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Everything posted by Thinker

  1. To me, this has always seemed like the most likely explanation for the rapid disappearance of the IPO money. Does anyone know how the laws preventing conflicts of interest apply to groups like BPH or MH? If a link could be proven between the not-witnessed-by-a-lawyer, onerous contracts and these groups, would they be in serious trouble, or are they insulated by their anonymous, overseas nature? Is there even a legal way to demand evidence that would prove one way or the other if there is a link?
  2. It is. But I like to be able to answer an accusation with proof that it's wrong rather than with a "Naw he didnae!" or, even worse, an "Aye but they did worse" type of response.
  3. I've heard this claim numerous times both on and offline. I think if it was true it would have been in the papers but I've not been able to provide evidence to prove it false (neither have those making the claim have had evidence to back it up). Has anyone traced the actual source of the rumour? And could anyone provide some links (that I can circulate) to shoot it down once and for all?
  4. I'd like to see normal stable conditions provided by new, trustworthy owners.
  5. That's how it works is it? - Whatever you pay for the club you get to take straight back out of the club's bank account?
  6. Thanks BH, I bow to your superior knowledge of the law in these matters, What do you suspect is at the root of the last two years of mismanagement?
  7. It also has to guarantee that the next batch of ST income will be spent more wisely than the last two lots (plus the IPO money). The first step in laying out the changes that need to be made has to be properly explaining what's been going wrong - who was to blame, who benefited, and how have they been removed from the equation.
  8. So would I. If only I could trust the board to spend it on that. Like I said before though - I'm sure the review's findings will clear things up...
  9. Until the deadline for renewals is passed, nobody has withheld anything. A lot of fans are simply waiting for the belated review and the deadline for that has been and gone. It could be argued that it's the board who are starving the fans - of information. For me that's disloyal.
  10. Folks have long been saying our boardroom saga resembles Game of Thrones, so the appointment of a Tyrell to the "small council" should come as no surprise. An exiled King and now this - you couldn't make it up (unless you're George R. R. Martin).
  11. TBH, the current board have yet to convince me that their appointment amounts to anything other than a superficial change. Having said that - the 120 day review is an ideal opportunity for them to win a lot of people over. Then again, the fact that they've dragged the process out until so close to renewal time doesn't fill me with confidence at all. Also, the continued existence of guys like Bill McMurdo and their obvious plant on RM make me extremely uneasy.
  12. To be fair, with the current board, that risk is there regardless.
  13. Not being a gambler, I hadn't heard of them either - but they've actually got a decent share of the UK online gambling market:
  14. In his blog previous to this, Bill postulated that our relationship with Rangers was no different to the one we have with the supermarket we shop at - we're nothing more than customers. So, by his own analogy, would this scheme be the equivalent of me organising a whip-round in LIDL carpark so they can get some new fridges?
  15. IMO, as soon as the initial aim was unachievable the RFFF should have disbanded. The money should have been returned to those who wanted it back (with a deadline for claiming it) and the rest given to the Rangers Charity Foundation.
  16. I doubt Easdale's skin is that thin. IMO this isn't happening because of jibes about past dealings or current hair-dos - it's a convenient opportunity to silence one outspoken critic and scare others into silence.
  17. Bill's going to lose what little support he has with that piece. I doubt there's a single football fan that would read what he's written and think, "Yes! The relationship I have with my club is the same as the one I have with my supermarket or favourite brewery." It's so completely wrong, it's not even worth debating.
  18. Their form is certainly better than ours, but I guess that would make it all the more unbearable for Thompson if we win. Maybe he's building up a fall-back excuse, just in case.
  19. Yeah, it was hard to tell at the time how many were being held up (at least for blin' folk like me). Blue cards held up against a background of blue shirts and seats don't stand out like previous displays.
  20. I think GS is espousing (and always has espoused) sacking the board and getting rid of the folk who appoint the boards. In that sense, he clearly can have it both ways.
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