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Davie P

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Everything posted by Davie P

  1. I cannot believe that Stockbridge got 12% of the yes vote. That's 154 people who think that he is doing a good job! I could live with any combination of the nominee directors, plus Wallace, Crighton and Easdale but Stockbridge and Somers (after that ridiculous statement) must go.
  2. Elfi, would your 15's be born in 1998 or 1999? Just curious as my son has recently joined the academy of a professional club in South Africa and will be playing u17 next season even though he is born in 1998.
  3. The problem DB, is that the club does not have the luxury of time. By BS's own admission, the club will have no money from the IPO by April. Even allowing for income from matches, merchandise, sponsors etc. we will be in a perilous position as his statement was prior to contractual pay-offs to Mather etc. What happens if the existing board is re-elected as is and no-one from the nominees gets on? Will we ever get answers to the questions raised i.e. high costs of the IPO, constant changing of the NOMAD, why Toxic Jack is still involved with the club? More importantly, what happens if the existing shareholders decide not to put more money into the club? Will Ibrox then be sold and leased back, what about Auchenhowie, or is it the players that go? I think that if Wallace is sold in the transfer window, that will tell me everything that I need to know about the state of the finances but of course, that will be too late to make changes to the board. I don't rate PM or MM, (Don't know much about the other two), but at least I would trust both of them to listen to the fans concerns, as well as secure Dave King as a serious stakeholder in Rangers. Allowing Somers, BS and co to remain in place is gambling with the future of the club.
  4. Thanks to all involved. The quality of the members submissions and debate is unsurpassed on any Rangers forum.
  5. Is anyone who attended going to be able to summarise the key points for those of us unable to attend?
  6. I am really quite astonished by his comments. In his position either shut up, or alternatively put out the olive branch by way of a conciliatory statement. I had been quite encouraged by his, and Wallace's appointments and had the requisitioners come out and said that these were their nominees for Chairman and CEO, I would have been supportive. However, when I hear statements like this (and Bill McMurdo's blog this morning) it just infuriates me as there is absolutely no need for it. We have plenty of external enemies and yet we focus all of our energy and attention on fighting amongst ourselves. I am really getting despondent about our ability to get the club back on an even keel.
  7. Wouldn't it be fantastic to have a single Rangers supporters group!
  8. Why no mention of the fact that he is a Celtic supporter in the article? You can be sure that it would be in the headlines if it had been a Rangers fan sending out racist messages!
  9. Regrettably, still many of those around within the Rangers support. Just look at the signing of Jon Daly for confirmation. Leggo panders to a specific audience.
  10. How much income does the club lose by playing a game mid-week to say a 25 000 crowd, versus a full (ish) house on a Saturday. Surely our finances have to be our priority right now. If we lose the odd game because Wallace and MacLeod are away with Scotland, is it going to make any real difference to our final league position? Instead of winning the league by 30 points, we win by 27. Big whoop!
  11. I think Daly is going to ragdoll their defence!
  12. Was he not linked to Brian Kennedy at the time of TBK's attempted involvement or am I getting my wires crossed?
  13. One important factor that I have not seen mentioned is that Dave King still maintains an executive role in his SA company. If his 'crimes against humanity' (enjoyed that comment from Chris) were so severe, do you not think that the SA Financial Services Board would have debarred him? I work in the Financial Services industry in South Africa, and we routinely receive updates on people being debarred for relatively innocuous offences! The fact of the matter is that both SARS and Dave King probably got a reasonable settlement and will walk away feeling content.
  14. I would prefer Murrayfield over Easter Road/Tynecastle. Firstly, I am sure that we would take more supporters than either of the latter two grounds could hold; also would hate for those clubs to benefit in any shape or form from the blue pound.
  15. All a bit bland isn't it. I had hoped that there would be more of the future plans revealed, but perhaps this is being held back for the AGM.
  16. I live in South Africa and can tell you that Dave King was basically blackmailed into settling the tax cases. The SAPS brought criminal charges against him to force him back to the negotiating table with SARS. These charges were all dropped when he settled (funny that.) The bulk of DK's income was created when he listed Specialised Outsourcing on the JSE. At the time, the stock exchange was going into a bit of a bubble and DK listed and sold his shareholding at the right time. Many of his tax avoidance schemes were 100% legitimate at the time of him applying these and SARS then retrospectively amended tax laws. I am not for a second suggesting that DK is an angel and hasn't attempted to screw over the tax man (who hasn't - Neil Lennon I'm talking to you!) but he is a genuine fan who wants to see Rangers restored to the top of the tree in Scotland and to be competitive in Europe. Following SDM, I was against the idea of a rich benefactor and would have loved to see fan ownership. Unfortunately, we would not be able to agree on the colour of the sky, and have now come around to believing that we probably need a benevolent dictator. If it is DK, at least I can be comforted in knowing that he only wants what is best for the club.
  17. Elfideldo, are there any U17's who have the potential to make the big step up, in your opinion?
  18. I think Toxic Jack is leading Bill by his nose, and that Bill is just not smart enough to see through this.
  19. From the various reports it would appear that BS was in South Africa (initial meeting with Dave King?) prior to CM flying out to SA from Dubai. A bit of a leap perhaps, but it sounds to me that Dave King was interested in whatever BS put on the table, and CM has flown over to ratify this personally. Personally, I cannot see DK buying out the current shareholders as it would enrich Charles Green further, does this mean a secondary shares issue? Ideally, we get Dave King as the majority shareholder with fans taking up options to buy a greater stake in the club over a period of time.
  20. Barry Ferguson had already said that, so no major revelation there.
  21. I think that this is a minimum requirement for being listed on AIM and is not unique to Rangers.
  22. Wow kids hearing the word 'Spivs' for the first time. That will lead to severe trauma and emotional scarring, I would have thought (NOT)!
  23. Mather's comments alone should place a huge question mark over his suitability for the position as CEO of Rangers. Either he is unfamiliar with the facts (i.e. IPO was launched halfway through our first season in the wilderness = ignorance) or he believes that what he says will just be accepted without any recourse (i.e. total disdain for the fans). For 300k per annum, surely we can do better than this!
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