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Dragonfly Trumpeter

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Everything posted by Dragonfly Trumpeter

  1. Haha, did you take a long time to think of that? I hope not. A blinder indeed....
  2. Might have been best to simply ignore the post then.
  3. When did they put the HofF board in the blue room?
  4. But they were clever enough not to replace you, weren't they? Killed the issue and any further meddling actions stone dead.
  5. Could not mention RF, even when asked directly. Which is nice.
  6. I can understand that you have never supported the Easdales, after all they are nothing. But you have very publicly back the lamb + the leech, and they are simply doing master Mike's bidding in dismantling our football club and stealing every revenue stream we have. You have been very clear with that. You also do not want King nor any of his Rangers minded colleagues on the board or anywhere near our club, you would rather keep the disgusting parasitic thieves already in place. A tough cookie my arse, the meek lamb is a cheap whore servicing his pimp's requirements. Continue cost reduction, ha ha. At least we know where your vote went and I do admire you sticking up for those you believe in.
  7. I have been in touch with Greg about a few things recently but I know he will see it on here. And as I said, these things are not a priority atm for RF.
  8. All they need to do now is update their website. Not for the shareholding change, because it is not there, but all the rest of it. Currently, it gives a very bad impression. I know it is not a priority and the volunteers will be very busy, but, imo, the front page sends out the wrong vibes: EGM UPDATE Latest News Rangers First – latest update: The keenly awaited EGM is to be held in a hotel in London on the 4th of March. Rangers First spokesman said this afternoon, " The board of Rangers FC and the NOMAD WH Ireland appear to have set this up to make voting as awkward as possible especially for the small share holders, many of who are Rangers Fans. Rangers First are pleased to announce that we will have a number of drop in centres available for people who need help in completing voting forms or if they would like to proxy their shares to Rangers First. We will be delighted to help any shareholders be they Rangers First members or not as it is important that as many votes are cast in this process as possible, you can also email shares@rangersfirst.com for info” Drop in centres will be available in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirlingshire & North West England with other venues to be announced. If any member is struggling to attend then we will do our best to arrange a home visit. This is a critical vote for the future of our club and we encourage everyone to find a way to exercise their vote.”
  9. I see RF passed the 12k mark earlier this evening. Along with the earlier RST move, it makes it another fantastic day for and effort by the Rangers supporters. Well done to all.
  10. I agree re normal employment tribunals, but think in the case of BL it would be more than relevant. The references will simply have to be wider, For many obvious reasons which are transparent and at the forefront of most RIFC board decisions since he was appointed by his long term sugar daddy and boss. But personally,I doubt MA and BL would want their previous nor current shenanigans discussed and dissected at any tribunal. Fwiw, I think he will resign before he is voted off the board anyway.
  11. If they have no connection whilst owning 20% of the company, how many more shares do you think they would need to buy to be connected?
  12. Craig Whyte may well have a fortune. Then again he may well be on the bone of his arse. And perhaps it was coincidental that he changed the name of Wavetower to Rangers FC group as soon as he had control. Or perhaps he had some obscure reason, regardless of RFC's debt during his tenure rising by an amount very similar to our total expenditure. Or it may have been as simple as RFC having very few revenue streams. Rangers FC or Rangers FC group, I am all confused. BDO will no doubt manage to confirm in due course.
  13. So Mr Harris likes Ashely's control regime and does not want King, Murray or Gilligan on board, so what?
  14. The Highlands? Hamish who?
  15. It is not becoming a joke, they have been like that for years. This is just the latest example of their petty squabbling and blinkered viewpoint. Absolutely pathetic and an embarrassment. They allow their host to have scumtic adverts on their site but, heavens above, don't mention the biggest fans group anywhere. Democratic and tolerant of all kinds - apart from fellow Rangers fans. Well done FF & RST
  16. Well well, what a surprise. Not. Who needs enemies.
  17. Well done Rangers First. Good to see and long may it continue. I did see this article posted elsewhere for a nano second the other day. Pity FF have decided to delete any mention of you on the RST's propoganda site. Open to all, apart from some of our own. They do keep reminding us they are political though.
  18. It absolutely makes sense to me however I do understand most site users will vote in the poll. Maybe new members should not be accepted until the vote is closed though:whistle: I did purchase some shares a few weeks back mind you and will, of course, be utilising my rights with them.
  19. I will not vote because I never contributed. Which is, imo, correct. And also, the poll threads are a clusterfuck.
  20. Really? Where could King have sourced the 15% of shares from last year? And the 3 bears their holding? I shudder to think how long it took them all to be able to make this happen.
  21. Mr Glass's idea was excellent. A massive failure early doors yet it deserved to go places.
  22. Many in our support live in glass houses and some among those who shout the loudest were Green's biggest fans and financial backers. Yet conveniently forgotten and never mentioned. Strange, not.
  23. Hence the smiley in my post. I simply wanted to acknowledge the wee bit of progress off field, Sorry.
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