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Everything posted by Thinker

  1. Well, you can give yourself a pat on the back for remaining unfooled, but it won't do the club much good. Call it a conspiracy, call it greed, call it what you will. If you feel strongly about it, what are you going to do about it?
  2. Clearly Whyte's c*&titude wasn't patently obvious from the start, otherwise more people would have noticed it. He did everything to obscure his past record. There was a mass of misinformation and picking the genuine facts out of the media was impossible for most people. The average punter doesn't see the shit coming until it hits the fan. It's not their fault - they're sports enthusiasts, not business analysts.
  3. It's not that simple though it is? Why is Green still extremely popular with some sections of the support if that's the only fact that matters? Plus, I'm talking more about the specific claims you make regarding Green, Ahmad, Stockbridge and Mather. Again, I'm not saying your wrong, but if you're so utterly convinced that they're part of a conspiracy it shouldn't be too difficult to convince us too.
  4. The correct way would be to prove the case your making with verifiable sources and present it in a way that will convince the average fan. Or even better convince someone who can effect change.
  5. I'm not saying that what you claim isn't true, but what's patently obvious to you isn't patently obvious to the average punter. Gather your evidence together along with the case you want to make and publish it - If it's so patently obvious it'll speak for itself. A proposed plan of action would be useful too.
  6. If information posted proves to be correct, is there anybody reading this board that can do anything about it? How do you expect the average fan, who doesn't have much understanding of or interest in company law or finance, to react to the cryptic guarded warning of some unverifiable poster on a chat board? If guys like FS and GS have genuine concerns about the future of our club and really want to bring about change then they're going about it in completely the wrong way. All they're really creating here is an opportunity for themselves to say "I told you so" at some point in the future.
  7. What course of action do you suggest we, as fans, should take?
  8. If you have evidence (or even an argument that's hard to dismiss) for this state of affairs you should really present it to Walter Smith then shouldn't you?
  9. I'm guessing Internet Explorer 10 will have been forced on you. Here's an official fix for you to try: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/ie/forum/ie10-windows_8/unable-to-view-a-webpage-in-internet-explorer-10/01f6f288-6feb-464c-b232-2c7b23da31bb
  10. Which browser are you using and do you have any alternatives installed (Internet Explorer, Chrome or Firefox)? A quick, lazy, work-around would be to switch browser and see if the problem is still there.
  11. No mention of the value of the deal. Just a 9-year tie-in signed during a period when, despite his claims, Scottish football is at its lowest ebb. It seems obvious that there clearly will be more interest internationally when we're back in the top flight, and that TV rights will be worth more at that point. Oh, and still no info on the UK TV deal, which is clearly the vital one.
  12. The last 5 minutes are worth a listen.
  13. The word "humility" is to the word "humble" as the word "modesty" is to the word "modest". It's a synonym of humbleness. Google it.: That's just what it means. If you don't like it take it up with Susie Dent. Sheesh! Talk about getting bogged down in semantics.
  14. Humility (adjectival form: humble) is the quality of being modest or respectful.
  15. You've jumped on a word there, determined to take offence. Humility isn't something to be ashamed of.
  16. I suppose the important point isn't really who's making the kit, it's how much they're paying us for the privilege.
  17. Personally, I'm happy enough with Puma making our strips, but to be fair they are a distant 3rd behind Adidas and Nike in terms of market share.
  18. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Hearts stopped paying their dues to HMRC in order to fend off administration until the end of the season. In doing so they dodged relegation at Dundee's expense. Seems pretty clear cut to me. If the point English is making is that we shouldn't howl for punishment until the footballing authorities have tried them and found them guilty, then he ought to have been outraged last year at the way other fans reacted to the accusations against us.
  19. I like the away and the third kits better than the home one. It's not bad though - I've worn worse.
  20. A straight-up admission of the mob mentality of that decision - no need to "prove" anything with "evidence" - Rangers are the baddies and deserve to be punished. It's always these kind of extremist nut-jobs that decide they're to be the voice of the mob though. Social media has a lot to answer for.
  21. I think the fact that the SPL "merged" with the SFL allowed the contract to continue without being renegotiated. I would not be surprised if there are clauses in it regarding a quota of Rangers matches and that this was the the real driving force behind league reconstruction.
  22. Surely it would be the responsibility of Hearts fans to turn out for this should it be arranged - I don't think there would be a massive expectation for us to travel through. The opposition isn't really the point in a match like this, anyway. It would be more of an opportunity for them to show their support, like our legends game vs AC Milan last year.
  23. They should replace that plank cladding stuff (between the brickwork and the roof on the older stands) with the same silver cladding that the shop is fronted with too. That would probably be pretty cheap.
  24. I think this is true. Hearts' psycho of an owner was typically vocal and unsympathetic to our predicament last year and some of the stuff written on their forums is bloody minded and hate-filled. I genuinely don't believe either of those represent the feelings of your average jambo though. The idiots always have the loudest voices. I don't think any Rangers fan should be upset or offended by this is it goes ahead. No-one has to attend, and apart from anything else it could be a useful preseason match.
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