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Mountain Bear

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  • Interests
    Rangers, rugby, hillwalking and rock music


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    I work for a bank

Favourite Rangers Player

  • Favourite Rangers Player
    Brian Laudrup / Davie Cooper


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  1. Killie 0:1 Rangers FGS Kranjcar
  2. It is. Only really works where there's high demand for a game though, for obvious reasons.
  3. That's how the re-ticketing scheme works, if you can't make a specific game, you tell the club in advance and they re-sell the seat. You get a discount towards your next season ticket and everyone wins.
  4. Don't disagree TB. Just a question of how many. There are almost always spare seats in the corners of the Clubdeck even on busy nights and if we genuinely do sell out regularly, then the club can adjust the incentives around secondary ticketing to make it more attractive - that's a real win / win / win for ST holders, occasional fans and the Club.
  5. Cashflow - money up front is better for the club than a drip feed from individual games. Plus, it means that they're guaranteed to sell the tickets for end of season games which might end up being meaningless.
  6. When Miller blasted over the bar from close range, he was met with chants of "Sebo, Sebo"[emoji23]
  7. Support your local team...walked to the game tonight [emoji56]
  8. This whole thread is the very definition of making a mountain out of a molehill. If I hadn't paid into any fan groups previously, there's no way I would have the time or motivation for such protracted public dialogue over a trivial slight from an organisation I had nothing to do with.
  9. The word "lie" is being used pretty liberally around this subject. If a club employee did say Club1872 was the Club's idea (and if you say so, that's good enough for me RBR), that still doesn't mean it isn't (or couldn't be) independent. It might simply mean that the Club encouraged discussions as it preferred to deal with a single fans group, which would be quite understandable. Certainly doesn't amount to evidence of lying. I've seen similar on Twitter this week regarding Lionbrand - accusations about lying, based on a lack of clarity over the exact route by which the money raised gets to the Club. I'm sure there are some valid issues being raised and that mistakes have been made, but I'm equally sure that some folk (not you RBR) are looking for any excuse to put the boot in and ensure Club1872 fails. Fresh elections can't come soon enough IMHO.
  10. Welcome BlueGates. Sounds like a very sensible way forward.
  11. Release #10 certainly ticked the right boxes for me - informative & reassuringly thorough.
  12. Several Twitter comments referencing a certain Toxic Jack Irvine as the Scottish Police Federation's PR man...
  13. I wouldn't be unhappy to see him stay for another season, but if we need to free wages for areas where we really need to strengthen (CF / CB), then so be it.
  14. I think the main outcome of strict liability would be opposition fans with their ears glued to the radio / TV, desperately trying to hear things to be offended by.
  15. Agreed. Unfortunately, Saturday's events have given the Scot Gov an excuse to defend the hugely flawed 2012 Act.
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