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Everything posted by Owain

  1. Pished??? I dowt no wot ya mean (hic). 'Mon Sunday......F**k, it is Sunday!
  2. Your choice pal. Close your eyes & think of England then.
  3. I agree; nonces should not be tolerated. No matter their religion or ethnic background. Hang 'em high.
  4. I've worked in child protection for some time. The idea that it is restricted to Catholics or Protestants or any other religion for that matter is just abhorant. Get real. Most of the kids I've worked with are from a "church of England" background. To try to ethnitise the problem is just going to allow more of it to happen. Nonces are nonces. God doesn't choose, it's the perpertrators that decide. Scraping the bottom of the barrel with this. Lets have some dignity here.
  5. I don't really understand this. Why is an allegation such a big problem? Surely it has to go through the correct course of action before anything can be negotiated upon? We might not be guilty of anything yet.
  6. People die, legends live forever. We are legend. The SFA are but mere mortals.
  7. Leggo exasperates me alot of the time, but was quite interesting with this. Not being able to take c/card payments is a huge worry. However, the Celtic conspiracy is wearing a bit thin now. I beleived it at first but now it's becoming boring. If I take a dump & there's no bobby roll left it's because I didn't buy any, not because some ****** is out to get me.
  8. ok, you caught me trying to be possitive. But we have 3 years to turn the focus from all the crap, to pure football now. Most mhanks I know are dreading us not being there. Good mates of mine are going to be missing us, just as I will be them. From my lowly position it seems that they will miss us, but on the laptop's they want blood. WE have what we want, a clean slate. They have what they. want.....justice, & thats fair enough. We have what we want....a clean slate. Now, how do we make sure that this doesn't happen again?
  9. We can blame the mhanky all we like, but the whole of scottish fitbaw has a point here. Those that were in charge of our club put us in the sh*t. They cared nothing for us. WE are the people. WE are Rangers. Something special will come out of this. WE are the future. The mhanks are our past.
  10. Job done. Thank our gods its over. Time to move on now. Done & dusted . A new sun rises above our mountains. We are the new dawn.
  11. Div 3 for me. Although it is a president for the SPL, it is the general way it goes for a liquidated club. I don't want anyone saying we were given any advantage after we bounce back from this to get 10 IAR. I'd rather we had our heads held high & come out of this mess with a clean untarnished slate. Transfer embargo.... kick us out of the cup instead. EBT/dual contracts is a none starter. The evidence is only prima facae and there needs to be more concrete proof before you can go acting on such serious allegations. Personally I think the idea of claiming to be a newco, Div3 & going sanction free is an option. I wouldn't care if they took away the history. What is our history? Is it a list on some website somewhere? Or is it written in the hearts & minds of generations of supporters; not just of our club but also of the supporters of clubs we've beat. As long as WE know OUR history, then that is all that really matters, not what others think.
  12. As a fan, there's little I can do. As a consumer of the product, I could choose to refrain from buying the product. But that's just not an option. Hope, I suppose. What else is there?
  13. When he was named as preferred bidder, Green promised us total transparency. It concerns me that it takes all these allegations to get him to be transparent.
  14. *sigh* that's integrity for you.
  15. A while ago I was going on about Div3, Frankie commented that it wasn't a dead cert that we'd get in. Is that still true anyone know? And do we need 3years accounts or something along those lines for SFA/SFL membership? Excuse my ignorance. I agree with Forlanssister, any league will do. Worrying a bit here.
  16. Sorry Dutchy, I was referring to the Whyte's tax bill. Should have made it clearer. F*ck the judges. I'm not a criminal. A football club cannot be a criminal. But Whyte? Guilty as f*ck.
  17. Thanks Alex, you have an English accent too then!
  18. Personally I can't see Celtic voting against us unless the vote reuslts are public. There is a reason why we are called "the auld firm". It just really isn'y in their interests and the Celtic supporters I know (outside the internet) don't really want us to disappear. However, seeing us get ass F*cked would be acceptable to them.
