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Everything posted by smile

  1. Didn't Dalglish actually work as a Scout for us late nineties I'm sure he did.
  2. Does anyone take Traynor seriously after he said he had dirt on Liewell then he swept under the carpet never to be heard of again.
  3. I think finding out a Website who's main goal is to kill us is a good idea we should apply the same pressure to him as he has to us.
  4. Good stuff i cant stand that site.
  5. Good stuff lets move forward now.
  6. You cant guarantee the share issue. Seems daft and a bit naive to base a bid for the clubs future on it on it.
  7. Can clubs in that division cant cater or our away support.
  8. Not a clue but lets face it the SPL will be sweating as much as us as will the rest of their teams as their season tickets will be worthless without the Rangers.
  9. smile

    SFA hypocrisy

    I cant understand how a manager who has been a disgrace and above the law where officials are concerned can be lauded and applauded by the SFA it reeks of corruption and must be cleaned out from top to bottom.
  10. Is this guy deliberately negative for a reason.
  11. If you can explain why/how this would happen that would also encourage debate.
  12. Utter Drivel.
  13. Well they better get their finger out. I wouldn't like to send these bidders out for the bread and papers in the morning.
  14. It has to be Brian Kennedy going it alone without Blue Knights who have soured themselves a bit with the support by their inaction. After all he was the one speaking to Whyte the other day.
  15. Something has to happen i cant see the Blue Knights bidding if its anyone i think it may be Brian Kennedy going it alone.
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