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Everything posted by Shane

  1. I think this is where I'm fitting in, because I don't think the financial purposes mentioned have any meaning. I just want the cunts to burn up and die. I left it to the rest of the lads to say whether or not we'd be on there because we're a group with a running working dialogue and all sorts of different ideas, and I wasn't at the meeting. Hell, I've been as disengaged from what's going on over the past few weeks as I've ever been in my life. I'm still not completely pleased with the... outcome, let's say. And appropriate steps had already been taken in house to remedy that. That's where it should've died four days ago when the statement was released, not turned into some sort of attack against me and my 'staff' who do all this for fun.
  2. I think at this point we would benefit from an email dialogue shane@coplandroad.org
  3. May be on to something with the last point. As to the maneuvering: There's a few more here and there. He was quite clear about what he was trying to say. If we're still at a point where no one can tell that I'm not pleased with how information related to these meetings has been disseminated to me, or that our name is signed (spelled incorrectly) to one statement I never saw and another that I had 20 minutes to review, which resulted in me firing off an email detailing or past position on this stuff, then I'm a pretty shite communicator. :grin:
  4. The irony of getting slated across multiple platforms by a man who pens himself under the tag "Rangers Unified" for 2500 is not lost on me. As I said, multiple times, I was not able to read either statement prior to their being released. And if Franky has an issue with our being there he should take it up with the people running the show, or at least the ones that have more members, because that is now how we rank or classify the ability of a group to function or provide input on things related to the club. If anyone was reading between the lines, or the very clear statements I made that said I didn't know what the fuck was going on because our role as explained is decidedly different from its utility, then you'd probably figure out who you want to talk to. Personal insults? The fucker mocked my little team, singled us out of the entire group, accused me of 'chasing hits' or maneuvering my way into the club somehow. That's insulting. He could find a fight in an empty closet. Maybe he's just upset that the USP lifted "Unified" and didn't pay him a royalty.
  5. Maybe Chris could squeeze in a couple more TV appearances
  6. Just, in light of more blind keyboard bashing by people who can't read very clear statements I've written over the past few hours, thank you.
  7. Sorry for the confusion!
  8. Very true
  9. Fuck it, one more. Chunk of an email I wrote to relevant parties once Andy forwarded me the statement only 20 minutes before it was set to be released without my having read it or signed off on it: "A SPL boycott is not the editorial position of CRO. We've covered this prior with a story by Peter Ewart. We're open to the idea depending on the club but not as unilateral policy."
  10. One more for you, since nothing else seems to sink in: we've had fewer readers in two weeks than we did in a single day the last time Bill wrote a piece. So, once more, if I was chasing some opportunity or maneuvering myself into some sort of position with the club or via the club or whatever the hell is rolling around in your head - and for what purpose I'm doing this you still haven't gotten to - I would've been milking the absolute bejeezus out of this. I had a business to run that pays my bills and a son to take care of because I had just separated from my wife. I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT THE FIRST MEETING TAKING PLACE UNTIL CHRIS EMAILED ME (ask him, he'll confirm it), which I already explained. I was not asked prior to our name being put on either statement. Andy McGowan, who I think is a video game designer (sounds right), was our 'rep' at the meetings that we were invited to by all of these groups who, it seems to me, your problem would lie with for opening the door to us in the first place, assuming that is your concern. That, or you think that I for some reason give two fucks what the sheep trust or some tim message board thinks. In any case, you have a problem, take it up with them: RSA, Assembly, RTIDNI, VB, whoever. If they don't want us there then we'll walk, but I guess since we were invited they felt we may have had something to offer. Again, don't know, haven't really given a fuck, haven't even watched us play 30 minutes of football in three weeks, still can't believe I've had to try and explain this yet again, still not sure how you don't get it. I got an email saying we could come, I told them to email my writers if they wanted a couple there, apparently they did, go talk to them.
  11. Right, so the moral of the story is I should solicit memberships - gather a few hundred names on a list (or 20 is a magic number, apparently) - even though we're not a SG prior to telling a couple of guys that if they want to go to a meeting they can because we got an invite as some sort of 'media' representative. I can't be the only sane person on here at this time of day.
  12. What debate? What groups? We're not a SG. We are a fucking blog that pans itself in its own tagline. We were invited by the organizers. That's it. Jesus fucking Christ why the fuck am I still talking about this at 1.45am instead of sleeping????? I'm having another drink.
