid investors.


    "They see Rangers as a huge brand that is unfortunately on its knees at the moment.


    "The fans deserve a serious apology and an assurance that this is going to be built for the long-term."

  3. Fans chief's blast as season-ticket boycott looms

    By matthew lindsay



    RANGERS fans will force Charles Green to sell the Ibrox club to Walter Smith and his backers â?? by refusing to buy season tickets for next season.


    That was the message from fans chief Mark Dingwall, below, today after legendary former manager Smith emerged as the frontman of a rival bid to gain control of the Gers.


    "The Charles Green group is dead in the water now there is a credible alternative," said Dingwall, a director of the Rangers Supporters Trust.


    A consortium led by English businessman Green bought the Glasgow giants' assets yesterday after a proposed CVA was rejected by club creditors.


    However, a group of multi-millionaire businessmen, including Jim McColl and Douglas Park, now want to buy control from them. Dingwall believes supporters angry at years of mismanagement by Sir David Murray and Craig Whyte will force Green to stand aside with a boycott. He backed calls by former director Dave King and Rangers Supporters Association secretary John Macmillan for fans NOT to buy season tickets.


    He said: "We are absolutely delighted Walter has come forward.


    "He is a figure with credibility on a scale nobody else can match.


    "He is backed by men with real business acumen who, crucially, have blemish-free records.


    "Mr Green's problem was that the extent of his funds and his plans for the future were shrouded in secrecy.


    "There is no good feeling around his bid. He has made no secret of the fact he and his associates are in it to make money.


    "While there was no alternative, it was a lifebelt that Rangers fans would cling to while the ship was sinking.


    "But now there is an alternative the Charles Green bid is dead in the water."


    Dingwall added: "I would endorse the calls made by Dave King and John Macmillan and urge fans not to buy season tickets while Charles Green is in charge.


    "There has been a huge question mark over the future funding of the club.


    There has been no clarity. Now there is an alternative there will naturally be a boycott of his plans.


    "Why should fans pay season ticket money so that Charles Green and his associates make a profit when there is a viable alternative?


    "Walter and his backers are only interested in putting money in, not in taking dividends out. Charles Green has no chance."


    Dingwall was stunned to hear of a reported behind-the-scenes bust-up between Green and Rangers manager Ally McCoist yesterday.


    And he is now hoping McCoist can once again join forces with Smith, who he played and coached under for years at Rangers and Scotland.


    He said: "It is quite clear now that the dispute between Ally McCoist and Charles Green is more than simply about Ally's job.


    "My information is that he was being underhand about him behind his back.


    "But I am sure McCoist had an inkling that the cavalry was waiting around the corner.


    "Hopefully we will now see a reunification of the Rangers dream team."

  4. Still not one word from our SFA since we were informed HMRC wasn't going to accept a CVA . We are/were a member club and yet they deem it not so important to comment on our situation. They are a disgrace to Scottish Football and would not surprise me for them to make some negative statement tomorrow after having some plus news today (Smith's bid). I actually was sobbing in the office today in front of colleagues when I heard Walter was bidding, and to be fair, one tim came to me and said the same about no statement from our governing body.


    Ps.. He also said....Regan should have been removed/ suspended for his favourite tweet.

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