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About capstans

  1. Your nose appears out of joint any particular reason, or because you were suckered by the snake oil salesman ?
  2. You mean like all of the stuff that was posted by posters and read by members of our august supporters bodies and other official bodies, also Wishart stating on air we were all talking about the Whyte stuff of air but couldn't say anything on air, and you expect joe soap to do the bigwigs work for them ? It really isn't and wasn't hard to find things to set the alarm bells ringing. http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=sunday%20mirror%2C%20january%2027%2C%202008%20-%20default%20towers%20whyte&source=web&cd=1&sqi=2&ved=0CGUQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bigsoccer.com%2Fforum%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D1818749&ei=ZQapT5DFGMW68gOuvuiLBQ&usg=AFQjCNGhgDz_68DN2tvTQbQBL5jt0YJKXA
  3. I can see us still being in admin at the start of the season, if only for our own protection.
  4. People who passed on the information were subject to a night of the long knifes on various boards.
  5. I had all the info I ever needed on whyte years ago, I did say someone would be along to tell us he was a Rangers supporter, seems I wasn't wrong only thing is he isn't and never was despite apartment block gossip.
  6. It was verified before whyte took over that he was no Rangers supporter despite his non existent corporate box at Ibrox and no one having ever seen him there or heard of him. A little digging into kennedy's past liquidations may give cause for caution, but there again it didn't with whyte.
  7. Someone will be telling us next that Whyte is/was a Rangers supporter.
  8. Why is it important to kennedy ? he's a hivs supporter.
  9. TBK's are and have been so far all mouth and trousers, unless I missed them putting their money up, or more correctly someone else's money. murray minor should be no where near the Ibrox boardroom, he was part of the problem.
  10. Why is Kennedy interfering in something that should be left to Miller to sort out, free publicity ? he should stick to hivs.
  11. Scottish football has just exposed itself as an irrelevance, amateurs are better organised.
  12. It's hard enough getting through each and every day.
  13. Waste of time and space, men of straw.
  14. Like I said to many people thimk Whyte is new to this sort of thing, time they realised it is his profession.
  15. I would like someone to tell me Whyte doesn't own Ibrox or Auchenhowie, to my disappointment a lawyer tells me he does.
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