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Posts posted by Beattie

  1. lets be honest here you seem to be the only two defending Murray


    You're saying it as if I'm suggesting the man can do no wrong.


    Like I said, I agree with everything Stan said in his post on the matter.


    However, like I told you the other day, I'm personally just of the opinion that Murray has decided he's selling up when the right offer comes in we're not his top priority (as if we ever were) and there's nothing we can do about it, and we're stuck in this rut till Murray leaves, which won't be until HE wants to.


    As I said before, you choose to protest, and that's your decision, which I respect. And hey, if it can bring about a positive outcome for all parties, I'll stand and applaud you for it.

  2. over to you Dunn and Beattie


    Don't say that as if it's you 2 against us 2.


    I happen to agree with everything Stan said in his post about Murray, and I've never once attempted to turn this into a personal debate.


    And about the songs, to this day I still haven't looked at the Wee Blue Book, so yeah, perhaps I'm not really qualified to comment on it.


    About the whole protest debate. I personally think it's time to draw a line under it. It's been discussed to no end on here for about a week and we're not further along. I'm of the opinion that while I choose not to protest, others are within their civilian rights to do so if they so please.


    So I'll let protesters protest as they please (as long as it's with good cause, which in fairness it is, and in good taste), while I'll choose not to attend said protests, and let that be the end of it.

  3. Not just saying this, but I genuinely believe he'd be as good a centre half as we've got.


    When he's been deployed in the Roy Keane-esque defensive midfield role at Man Utd, his tackling, intercepting etc. have all been top drawer. He's a good passr of the ball, and even though not the tallest, great in the air.

  4. Perhaps your right nokiss. Anyone know if he's had any Champions League time this season?


    He played the last 5 minutes in Benfica and the last half hour at home to Copenhagen.

  5. Chuffed to bits..


    Nah, of course I'm not. I'm just of the opinion that Murray has decided he's selling up, we're no longer his top priority, and we won't change his mind in that sense. It'll continue like this until he leaves, but a protest, again, in my opinion only, isn't going to


    a) Hurry him up and make him leave any quicker

    b) Make him run the Club any better.


    We're in this hole until he leaves, but he won't leave until he sees fit.


    But I stress again, that's my opinion, and it's my choice not to protest.


    Your choice is completely different, and should be respected as equally.

  6. I admire your balls for the backlash you're about to recieve from some.


    I saw the press conference earlier, and he was indeed saying all the right things.


    But people's problem with Murray is that saying and doing the right hings are completely different.

  7. I appreciate you giving an opposing view, always good to see both sides.


    And to be completely honest, if come Christmas, Rangers.. Rangers for God's sake.. are in the bottom 6.. Then would the Le Guen supporters like myself truly have any legs to stand on? Doubtful.


    My main line of thinking is that we tried for so long to sign this man with a great pedigree, and like someone said earlier on, you don't become a bad manager overnight. There's a LOT of adjusting to be done in the first few months at a new club, let alone one in a new country, but that excuse will only get you so far.


    I really do believe that he's the right man to take us forward. But perhaps I'm just thinking that because it sickens me to the pit of my stomach that we were having these kind of conversations about McLeish no less than 6 months ago.


    As a Rangers fan, the talk of sacking a manager/who could come in should be a discussion that rarely takes place, and it propping up again so quickly just.. I dunno, hurts..

  8. Its not always easy to get your point across when you have to write. We should just forget the confussion on this thread and get back to the point.


    Totally correct. I hate that, many a time someone falls out with me on MSN or whatever because they think I'm being serious when infact I'm just a really sarcastic bugger, but you can't get stuff like that accross when typing either :D

  9. I didn't say "Fuck right off" in that post.


    I was referring back to my original post where I said it in relation to people protesting. Not telling the thread starter here to fuck right off, which is what he thought it implied and for that, and to you for the confusion, I apologise.


    I said it in my original post at the prospect of a protest, not to any one individual.

  10. He's not going to spend the money. Both he, Le Guen and even Ferguson have come out this week and said the money isn't there.


    We all know Murray won't spend, we won't change his mind, no sense wasting time and energy on it.


    And what was wrong with the post of mine you just quoted Lyn?

  11. Murray's made his mind up. He's selling up when the offer comes along, and we're no longer his top priority. If we ever were, that is.


    But the fact remains, we're not going to change his mind. We need to spend our energy supporting the team, not lambasting the Board.


    If we could generate a European night atmosphere every Saturday at Ibrox, it would help, I guarantee it.

  12. Fuck right off yourself and get you're facts straight you keyboardhardman the protest is to do with the way David Murray is running the club look on follow follow every other post is about it you tit.





    I pity keyboard hardmen, actually. And I find it a bit hypocritical that you're calling me one, when in fact you're "insulting" me.


    And I don't post/look on Follow Follow, so how am I supposed to know what it's about?


    Your post of "Anybody going" wasn't exactly filled with information or facts now, was it?

  13. Oh for fuck sake.


    Fuck right off.


    Protest? What you protesting for? The manager to be sacked after 10 weeks?


    That's not the Rangers way.


    We need to give Le Guen our full support. Murray has come out and said his piece today, now we just need to let the manager get on with it. A protest is the last fucking thing we need and anyone who attends should be ashamed of themselves.

  14. I think most people on here would agree 100%. Unfortunately we're just a small minority of the support.


    I'm glad you mentioned that actually.


    It should be noted that this rant wasn't aimed at anyone on here. For the most part, it seems my views on here are shared by the majority.

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