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Dragonfly Trumpeter

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Everything posted by Dragonfly Trumpeter

  1. Maybe he could go back to tv and we could get a straight swap and have Claire Balding as manager. She has as much qualifications for the job as McCoist had when he was gifted it. And one thing is for sure, she will not sell herself to the top man for a million penny shares or 30 pieces of silver. Way may have a job holding on to her if she is successful though, she will probably jump the dyke at the first opportunity.
  2. When FS has to put his name at the bottom
  3. At least his team won though
  4. I did read post #1, yes. That is why I asked the question I did.
  5. Are Greenco not still asking the same price as they were a year ago? What price are they asking now then since it is much less?
  6. I am sure the straits are neither too broad nor too narrow for you. Do you want my seat so you can take a mate with you? I have 2 together, so take both of them. It is not sad at all, never mind as sad as it gets. I am happy because I will be working and my seat is never empty. There is no better sponsor of the ****s than this idiot
  7. Good, I cannot make this. Even with my seat valid for it, I am happy
  8. Okay. I assumed it was Derby FC prices you quoted against the Rangers FC prices posted re stadium food, not street vendors.
  9. We had 3 against 1 ramapaging over the half way line yesterday and never even made it into the Hibs box. Absolutely shocking and normal. Our counter attacking play is very poor, as you would expect when it starts in our own box with all 11 players. I heard McCoist asked if he could put the subs in the box as well. Any goal we lose from a corner is generally because we get in each other's way.
  10. Big fat meal deals for £7, lesser meal deals for £6, kids meal deals cheaper.
  11. £3.70 for a burger or £4.00 for a double burger on our part of the concourse. Hope you got a lot of cheese for £1.10 I had the large, lol, passed on the cheese. Not a great burger but did the job @ the double.
  12. Yes, I am well aware of that and what BDO said at the time regarding that 'done deal' they were handed - to gain entry into the Football League, Newco and the Company agreed to waive any rights to this money, which was retained by the SPL. There were many other things happened long before BDO were appointed to handle the liquidation. I think they are looking in to some issues but perhaps none were criminal acts that oldco were victims of right enough.
  13. BDO perhaps, starting with a claim on the withheld prize money due to the creditors of oldco?
  14. Vertically challenged perhaps but, alas, not small. Being full of shit creates the farting problem, but that is not unique either.
  15. Commitment my backside, pure and utter greed. It cost about 50 quid more to fly so FS took the 18 hours behind the wheel option. And the name was inspired by Richard Dadd who, afaik, could not sing and was not homosexual Nice to meet you as well cb.
  16. For the size of company & turnover, he is ridiculously over paid. But we all know that. He is working for approx 3 times the going rate with a, ahem, discretionary 100% bonus for a reason.
  17. Why would they get shot of their golden goose? For a mere million penny shares and a fat salary, they bought his soul and the cash of his disciples. So inept, he is simply greedy, grateful to be in place and poses no threat to them. A perfect foil for his fellow corporate rapists.
  18. Not bizarre at all, section GR5 @ £22 a game ST and paper tickets bought for £21. This season, it has been addressed with the new pricing structure. Although our central B72 seats still require a few home cup games to be cheaper than MtoM. But McCoist is good for long cup runs, so....
  19. Last season all STs in our rsc were more expensive than match to match for the same section. It can only be a handful at most this season.
  20. Well you have lost me. We play Hibs at Ibrox before we play Hearts
  21. Got to agree with this. Last night was the wrong enviroment for a guy who has done a lot of good and a tremendous amount of work. A well set up bitch slapping by the beeb & the hag. At least it will be a lesson for next time.
  22. 7,932 posts and that may possibly be your worst. Incredible, I know.
  23. Not sure if it is legally to do with our current board. It was oldco so perhaps up to BDO and they certainly seem to know what they are doing so far. Depends on the conditions around the SFA playing licence / transfer thereof etc. I remember reading the rules at the time but would need to look at the terms of playing licence etc to see where the ball sits. I would certainly be more hopeful if it is up to BDO to fight the case though. They may even have funds to go after compensation now lol.
  24. The SFL may be wishing they formed a new company rather than maintaining the same one at the merger. They are wide open to the victims of crime here, their own rules stipulate that quite clearly. Should be squeaky bum time indeed.
  25. Your posts are distasteful, banging on about RST cover ups and Mr Dinnie in every thread whether it is required, relevant or just because you feel like it. How about giving us the details so we can judge your numerous posts regarding the RST and Mr Dinnie - and put the matter to bed. I am not an RST member and do not know Mr Dinnie but I think it is only fair you explain all this irrelevant bullshit we have to read time and again.
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