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Davie P

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Everything posted by Davie P

  1. Is the club prohibited from offering longer contracts due to the age of the players? I would have thought they would have wanted to get Burt, in particular, on a 5 year contract.
  2. We have been crying for someone to take shots from outside the box, rather than hoping that the ball would break for us in a crowded penalty box, and it looks like the message was taken on board. Forrester, Holt and King all had long distance efforts (I am sure there was a few more) and it just brings a different dimension to our game. Great performance and result tonight, made all the sweeter by the Hivs loss (and Andy Murdoch's goal). No doubt the tims will be greetin' about Rangers sending out loan players to rival teams!
  3. That goal against Aberdeen was something special, will never forget it. Davie Cooper, now that is the epitome of a true Rangers legend.
  4. Where did Rangers state that the (internal) injury to the knee was caused by the pitch? They stated that the "unforgiving Rugby Park surface resulted in bruising and lacerations which were immediately visible." What's wrong with that? Anyone who goes down on an artificial pitch is likely to suffer bruising and lacerations. 100% accurate in my opinion (and experience).
  5. Although I would love to see a single unified fans representative body, the reality is that egos, personal agendas and different objectives are likely to prevent that from happening. However, if the RST and RF could vote as a block, this would give the supporters over 6% of the company. If you will recall, Sandy Easdale was able to exercise enormous influence over the company (and therefore club) by utilising his proxies, despite having a very small ....... personal shareholding.
  6. We probably need to understand the rationale for the setting up of this new group, before making a lot of noise. Is it the intention to 'compete' with RF/RST in the collection of funds for share acquisition, or is this just another fan group i.e. ala Bill McMurdo. Anyone can set up a fan group, but whether it would get any genuine support remains to be seen. Apologies if this is common information, I am just going by what I have read on here.
  7. I don't know about Richard Gough's remuneration from the club, but personally I would not vote for anyone who does so. It is vital that RF remains totally independent of the club and holds the board accountable when required to do so. As it stands, there is a clear conflict of interest for a number of the nominees (as detailed above).
  8. Amazing that the CEO of the largest club in Scotland can't get a seat on the board, but the SPFL in their infinite wisdom managed to find a space for a non-executive!
  9. What has Scotland come to, when some fans go to jail for singing songs and rioters are let off with basically no sanction. It staggers belief.
  10. Stevie Nicol when he was at Ayr. I seem to recall us being linked to him before he went to Liverpool.
  11. I thought that Cammy Bell was only out of contract at the end of next season?
  12. Almost exactly the same, he has scored 13 goals (incl. pens) when started wide, and 14 (incl. pens) as a CF, in all matches. What I don't know, is how many goals he scored when starting as a RW, and moved to the middle when Miller went off i.e. scoring late in the game. He is definitely going through a dip in form at the moment, but I think that he is one of those players that benefits from playing continually, rather than being rested.
  13. and the Club has formally given notice to end the relationship with Sports Direct Assume that means that we will have to wait for a further seven years before getting control over the Rangers merchandise?
  14. Like it or note, the fact remains that FF is probably the largest (and therefore most influential) of the Rangers forums. The vast majority of fans making use of that forum were against Greenco/pro King and it would be difficult to disagree that MD did not assist (by the use of his platform) in driving regime change.
  15. The rumour is that St Johnstone are demanding the full payment up front (as opposed to the standard instalments), hence the delay.
  16. Reads like a Roy of the Rovers story, almost unbelievable! Perhaps there is a bit of 'magic hat' involved! Really well written and most enjoyable. Many thanks
  17. Thanks for this Ian. I would also want to thank you and other Gersnet posters for the regular media attachments that you so diligently insert. For an exiled bear, it makes it very easy to have a single 'one-stop-shop' with all Rangers related news on a single website. Best wishes to you and yours
  18. Sorry, just reading back on my comment, it may have come across that I thought that Eustace was still going to be signed. I meant that MW's first signing in January would be a player to fill the defensive midfield role. No idea who that may be though! For the winger position, does anyone know when Tom Walsh is likely to be fit? In my eyes, I think that he could provide the necessary width and he can deliver dangerous crosses on either foot. I would rather give him a chance than any loanee player, and see how he develops.
  19. I personally don't believe that Aird is ever going to be good enough for this team. No question that he would provide width and pace, but for me, he does not possess the necessary composure and quality to get into this team. However, you are right, at the moment, Oduwa does not have the end product. No question about his skills, but I cannot recall too many chances that we have created from those skills. Probably means that Waghorn moves to the right and Miller plays down the middle. This would just highlight our overall deficiencies as a football team. - We don't have a combative holding midfielder (I have enjoyed Halliday, but there is no question that he plays better when the team is attacking, and he doesn't really provide support for the centre backs when our attacks break down) so could see him moving to the left if we get someone in; MW does know this though (hence the long courtship with Eustace) and I think that this will be his first positional signing in the Jan transfer window. - A quick right wing, (will be interested to see if the young boy from Wolves is given a contract) which then allows Waghorn to play down the middle. The alternative would be to change the system from 4 3 3 to 4 4 2, which given our current player resources would probably be a better fit. However, this seems unlikely as MW seems married to Plan A.
  20. How on earth can this type of incident get to court? What has Scotland come to? Here's a word of advice to the Easdales, don't go to a football match if you are concerned about 'effing and blinding'.
  21. You sometimes find with King (and I am his biggest fan for what he has achieved in a short space of time), is that he tends to speak first and think later.
  22. I note that there is no mention of the reasons for the referees to go on strike. Conveniently forgotten?
  23. I am fairly sure that Lee gave an interview during the course of last season (May have been around the time of the short reign of KMc) and stated that he intended to play on next season. When did he have the epiphany that he was finished as a player, or was it just easy money playing for Rangers?
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