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Davie P

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Everything posted by Davie P

  1. I think that will be the team, only change that I see could be McKay for Forrester. Barton to come on for Kranjcar at the 60th minute. Hardie and Thompson to get a run out in the second half if we are leading comfortably.
  2. Many thanks. My boy, Graeme, is taking part in the tournament for the KZN invitational team, but unfortunately, they are in the other group, so he won't get to play against his beloved Rangers unless they both progress to the semi's. The Rangers boys can expect to play against blatantly overage players (they are playing a team from the DRC, where births tend to be recorded when the person turns 5!) Can't speak for my boy's team, but he has just turned 18 and I would guess that would be around about the average age within his group. Certainly, all of the players are still at school.
  3. Elfideldo, any idea of the composition of the u20 squad that's coming out to South Africa? IS it going to be the strongest squad available, or is it likely to be predominantly 17/18 year old's?
  4. I don't disagree, but Kiernan's positioning for the first goal (SCF) was terrible. He seemed to have no idea where the goal was when Stokes was attacking. Likewise, the amount of goals that we conceded from set pieces was just not good enough and we can't blame Tav for that.
  5. Although I would prefer another striker coming in now, we are probably ok in that position with Waghorn, Miller, MoH and Hardie all capable of getting us goals. My concern (particularly after the SCF) was the CB pairing, where Hibs looked like scoring every time they attacked. Hill is a short term solution, at best (not sure that he is any better than Wilson) and as are both left footed, I don't think that they would form a good partnership. Kiernan needs increased competition. My guess is that MW is looking to fill the other Centre Back position with Dom Ball and is waiting to see what transpires at Spurs before looking elsewhere.
  6. Another one to mention was Tom Walsh. I thought he did well early on. Definitely provides another option down that side.
  7. 'Sporting Integrity' is purely a Scottish concept then!
  8. I would have thought that that was the reason for bringing in Hill. Not sure that you could have a partnership of Hill and Oguchi without playing incredibly deep to avoid being exploited for pace. If we did, we would definitely need a defensive midfielder who never goes over the halfway line!
  9. Bizarre response, not sure I understand why he even bothered? Always going to be the remit of the Manager and not the Board.
  10. We have different standards Ian. Rangers would never accept that type of gamesmanship, whereas for Hibs, (and probably every other club) any advantage gained is accepted, irrespective of how it was arrived at.
  11. At the moment, I tend to agree with Tannochsidebear that at this time, he appears to be a square peg in a round hole, however perhaps he is MW's 'plan B'? It has to be accepted that 'plan A' will not always work for us, and we do need to have alternatives. A long ball over the top for a pacy striker to run onto (ala Drinkwater/Vardy) would be foreign to our normal way of playing, but if things are not going well, then we do have an option. At best though, that would mean that he would have to fulfil the 'super-sub' role.
  12. I know they are not skint, but trying to get compensation from them will be virtually impossible. Are we going to go to Pakistan to get Ahmad to compensate us? Green and Stockbridge will have no assets to their name, all will be held in dubious off-shore holding companies, almost guaranteed.
  13. There will clearly be legal costs to fund this application but I anticipate that it will lead to the double benefit of the Club being compensated for any wrongdoing and also gaining the satisfaction of holding people to account. The only individual named there with two pennies to rub together is Ashley. I cannot see Rangers getting any compensation out of Green, Ahmad or Stockbridge, whether this is awarded by the courts or not. However I would personally take great satisfaction from seeing all of the aforementioned sitting in jail!
  14. Serious question - when was the last time we earned a transfer fee from the sale of a player? All I can remember over the past four years is the fee from Dundee Utd for Charlie Telfer and even then, that was settled by a tribunal.
  15. How can Dundee Utd. be speaking to Bell without first reaching agreement with Rangers? Isn't that called 'tapping up' or is only applicable when we are accused of doing that! Hope he does move on, no offence to Cammy who was a Rangers fan as a boy, and lived the dream, but unfortunately for him, in MW's brave new world, any keeper needs to have distribution skills which would not be at the top of Bell's attributes.
  16. Absolutely agree with you, just pointing out the difference in approach by the press to the beneficial ownership of Celtic and Rangers. Transparency on ownership should be a given, when it comes to football clubs.
  17. Surely there will be a massive media scrum over the ultimate beneficial ownership of Line Nominees, Telsar Holdings and Hanom 1 Limited, in the same manner that Blue Pitch was so frequently highlighted! All in the interests of balanced journalism, of course.
  18. Probably the least surprising news I've heard for a long time!
  19. Law was such a good player at Motherwell (perhaps a stand out in a poor team ala Andy Murdoch under McCall?) and started off superbly when he was still a 'trialist'. Is he just one of those players that needed to be the big fish in a small pond, or couldn't cope with the pressure of being at a huge club like Rangers? Either way, definitely wont miss him or Templeton. However, Nicky Clark bust a gut every time he went onto the field. Unfortunately, he just wasn't good enough to make an impact at Rangers, but he certainly goes with my best wishes for his efforts.
  20. After watching the cup final, Barton could just be the missing piece in the jigsaw puzzle. Don't like him as a person (his reputation precedes him), but in MW we trust. If the manager thinks that he will add 'value' then I will back the manager's judgement.
  21. Templeton was injured for almost the entire time that MW has been the manager. Not sure that there is much that MW could have done with DT if he was on crutches.
  22. I can' t see the English clubs voting to allow it, but if the opportunity arose, I would hope that Rangers would give serious consideration to moving into the English league pyramid system. The entire game in Scotland is so toxic, is morally and financially bankrupt, devoid of 'sporting integrity' and so rabidly anti Rangers, that I would personally jump if the opportunity arose. Obviously there would be huge hurdles to overcome in order to achieve this, but if anyone can genuinely see Scottish football getting back onto a level playing field by doing 'more of the same', you must be on the Prozac!
  23. What a player he was. I think it was against Aberdeen in the 3-3 draw, where he really demonstrated his talents and we became aware of the gem that we had. Unfortunately Simpson destroyed his career with that disgraceful tackle and he never again regained that ability he had shown prior to the injury. As a coach though, I can't say that he will be overly missed. Obviously MW has got someone in mind who hopefully is able to provide that bridge for the youngsters to progress from U20 into the first team. That has to be the club's prerogative going forward. Anyway, if true can only wish Ian every thing of the very best in his future career.
  24. Pritchard is definitely the best of the Spurs periphery players (although I would like to get Ball back again). He had a fantastic spell at Brentford but seems to have had injury problems ever since. I don't remember him as an out and out winger, more of an attacking midfielder, and would certainly add to our midfield options. Winks is likely to stay at Tottenham, but who probably would be better going out on loan for his own development. Carrol is another they have high hopes for, but I am not sure if he would be suited to the Scottish game (picture a left footed Zelalem.)
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