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Everything posted by Shane

  1. Not to mention the editing job done on it. Absolutely epic! ;D
  2. He created the referee crisis and allowed the "petty" rivalry between Ally and Pillow Teeth to arise because of not dealing with that sad fucker's sorry behavior. There is no alternate view of Regan, unless you can somehow prove he is in fact more incompetent than he already is.
  3. Nothing showed up. Try again, yeah?
  4. I try but it always looks a mess, I can't get it sorted.
  5. Where are you at down there?! We just left the Knoxville-area in early May, back home to Chicagoland.
  6. Having a good dialogue re: litigation with Gio on twitter right now: twitter.com/ofvoid
  7. Imminently.
  8. Wouldn't give me a PDF or text doc of this one. Made me work for it!
  9. Stefano's letter to the SPL, SFA, and SFL, full text: http://coplandroad.org/303444
  10. In fairness, Miller did have the cash. I've plenty more to say on that but... water under the bridge. Doing well, though. Thank you. Little disrupted with the moves and just a boatload of family issues that have arisen. Spot on with the newco, yes :cheers: D&P showing a 4.5m common share issue two weeks after admin, and a company notorious for carrying no long term debts picked up $30m in the first quarter 2012 (held 0 prior). Also have over $8m in options paid out during that time. This, of course, could all be nothing, but there's no precedent for it in the past 12-18months. Interested to see what the 24 July reports have to say.
  11. It's you! You got a tip on someone to take a look at D&P's books with me? Not trying to fall into the conspiracy theorist trap just yet, but there's a few things I've noticed browsing their SEC filings for the first quarter, and their 2nd quarter numbers are due next week.
  12. Know I've not been around lately. Been a little crazy what with moving, moving again, getting ready to move a third time, plus all that other life stuff. Anyways, hope some of you have been following my work. Latest bit I did after my twitter convo with M'well director Andrew Johnson earlier today: Just trying to draw a slightly clearer picture of what exactly our impact is on these clubs condemning us.
  13. I was looking at ordering some new Copa Mundials for the summer, but I'll stick by Kelme for this. Never had a problem with their boots, anyway.
  14. I can't speak for the rest of the "they," but I can for me.
  15. Got it sorted: SFA_boycott_A4_lowr1.pdf
  16. Thought I'd get this up quick before everyone bolted for the weekend. Handy A4 of the RangersUnite boycott sheet. Wait til your office manager leaves then fire up that printer! There's a PDF over on RM but I couldn't get it to upload here, may be a little too big?
  17. Sorry there, forlan. Just to confirm my statement over on RM, I got cut off for asking a couple too many questions earlier this week. Gotta go with your word on this news at this point, mate.
  18. Cheers, Frankie. We're so scattered around right now and unless you're on the right forum or following the right twitter feeds you're going to miss some. If we can get it under one roof hopefully the results will be even better than they have been!
  19. Some of you following along on facebook at either my GSM RSC page or the Copland Road one will know about this already, but the CoplandRoad.org has shut down its web store and refocused on Bears around the world raising funds for the RFFF and other charities and causes. This was always part of the plan from the time of the name change but I've moved up the timeline a bit. We are hoping to launch a new website within the coming weeks and are in discussions with the RFFF and Rangers Charities Foundation in terms of collaboration efforts, but in the meantime we invite you to join us on facebook for news and updates: http://www.facebook.com/CoplandRoad.org (If you type CoplandRoad.org into your web browser it's going to take you to the facebook page for the time being.) In addition, we'd like everyone to start using the #GersAID hash tag on twitter to help highlight upcoming events, whether it's something being put on by your RSC or a local hall hosting an auction. As the Rangers community continues to come together and mobilize across the globe it's important not to lose sight of the works being done for some good causes. Anyone interested in helping can leave a message on the facebook page, or email info@coplandroad.org and someone (probably me) will be in touch soon.
  20. Unless it's the official chant or banner of an Olympic sponsor there's no chance we'd get it in the ground anyway.
  21. Twitter what? It's a blog post.
  22. Fair enough.
  23. Legal man's take on his comments: http://tinyurl.com/6mtkfcz Posting the whole thing was a mess because of his use of emphasis throughout.
  24. We're having an Illegal Stream Champions League Semi-final party here
  25. Can't do the away match boycott over here as we already don't travel to any! But we've got a group getting together and dropping FOX Soccer and following much the same script as the SKY people back in the UK. RangersTV or nothing.
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