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Everything posted by khan

  1. I would invite you to show the direct link through the judgement in the Aberdeen Asset Management case to our case, but I won't as there is none. Your unquestionable devotion to the regime which presided over the financial mess that we now find ourselves in is well questionable. Just for clarification Whyte does not dispute the bill, he disputes the validity of the £1.4 million penalty.
  2. There isn't wrong with anything that is legal even avoidance, I stress the quote by Johnston which makes it clear that he/they did not know of the small tax liability, obvious question is why he/they didn't know and who was/is responsible for that concealment. Maybe the financial director would cover fiscal matters ? "And let me put on record that if we had known about it we would have had to put it in our annual report and taken a liability in the accounts."
  3. Strange that you would agree the tax bill is payable, pay £500,000 towards it, yet may end up not owing anything wouldn't you say ?
  4. According to our chairman past it certainly was a surprise. He said: "Our numbers today would be £2.8m better today if it wasn't for the fact we had to take this charge. "As the Americans say this one came from left-field. And if you can see my teeth gritting a little more then you will know it is really frustrating because no one knew about it a couple of months ago. "And let me put on record that if we had known about it we would have had to put it in our annual report and taken a liability in the accounts."
  5. Ally thought the ref had an excellent game, as did the assessor in the stands, we have an ex ref who couldn't sit straight in bed, a Threave Rovers director and a guy from schools football on a panel saying different, why don't we just get rid of all these shit Scottish refs, that's right without them there is no game.
  6. Unlike you I have no problem giving an opinion about his incompetence, if you don't like it tough.
  7. It is a non story from a rag intent on stirring it.
  8. So why didn't he do anything about them, and if he didn't know what was going on it makes him as incompetent and culpable as bain and murray. He joined in 2006 same time as baldy was made CE. Martin Bain was appointed as Chief Executive of Rangers Football Club. A board director since 2001, Martin (38) was previously Director of Football Business. He joined Rangers in 1996, later becoming Commercial Manager during which time he brokered many of the club’s commercial interests, including deals with ntl: and Carling. A new Financial Director also joined the Rangers management team in early June this year. Donald McIntyre was most recently Group Financial Controller for MacDonald Hotels and has held senior positions with Hewden Stuart plc, Hilton Group and Stakis plc. (See the back page for more Rangers news)
  9. How about the club being in the financial state it is, alleged mismanagement of EBT's and the small tax bill, is that enough to be going on with, he may be an accountant the evidence suggests a very incompetent one, unless of course you think he was the tea boy rather than a finance director.
  10. McIntyre is one of the people who were presiding and responsible for this mess, he is and was incompetent at best. Bain will be shittin himself at today's development, he has more to lose and hide. HMRC have such a strong case that they allowed this to go to a FTTT, HMRC if they had such a strong case could have insisted on going directly to the second tier which is binding, the fact that they did not tells its own story, they are flying a kite hoping it stays up.
  11. Only if we decide to challenge it citing precedent of oconnor, Scion had the right idea if they think they can do what they like let them prove it.
  12. Thanks, I think it matters when a panel who were very probably not as close to the incident can overturn the man's decision who was paid to make the decision.
  13. Not from what I have heard, he is said to claim that his decision as far as he is concerned was the correct one, very interestingly his view appears to have been censored by the authorities.
  14. What sanction will the referee receive, since the panel deemed his decision erroneous.
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