  13. Peddle your warped sense of reasoning somewhere else. And then fuck off. Probably getting banned or something, but you're a complete cunt when you really put your mind to it. Here's one: our name was put on the releases without my being consulted. How's that? But fuck if you could read any sort of logic, or ask the people that organized and then invited a couple of our writers to the meeting. Sell crazy someplace else, Franky.
  14. We were invited - INVITED - to the meeting by the people that organized the meeting. Take it up with them. ***And honestly, you accused me of chasing hits. If that was the case I would've published the release when I got it before any of the other forums/sites/blogs had it up. So get off my ass.
  15. I'll just say this and get back to catching up on Breaking Bad: Whatever the wording, whatever groups signed it, blah blah blah... It's been out since 1 Oct. In all honesty, I didn't know about the first USP statement until Chris emailed me and said, "WTF?!?!?!" to which I replied with a picture of my left ring finger sans ring. The one that prompted this thread was forwarded to me by Andy McGowan (one of my fine ego maniacal staff members who only started writing because I asked him to) about 20 minutes before it was released. Apprehension on my part because of some typographical concerns was overcome by the fact that I'd like to see every single one of those fuckers out of business, and I still think there's a good chance a handful of them will be prospecting administrators before we kick a ball in the top-flight again. And all we do is write a some fucking stories! Some of them are complete piss-takes, some are very serious and hard-hitting. A lot of people seem to like reading them. I don't mind spending hours out of my week editing them, building our little site, re-building our little site, doing all of this other shit that people actually get paid money to do (including me in real life). I do it because it's fun, and I like the people I've gotten to know since I decided to re-purpose the CoplandRoad.org domain for our half-decent blog back in June. It's just fun, it's all for fun. And we all love our club and really I just don't know what else to say. It keeps me engaged, and that's tough being this far removed and with no real prospect of getting back over any time soon, plus all the other bullshit I've been dealing with in my personal life the past 3-5 months. But most of all it's fun, and I enjoy it, and the people who write for me (cause fuck knows I've produced no content in WEEKS) seem to enjoy it, overall the people who read it seem to enjoy it, so that's it.
  16. Just reading back through this thread as I actually have a bit of time, and this is excellent. Thank you.
  17. What? Seriously? We've been on shut down for two weeks because I separated from my wife. If I gave a fuck about hits I would've keep on rolling through and having Chris Graham pop in to bump numbers. (Speaking of, Chris, check your email) What organization would you like me to align with? And I have no ego left to speak of. She took that when we got married.
  18. Twenty seems a completely arbitrary number. I'd say 19 would be enough to levy endorsements. Or six.
  19. I don't get this but yeah... CRO = Shane, Andy, Andy, Bill, Peter, Robbie = 6 + a few guests sometimes + Nessinator. And we're not a SG, we're a blog. (One of the better half-decent ones, at that) We write some stuff, people enjoy it, we got invited to a meeting or two, that's about it. As I said on RM for me personally it's more of a 'fuck you' to the SPL sides. Finances mean shit to me. They're all going to be ringing their bankers asking for extensions come Christmas anyway. And no, I don't attend the meetings because I live in the US. Good enough?
  20. Wonderful homage to me by a fine writer
  21. Some might say we're going to keep on doing just that over at CRO. And those 'some' would be me Seen a few threads on here featuring the work from our site and would just like to lay a big thanks on all of you who have given us a read and your support.
  22. I'm a guy with a beard whose family had the good sense to name him after the greatest western ever.
  23. Just gonna pull this since Chris and I are having a private conversation like adults instead of tossing the lawn furniture out in the yard for the neighbors to see
  24. http://www.rangersunite.com/contact-the-team/ Our names, positions, and contact info has been readily available for months. That may have been the case early on, but our team is there for you to know and talk to any time. Feel free to email us. I'll give you my mobile number if you want it. As for the people who are going to give the "facts" tomorrow, I'll go first. And since it's late and I'm tired I'll just copy my post from RM. (Sorry) Also, an easier to read version can be found here: http://www.rangersunite.com/rangersunite-statement-28-august/ We'll be updating the RU website over the next couple of days.
  25. If they've taught us anything, the only way to ensure a story true or false never dies is to repeat it as often as possible.
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