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  1. Lying bastard.
  2. The SFA are not obliged to transfer the membership from the oldco to the newco, so yes, it is a club matter.
  3. We're all free to make our own choices and call things as we see them. I won't be back.
  4. I'm banned from FF, but I'll take your word for it.
  5. History can't be erased, that's just silly, but the club we have all grown up with just won't be the same anymore. Anyone claiming otherwise is just as silly as Keevins is.
  6. It's not allowed on here. He was called it on RM on numerous occasions and banned.
  7. He did back it up!
  8. Many are more concerned, nay, obsessed, with certain so-called enemies, that they turn a blind eye to the crooked bastards like Whyte, D&P and Green.
  9. Did D&P take the CVA Proposal to the courts for approval prior to it going out to the creditors?
  10. Can you explain what the courts have to do with the CVA Proposal?
  11. A churlish act from someone who doesn't have a fucking clue about our club - but it's lapped up by yet another bunch of unelected supporters. Media House Loyal
  12. Southeastern trains. It was an extra public holiday, so leave with pay, or double time if worked.
  13. He's learned from his mistakes last season, I see.
  14. Expanding the Global Brand......
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