  19. Perhaps a bit of topic... ...but I just wish this whole shit was done with. D&P have obviously been w*nkers in the whole process. Lie after lie, for whatever reason. SDM & Whyte have has us & lots of innocent people over a barrell. Miller spoke out of his sphinkter. Green (the name alone makes me cringe) looks so far to be Scotlands equal to the Labour parties Alaister Cambell for all his spin. We don't know who or what is backing us. I REALLY worry that this is all going to happen again soon. There was a time when I was wee, when I used to turn on the radio on a Saturday afternoon & wait impatiently for the results to come in on my English radio, far from Scotland. They always used to put Scotland on last, after the English results. I remember I used to wonder why it was always that way. Amongst oher things, I will always have a certain distain for the English for that. I used to look forward to when my Da got home from work on a Monday because he'd have the Record (only paper we could get down here at the time) and we'd read the match reports. The joy on seeing Jim Bett or Sandy Jardines names, even though times were rough. Just to see a mention of Rangers was enough. The times were hard, but although painful, it didn't matter. They were there, fighting away. And me & my Da used to snigger at the English too. They used to tell us that Celtic were a catholic team, Rangers a protestant team. Don't get me wrong, I know some reading this will hate catholics, and that's up to you, but me & my Da had some priest chuck water on our heads & call us catholics. What p*sses me off though, if there is a God, why does he do this crap? Killing babies, wars, killing fotball clubs. Some of my family are Celtic supporters, the other half support Rangers (the catholic/protestant thing doesn't seem to have any correlation). We even have an uncle that supports St Mirren. But generally, we all support Scottish football. I read on the internet various stuff about how Rangers should be punished, how we've not been punished enough. How integity in football is at stake, how we need to be made an example of. Fair enough I say. Under the current laws/attitudes, yes we f*cked up. There is sh*t loads of tax that hasn't been paid, people have suffered. We have employed players that we couldn't afford. Hands up. Yes, theoretically we could have finished bottom of the SPL. But like I said at the start, I've had enough. Just dish out the sh*t and let us get on with it. I used to be very objectional to the idea of being anywhere but the SPL. Now however, I don't care anymore. I'm just sick of it. All I want is for those that own our club to either beleive in who we are or f*ck off. In what division we play is no longer an isuue to me. We are not here for milking, there are no profits to be had by ripping our fanbase off. If someone does find a way, it will not last for long. We ARE the people, Rangers is OUR club and always will be. Do any of you remember when McCoist was playing for us, right back ages ago? I do. We were SH*TE. I used to spend a small fortune coming up every week I could (am sure I was only paying £3-00 to get in). It all looked so bleak back then. We were like some 2nd div team, and there seemed no way out. But we did come back, didn't we. I won't analyse the reasons, but we did bounce back. We will again. I'm sat here, in a domestic violence refuge in Wales (of all places). My daughter needs crutches to walk, I got no job, nor any prospect of getting one. We don't even have the money to move out. It's shit. But as much as things are shit, either this coming season or the season after....Rangers will be playing football somewhere. And I shall be sat next to my radio, with some stoneage wire sticking out the back, trying to tune in to get the fitbaw results. There always has, and always will be a Rangers. I don't give two s*ts if they say our history is gone. I have my memories, most of the matches I ever went to were not so good, but it was still Rangers. No matter what happens in this fog filled future, the landscape of my life has been shaped by the club that is and always will be, Rangers. And that name will sing its rythmn in my ears forever. WATP
  20. Owain

    Prima Facie

    I'm not sure how it would work, but in "civil" court (such as family proceedings), the burden of proof lies with the applicant. However "hard evidence" isn't necessary. It is simply enough to convince the judge that something is likely to have happened. When the judge has heard from all parties and examined the arguements presented to him (including facts), he gives a direction/order based on the "balance of probabilities".
  21. That was fantastic. Thanks.
  22. The decision today just show's the mess the SFA are in. From what I'm reading, things may get worse, but they may also get better. We shall see. But however it goes, this decision is a victory for us and that has put a smile on my face for the first time in a hell of a while. The sun has just risen on a whole new day.
  23. What a relief to read something possitive.
  24. I doubt Everton would be interested unless they were confident in his potential fitness.
  25. I got banned just after I joined ( don't know what I said wrong), wrote in and was back in. Happened a little while later but was back in without mailing. Last time Frankie wrote to me. I didn't mean to imply it was you Zapa and sorry if it came across that way. It's not a prob anyhow, as long as I'm here still! It may be down to my dongle, Not sure as I'm backward with technology. Tried to PM this to you but it won't let me. Sorry to distract from the thread.
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