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About GovanAllan


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    Rangers, golf, my kids


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    Super Ally Davie Cooper Barry Ferguson

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  1. Watching them trying to hang their banner was the best bit of the day.
  2. The real Rangers men have to be careful, if somebody hadn't dealt with Whyte the club would be gone. So they can't just sit on top of their ivory tower shouting we wouldn't have spoke to Whyte and the fact you did makes you toxic. If all Green did was shaft Whyte to get him out of the picture I've no problem with that, but you can't hold that against him because somebody had to do it. It's a pity none of the Rangers men had the bottle to get their hands dirty.
  3. This was a good thread until The Titman comes out with his people like you shit again, what a plonker. I'm just thankful I'm not people like him.
  4. The irony still stands.
  5. Compared to yours a Green hater oh the Irony.
  6. That's the most sensible thing you've said in the few days. For that I thank you.
  7. Too much sense mate, some would have you on the pole next to Green for that, while thanking Whyte for bringing to their attention.
  8. The hysteria round all this is actually getting embarrassing.
  9. This was mildly crazy, then head honcho of The PCP comes out with Paul Murray had 25mill to recapitalize Rangers. Oh it did make me laugh.
  10. Surely it should be Whyte going to court to prove he's not lying.
  11. Great article DB. Have to say anyone reading your round up of the last year who doesn't know the story would surely believe it is a work of fiction.
  12. Hearts shares and accounts have been frozen may give them an excuse to delay. Heart of Midlothian owner Vladimir Romanovâ??s assets were frozen by a Lithuanian court, derailing any potential sale of the Scottish soccer club. The assets of Ukio Banko Investicine Grupe, or UBIG, through which Romanov controls 79 percent of Hearts in Edinburgh, were blocked yesterday in the course of a lawsuit against the Russian-born investor and his sister, Olga Goncaruk, Kaunas District Court said today on its website. â??Any sale or transferâ? of UBIGâ??s shares in Hearts or its other property â??is forbidden,â? Gintare Putnikiene, a spokeswoman for the court in Kaunas said by phone today. Several companies are suing Romanov and Goncaruk to recover â??large debtsâ? the two jointly undertook, Putnikiene said. Regulators in February closed Ukio Bankas AB (UKB1L), a Lithuanian lender that Romanov controlled and used to finance international sport, aluminum and real-estate projects. Foundation of Hearts, an Edinburgh-based supporters group, said on April 9 it was negotiating together with other fan associations to buy a majority of Hearts shares from UBIG. Besides UBIG assets, which include Heartsâ??s Tynecastle stadium in the west of the Scottish capital, the court said it also froze property belonging to Romanov and Goncaruk personally and to Birac Europe AB, a company they jointly own. The arrest order can be appealed within seven days, according to the courtâ??s statement. Speaking by phone to LNK television last night, Romanov said he wouldnâ??t comment on the courtâ??s decision until he had more information, according to a report on Vilnius-based LNKâ??s website. Officials at UBIG couldnâ??t be immediately reached by telephone at their office in Kaunas. mobile.bloomberg.com/news/2013-04-12/hearts-sale-plan-derailed-as-lithuania-freezes-romanov-s-assets.html
  13. Balanced article from the CRO more like it.
  14. Not if you want to live.
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