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Dragonfly Trumpeter

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Everything posted by Dragonfly Trumpeter

  1. Okay, so in my 2 posts that you quoted and replied to (and mentioned the lies / liars), can you show me where I said anything like it please? You can ignore my 3rd post, where I definitely suggested Green was a liar. But then again, he admitted it himself.
  2. You explained to Frankie that you quoted and replied 'Lock-in period?' to me because there was no lie involved, Now you have quoted me again and said he has not lied to anyone. I simply asked you to explain why Green's shares were out with Easdale's reach and, in response, what lock-in you were talking about. So who did I say was lying? Also, and no doubt coincidentally, Cenkos have long since left the building. This thread has been going a mere 3 days. So no need to dig up any of Green's, ahem, earlier agreements is there? Anyway, why would anyone believe what Green said about his intentions to sell shares? So, since you are obsessed with nobody telling lies, how come so many people believe Green saying he met Whyte one time was simply a Fruedian slip and he really meant to say 401 times?
  3. What lock in period? Even the original Cenkos deal allowed for get out clauses. Like if Green's granny had the flu or such like.
  4. This common knowledge, that Easdale cannot get Green's 1p shares until december or the like, why would that be? Just asking.
  5. Amongst his first utterances was that he was working for free, I liked that too:tu: Probably his first lie during his short tenure also, alas.
  6. Just my humble opinion of the Chucky chap, based purely on his actions and treatment of our club for huge personal gain. You, on the other hand, probably judge him by his words. Fair enough.
  7. Okay, can you show me the the proof that Rangers FC plc and not the Murray Group paid the funds into the ebt please? Edit: Just seen that a reply will not be forthcoming soon
  8. The prick wants out, completely, not back in. He is simply trying to get some shekels for his 1p a go shareholding. Not proving as easy for him as he thought. Which is nice.
  9. Not true, Rangers never had 'our own ebt scheme'. But though I hate what Murray has done, he was quite right to demand an enquiry into the leaking of the information, nothing bold about it. Bold, on the other hand, is you stating as fact on Gersnet that he trousered £6m as an ebt beneficiary - funded by Rangers and not the Murray Group. I hope you can back it up.
  10. Who paid the money into the ebt?
  11. How much did the shed loads amount to?
  12. Rangers should have resisted all friday football not just Ibrox games because it is a pile of steaming horse shit. It has nothing to do with getting 2 to 6k Bears from the local area to attend a friday night game in Airdrie. It is exactly the same scenario as Ibrox so I don't understand why you feel it is okay to do it for an away game. You made your own point with 50odd thousand, half days and travelling. Suggesting that fans put up with it on a friday away day because 2 - 6k local bears will fill the ground and pay the wee team is ridiculous. Satisfy the tele enthusiasts yet penalise the hard core of our own support if they want to see the Rangers?
  13. Flansburgh and Linnell as cameramen, that would be a coup
  14. Except we sold 31,000 season tickets before todays double whammy
  15. Are they shy of right midfielders?
  16. To be honest, that is hilarious. As an aside, of course.
  17. Ignoring the wet dreams of 3 names, Fullerton and their ilk is exactly why we are in the position we are today. The scum were goosed, toiling with over £30m of debt when you add Lennoxtown, preference shares etc to their shambolic company. And they could not shift our grasp on the title even as Walter worked with one hand tied behind his back and hopping on one leg. But their plan was working. We watched as Dr Death employed the CE of the SFA & the SPL to work soley against us. We continued to ignore all of them and stick our head in the pit. And it all came together in the end and they now have a free run at the title and any financial benefits attached for at least a 5 year period. Job done, scum saved and we are where we are. Your divine revelation never came into it. But you are correct, let us forget about this cenkos stuff and the crap being peddled about them and the speculation that they are not happy with the goings on with zeus and are using the excuse of Easdale to cut their ties. Unless it appears on the LSE RIFC announcements.
  18. Maybe they have finally seen who they are really dealing with. Very interesting if they dump RIFC.
  19. It is not McCoist's fault, he is simply following the idiocy of what happened with him. The appointment of McCoist himself was a complete disaster, jobs for the boys of the highest order. An inept manager with no experience who is performing true to pedigree sadly. So it is no surprise that he has a massive and highly paid team around him to share the blame for the abject failures in the lower leagues. Takes the heat off him. I mean, when you lose to an outfit with a management team consisting of one man and his budgie, you have to blame someone. So McCoist tried to outdo his own jobs for the boys scenario in order to spread the blame. Good job for the budgie that they won though. The man was away on holiday that week, budgie pressure was high. But, going solo, the budgie delivered. Must have been the resources and facilities to hand.
  20. RANGERS captain Lee McCulloch will be ready, really? I hope he never kicks another ball for Rangers.
  21. Don't forget to add on company nic. Makes him a tad more expensive.
  22. I agree, absolutely.
  23. I know it has not been on until now, and I am certainly not suggesting it is a conspiracy. And I clearly said it was deleted from FF for being anti Jig. Conspiracy would be something like admin backing up crap posted on the site by lying regarding posters use of proxy servers etc:) Asides from that kind of shit I agree that this site is very well moderated
  24. Rubbish. There is 'Gersnet' run strictly by admin, who pull what they don't like regularly. If it does not suit their agenda, it is pulled so no comments on it are allowed. It was also on FF as well, but got pulled because it is anti Jig. Interesting that Jig has denied it on twitter, totally at odds with what people involved with the SF club / narsa are saying.
  25. Been said by a few people involved that Jig accepted the invite but wouldn't go unless they paid for his brother as well. And Jig wasn't there. If that is true, it should be out there. If Gersnet want to ignore that, fair enough. They are wrong, and it is nothing to do with attacking anyone. No need for an angel smiley. Maybe Gersent should have been told earlier and they could have paid for the McC bros tickets. Times must be hard for poor Jig.
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