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  1. Thank God. I don't think I would want him managing the club. The petulant pish he done with scotland ( and i think someone in the forum said he was an arse to the youth players) would be a red flag. What I'm more interested in seeing is if a rocket up the arse will have an effect. Or will they see him.more as a Stuart Pearce type, just speeches and no tactics. Time will tell.
  2. I think, we're sort of damed if we do and damed if we don't. We've tried the technical coach whose quiet, (von bronkhurst) We've tried technical behind the scenes cockney geezer (beale) and we've tried no history with the club in Clement. All of them have failed. Having the shouty monster munch bunch in might be a bit of a wake up call. At the most it will be interesting to see if it brings any life to the squad and msy give the new ones a better idea of who is needed to run this team. (Sorry for any mistakes writing this on the sly at work).
  3. Out of interest (not on twitter anymore) any of the squad came out and said "sorry to see you go" etc. Normally you get a feeling of how well respected they are.
  4. The problem is that the other poundshop managers have worked out Clements team and know when the chips are down, he's not going to change his game plan, or if he does it will be very late in the day. Those spl teams can smell the fear in the team and know if they getin our faces. We will shrink into ourselves. I'm not sure we can afford to wait to the end if the season or we could end up with more unwelcomed records and a fractured squad with zero confidence.
  5. I hope the Americans can sub us for a new manager.
  6. Boyd just wants the best for Rangers as do we all. A manager who has the will to win. Who understands, when things aren't working, it's time to change. Who has the ability to put a rocket up the arses of each player prior to the start of each game and not just the second half. Like all of us he's frustrated and can't understand why he and 50000 of us can see it's not working but the manager can't.
  7. Thanks for the replies folks. Every time I watch us, it's just looks like the same old pish. It's like we have no creativity, no flair, grit, determination and the worst part of this is that other teams can smell it off of us. Every games we play, I always expect the worse.
  8. Why is it managers seem so rigid in there philosophy. I was listening to the man u boss saying he has been brought in to play a certain way and that's that. if it doesn't work then off he goes. It just makes me think of Warburton and the "plan a" and doing plan a better when it doesn't work. Why can't they adapt and change things, when it's not working? If short passing isn't working, switched to direct. If 4231 isn't working, switched to 442. Surely the idea is to find a winning way and keep the opposition guessing.
  9. Not watching the game,. Are they targeting tav or just lobbing balls over our defence?
  10. It baffles me why our recent managers always seem to stick to the Plan A scenario, no matter what. Surely being a good manager is recognising when something is not working and changing it. Is this a pride thing and they are unable to see the wood for the trees? Or are we a basket case and they are looking to self sabotage in order to get sacked? If 4-2-3-1 isn't working, then try 442, 532 or 5212. When teams have worked out how to get under our skin, then we need to change the record.
  11. The comments on Facebook are not good for Clement Someone pointed out that Aberdeen got a new manager new players and new style of play in the summer and yet here we are a year later with, new players and no stle of play.
  12. I don't think I've refreshed a page as much as this one, just waiting for (any) news.
  13. Looks like he's been sacked from Sunderland (well according to twitter).
  14. Curious, are these Clement'a choices or players identified by scouting team.
  15. Just voted for Clement 😁
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