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    Soon to be PC Lynds!
  1. go to my page. http://www.lynds29.bebo.com good rangers skin on there!
  2. if it was my decision I would have got rid of Eck at the turn of the year, and got PLG in early. Then that would have given him end of last season to find his feet and the whole of this season to make a difference. Now if he has not found his feet by end of this season what do we do? give him next season too? Then this time next year if he is still making an arse of things do we get rid? I cant see it. I think if things stay the same, he will be here for 2 seasons as least.
  3. Wow. He is amazing. I just love watching him play. Be one for Soccer AM this weekend!
  4. honestly? am bloody dreading it. Can see us getting humped.
  5. so nobody agrees then huh?
  6. am I the only jumpty that missed half the game cause of the BBC? I wasnt sure if it was on council telly or sky so checked a paper in the morning. Quick scan told me bbc1 at 7.30. Got home, pottered about, watched Hollyoaks and Emmerdale, turned over to watch what I though was kick off only to realise had missed half the bloody game!!!
  7. anyone else getting really sick of all this stuff? Nothing against you lot, you just write what you see and hear which is good but all this conspiracy stuff and rumours and who said/ didnt say what is all starting to grate a bit. am starting to not care? and apathy is probably whats got us where we are in the first place
  8. perhaps you should have reworded some of your thoughts. Then I wouldnt take it personally. When you say smokers kill us, smokers are dirty and smelly, smokers burn your skin and clothes you should have said 'SOME smokers'. My point about all Rangers fans being bigots was obviously totally lost on you. Still think your are totally small minded which Bmck very eloquently pointed out
  9. Jesus christ. Not quite sure where to start with that. Firstly if you were here I would punch you in the face. So many insulting comments on there and you are tarring all smokers with the one brush and that is wrong. Its like saying all Rangers fans are bigots. Which of course we are not. I make wherever I go dirty and smelly do I? I burn peoples clothes and skin? That a fact is it? And what the hell you on about the AA for!!! You think everyone who smokes doesnt want to give up, or hasnt tried! in fact your obviously so narrow and small minded am not even going to continue with an answer.
  10. ALBERTZ!!!!! Think he should be on there. Defo!
  11. Lynds

    The Sun today

    he was protesting AGAINST bigotry, racial and religious prejudice and what did he get charged with? Racial and sectarian breach of the peace!! arse.
  12. Spot on there. Being made to stand outside in the freezing cold isnt very nice. And it makes the pavement look untidy to be honest. I am not too bad cause I can go a long time without a cig cause have stopped so often but some folk cant. I feel sorry for all the old boys, the know the ones whose highlight of their day was to head down the legion for a pint and a smoke with their dog at heel. Now they cant! Their relaxing pint and chat has been ruined. Something they have done for years and years has been taken away from them. And they did fight for our freedom, now we taken theirs away!
  13. I smoke. Have stopped and started many times. I think there should be somewhere for folk to smoke. I mean most people get there 15mins early, then the 105 mins. Thats near 2 hours by time you get out. Loads of smokers cant last that long. and technically its been frowned upon smoking at the game for years, but we all still did it. would have to be a few areas, and large areas for that matter for thousands of folk piling into them at half time!
  14. Lynds

    The Sun today

    he says he isnt scared?? aye right! bunch of nutters turn up at your door and say they gonna slice your face open. Yeah, nothing to worry about with that at all eh!
  15. ditto with that one. When I get the supporters bus down are told to be there sharp cause bus wants to leave asap. Most of the guys leave before full time and you never want to be the last one on the bus! Having to run through the crowds to get back to the bus is a nightmare. Its all about getting out of there before the traffic gets too bad. If am staying in Glasgow somewhere then I do leave a few mins early aswell. Mostly because I just cant be arsed standing in a bloody massive queue, usually in the rain for hours on end when I can just miss the last few minutes of the game and cut my waiting time down drastically! Shoot me if you want. Only when am down with my Dad or somebody else in a car then stay for the full 90mins, take the time leaving the stadium and getting to the car park. Sit and have a smoke then leave. Just wait a bit for the worst of the traffic to be gone.
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