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Everything posted by Thinker

  1. Rather than paying £4m, maybe we could throw one of our surplus players into the deal. For example, we could offer Lammers + £7 million.
  2. A bit more detail on the league structure in the body of the Sky story: https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11095/13035531/european-super-league-eus-top-court-rules-fifa-and-uefa-acted-unlawfully-in-blocking-breakaway-competition
  3. W It's for 64 teams, and we're ranked 25, so who knows?
  4. Surely PLG was a worse manager than GVB and SG?
  5. On a note related to the OP, Thursday's result took our 10 year coefficient above the Dhims. (even though, for us, that period includes 3 blank years and Pedro). https://kassiesa.net/uefa/data/method5/trank10-2024.html
  6. No, it's much dafter than that: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024–25_UEFA_Champions_League
  7. No, they've just changed the format of the CL. One big league with contrived fixtures instead of the group stages
  8. Wouldn't it be good if those top two pots fucked off to their superleague? We'd be number one seed!
  9. Take Aberdeen results out of the equation and we'd be top on GD with a game in hand. Annoyingly.
  10. I don't watch much of the Premiership, but check the results. What's the story? Have opposing coaches got wise to his gung-ho tactics, or is it a case of luck evening itself up?
  11. I initially misread that as SykseyBear being one of the favourites. Yet another opportunity missed by the disgraceful Rangers board, I thought to myself disgustedly.
  12. We should probably redirect discussions on the existence of JuJu and other supernatural nonsense to the Lounge thread.
  13. No, not anti-Semitic, but it would be anacronymistic (to invent a word) - which is almost as severe a crime to some on this forum! Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't Israel in UEFA because of the anti-Semitism of many of their AFC neighbours?
  14. If there was ever anything in this, the attraction of joining the Rooney revolution must be fading fast.
  15. We shouldn't underestimate the gap that Gerrard left either. He was a hero to the players; a leader capable of inspiring the dressing room and instilling team spirit. He always seemed able to get the players to give a bit extra.
  16. I had to Google "egg banjo". I thought (read, hoped) it was going to be something kinky.
  17. I'd be sad to see him go, but every player has their price.
  18. VAR has done very little to improve the consistency of decision making, that's for sure. The officials seem to be influenced by the enormity of the decision, and spend more time forensically examining a call by a referee if it's a pivotal one in the game (or season). The result being that big decisions are more likely to get overturned on technicalities that are routinely overlooked the rest of the time.
  19. If I remember rightly the story was that Windass had "unbelievable techers" on the training ground, but was crippled by an unfortunately high level of dozyness.
  20. I'd like to express doubt over both so that if either one turns out badly Ill be able to act wise after the event. (Which is to say, I don't have a Scooby.)
  21. Sadly, Dame Edna passed away earlier this year. (On the same day as Barry Humphries, coincidentally - A dark day for Australian culture.)
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