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Dragonfly Trumpeter

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Everything posted by Dragonfly Trumpeter

  1. Purely my interpretation of what is posted. And going by your last graphic, not wide of the mark. It tells us nothing. And like I said, I know the 2.375m shares was not a single transaction. And I have never used a proxy server on this site. And of course it is relevant.
  2. Unlike you, I have no info to chime in with. I merely asked that others who know better, and chimed in, explained what they meant to the ignorant amongst us. Okay, what is so wrong about Ralston's story? You were very adamant, so you must know. Is it the 72 hours purchase bit, the being part of the King etc consortium or is he not a friend of George Letham? And yes, I fully understand the 2.375m shares were not a single transaction. Btw, I am not posting from a proxy and have never hidden who I am on this site.
  3. Okay, I asked you in post #40 when this nice chap bought the other 2.9 odd% of RIFC that he holds. You have never answered apart from being a smart ass know it all. But now I understand that the heavy hitters on this messageboard also know it all, so it should be straightforward. Zappa agrees with you that Ralston is full of shit and Frankie agrees that the chap only recently bought 200k shares to tip him over the notification limit and he held the rest for yonks. Strange to sit on 2.9 odd for so long then gain noteriety but never mind. So, I only ask that the three wise men between them inform the ill-informed and ignorant amongst us when the 2.9 odd% was purchased. Thank you.
  4. Ok. You just stick to known facts and worries about histrionics. And be careful not to fall off your high horse when sticking it to other posters about some other insignificant shit.
  5. Ah triggered it, ok. Since you know everything about this, it is not a move by anyone and it is an insignificant pile of piss, when did this guy buy his other 2.9 odd% ? Give us some hard info rather than just putting down other posters. Share your obviously vast knowledge, some of us are not so fortunate as you.
  6. You and I are at opposite ends of the spectrum then. I was utterly disgusted and resigned from the inaugural membership scheme as soon as I heard BH was on the board.
  7. It was open as normal before the Hibs game. Like a lot of things down Ibrox way though, it maybe went into shutdown mode that evening...
  8. Was this before the infighting, the board wars and the spectacular self combust job? You would have had a director on the board by now - stunning. Like I said, there are many reasons the RST has failed in it's sole purpose. And continues to do so.
  9. Votes need not be proxied to anybody. The fans with shares simply need to be organised and vote properly, using there common sense. The support owns a good whack of RIFC and whilst little of it is controlled by the RST it needs to be harnessed. A cynic may say it would have more chance of being galvanised and all heading in the same direction if buyrangers did not exist. The RST, for many reasons, is toxic. That is why it has failed in it's whole raison d'etre - even when presented with an open goal.
  10. What a crock of shit. Far better for FO ownership that FS makes a 5 figure investment in shares rather than spending £125 to be part of a community.
  11. Never have I read such absolute pish in my life. "So far McCoist delivered the results that mattered". Start with Malmo and list them then, please. Is he only struggling now because he does not have 200 times the budget of the opposition? At least he is very wealthy due to his abject failure and dismal tenure. Good on you McCoist. Probably even knows his salary now as well.
  12. Looks like I will be out of the country that week. Bonus.
  13. I remember it well, a couple of weeks before McCoist sold his soul. Maybe like his fat salary every month, Mr McCoist had no idea he got a million shares for a penny. The pro Green change of heart and all the rest is purely coincidence. Either way, McCoist will not remember I suppose.
  14. They will get the required number and a fully under-written open share issue will happen soon. Then the fun will begin.
  15. The requisitioners did indeed fail and they did so totally of their own doing. Laughable that they did it to save 60k on an egm. They should not blame the support as such. I concur re sos / uof, they have done a tremendous job. Yet maybe thet have also been let down by the guys who are feeding, advising and supporting them. Plus ca change. We are in a worse place than ever. The 2 bit yorkie and his hidden, considerable sp.iv brain power? If that is truly the case, it says a lot about the requisitioners.
  16. I was merely highlighting that Ahmad needs to get the cash that was agreed for him when all the corporate rapists carved up our club. Not all have to take such drastic legal measures to continually rape the club . As for your point about executive control, I agree it was important, vital in fact.. However, the blame for that catastrophic failure lies solely with the requisitioners themselves. They had it done then cancelled everything and allowed the corporate rapists to re-group and fix the long delayed egm. Simple. These mega rich business superstars could not organise a piss up in a brewery and were out smarted by a 2 bit fat yorkie.
  17. Relax, very unlikely to happen, this paying for shares. This is just another way for the penny share brigade to continue raping our club. However they do it, they have to get their pound of flesh, even if the fat salary is no longer possible. At least some of the inept corporate rapists still get it every month without going to court though.
  18. This has nothing to do with the BK's or, indeed, Mr Bennet. But far from getting over it, it has never been as relevant as it is now. It is all about BH, his mind set, previous actions and his desire to get involved in the fans board - representing us. I mean, you would think his recent efforts to get to the top table at RangersFirst had failed or something so he needs another target. His RFC application was hilarious though. Far from shielding his shambolic, divisive and failed stints with the RST, SD etc he actually promotes them to 'support' his efforts to be a head honcho on a fans board. Personally, I voted for Claire Wallace in that category. I don't even know her, but simply because it was anyone but BH and her bio was not a joke:thinking:
  19. But they got permission to fuck about with people's data so relax, it is fine.
  20. All of us understand why we signed him, our manager simply does not have a scooby. Yet some still back him and all his ludicrous decisions because, despite repeated capitulations since day 1, he cracked 2 nuts with a sledgehammer.
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