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Everything posted by smile

  1. Who are people like me ? after all you already said i was a bigot. You seem to know me after a handful of posts on here.
  2. Graham Rix to replace him.
  3. Follow Follow is Agenda led and lacks any real opinions so would discount this as fact.
  4. Seems the OP thinks everyone should think his way or be labeled Bigots good that he decides what does and what does not a bigot make. I think the scum and the catholic church have done a very good job with the weak minded and bereft of thought brigade.
  5. Hes also on the SPL board as well so has a foot in both camps we have been slow on having any form of representation on these Kangaroo court committees.
  6. Regan should go as should his scum pals peter and eric.
  7. I wish they would investigate more the Sfa top man thinking one of our players should be Hung' But hey if this gives the OP the chance to call us bigoted fools why not.
  8. TBK and Money are you still peddling this nonsense.
  9. The TBK spin doctors last Hurrah's.
  10. Seems a convenient excuse from them.
  11. Will be a bit daft as they are trying to punish us with a rules that doesn't exist stupidity/bitterness seem to go hand in hand at the SFA so wouldn't be surprised.
  12. Yes they should as they have shown to be lawless bastards who's only aim through their made up rules are to punish Rangers.
  13. How can they appeal really as they gave out a punishment that wasn't even in their rulebook.
  14. They have made up a law to punish us and been found out the filth media whores should be reporting that not scaremongering.
  15. If it actually existed outside your own head i guess it would.
  16. Say i want to watch the Rangers players that play for Scotland and the US dilemma time.
  17. More scaremongering pish that seems to keep the scum happy but has no real substance.
  18. Exactly. if they are so proud of their Blog why do they hide themselves away could it be because they know that they are receiving confidential information from the Tax which should lead to jail time for them and the Employee releasing details of our Tax case. Or do they prefer the cowards way like the Filthy Ira scum they laud in their songs.
  19. Biggest load of shit I've read and I've read Gunslingers posts.
  20. He's a good player his use of the ball is good and he can tackle. I think he would be constantly in the stand due to red cards for us as we are judged differently by Refs than Hearts are.
  21. Dont be too hard on him he's been inconsolable since the TBK bids failed. He even mentioned we were Dead as a club.
  22. Good stuff i noticed the bit about McGregor or Naismith or any Rangers players playing for Scotland i thought they should but I'd never considered the possibility of what happened if they got injured, Now i think they should put the club first. The Sfa are corrupt now with Regan and liewell at the helm,
  23. He seems to have went a bit mental.
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