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Max Rebo's Big Blue Nose

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  1. As someone that has never felt British, can someone please explain to me what defines these buzzwords "Loyal", "Britishness"?? I'm not fishing, I have just never understood this in relation to my football team, Rangers. Most Gers fans I've known that promote this ideal always seem to me to be reacting to the rise of the Celtic's Irish identity over the years. Just saying....
  2. Why the frig is it over there? Mmmmm.... on top of their Commonwealth games "makeover", this is a bit fishy... And more importantly, why is taking over 3 months to return Hampden to it's normal state? Seems rather long IMO
  3. At least it doesn't have that Union Flag runninhg through it
  4. Miller...Boyd...c'mon Ally. I heard Nacho can still run. Complete the holy trinity...
  5. Been away from media/technology for a while and return to find out that Kenny Miller has re-signed for Rangers (again), we have a new strip that incorporates the Union Jack and our sponsor is a gambling firm. How fecking depressing....
  6. To be honest, when you see the hyperbolic reaction that the red and black strip has caused on some forums, it's hard to believe that fractions in our support will ever come together.
  7. Some of the stuff I read on RM is quite frankly mind blowing. I just don't understand some of our fans sometimes
  8. Boyd? Miller? These threads are slowly and surely making me fall out of love with football in general. Can we try to look forward for once. Friggin desperate IMO
  9. Those designs are truly vile. When did we start using the latin phrase. Awful, awful and once more awful. Not surprised though. Our club needs one friggin major overhaul on all fronts.
  10. The idea of McCoist managing us in the top flight is even more scarey....
  11. Kenny Miller? I suppose it suits our MO. Backward thinking ahoy. Terribly depressing
  12. Chelsea are a total turn off imo. And as for Jose, he really is the boring one tbh. Try humility sometime ffs
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