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Dragonfly Trumpeter

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Everything posted by Dragonfly Trumpeter

  1. BH knows fine he is doing it. Why should shorerdbear remove a post that hits the nail on the head on so many points re RF and BH? The horrible cunt remark was perhaps a bit strong for a messageboard but I am sure BH has been called worse. And lets face it, he has tried hard to get such a response. BH may well be more pleased at this reaction today than with his own diabolical treatment of Rangers fans in the past. In fact, he is probably sitting now with his dick in one hand + mobile in the other, phoning DK's mammy to tell her that DK is not capable of running the family empire and having an interest in Rangers so can he kindly piss off and leave the RF chaps to do as they like.
  2. I will ask George Letham at the game tomorrow for an update to the situation.
  3. stb, is Bill holding the other end of the banner with you tomorrow
  4. And there you have it in a nutshell. But I can see why many think that is a plus. Personally, I have seen how some at the forefront of BR are with fans / investors / their shares and it is not for me. BH's treatment of a guy who wanted to invest heavily in our club and prevent the car crash catastrophe that was Greenco is up there as well mind you.
  5. I did say I would buy shares when DK facilitated change. That will be a further issue. The power in shares lies in how you vote, buying them as a collective means rap all. As long as they are bought.
  6. It has got bugger all to do with self interest. What a condescending pile of pish. I will buy shares when there is a further share issue to be a part of our club and vote as I like. That certainly does not stop me supporting any fans initiative if I agree with it. If you invest and have shares you have a vote. Unless, of course, you invest and have no say, because some egotistical chap will make up your mind for you. My old man was not blessed with height, so I cannot enter into a pathetic 'my dad is bigger than your dad' pissing contest with RF or BR. Bigger and possibly better you say? Correct, possibly.
  7. I was a shareholder in oldco for as long as I can remember. It was difficult not to buy ipo shares, even after realising early on what Greenco were about. I look forward to once again being a shareholder in our club when DK facilitates change. And this thread, if nothing else, has shown it is much better to be a fan owning shares than subscribing to RF or BR. Pathetic stuff.
  8. That is simply stunning. King reminds you of Whyte. Now I understand why you are backing Wallace and the spivs.
  9. Fillet lines and packing lines, no phone lines. A few Kaunas fans though
  10. I work in a fish factory, the price of fish is more important than this drivel
  11. Fan onwership may work, but absolutely not the way it does in Spain.
  12. I am astonished that people can find the time for such issues and meetings. Well done all concerned. How folk can do all that, keep up a full time job 100% and have a life is incredible. And all to save the Rangers. Stirring stuff.
  13. I knew there were folk who liked to cause us grief. Stitched up Gers men who wanted to invest a couple of million in the club, hassle the sfa about other would be investors and generally keep banging on about the club in a negative light to all and sundry. I always imagined it was green & grey chaps, on the blower to their pal Regan, nokia in one hand and dick in the other, furiously squashing their eyes closer together. Strange old game this footie.
  14. Where did I say he should take a pay cut? I simply said that we are being asked by the manager, again, to fund the financial raping of the club. I also mentioned the 1p shares that McCoist took, the day he sold his soul. Not his smartest move. But you are correct, why should he not line his pockets when his fellow penny shares pals, Green etc, also got a fat salary. There is certainly a common denominator to be seen. Fwiw, £690,000 of equity denied to the club is equivalent to a lot of these STs we are being asked to continue digging deep for.
  15. Alistair with the begging bowl out. A bit like he had when the 1p shares were being dished out, perhaps? Not forgetting the fat salary he never realised he got every month. Some people are financially raping Rangers and some are being asked to cough up again. Do as you say, not as you do and everybody is happy, eh Alistair?
  16. Mr MCoist is a supporter just the same as the rest of us I feel better already
  17. No, not at all. But Jack is a bit easier to read, black and white even.
  18. Jack Irvine certainly is full of anti-Rangers bias. He is working purely for the parasites and their short term gain. Not so sure about your 2nd point, at least one or two employed by the record are fighting for the long term good of the institution that is Rangers Football Club.
  19. Over estimating a man who was in a position of massive power and influence? From being able to pick up the phone and get hold of any person in the government immediately, sorting a few issues with hmrc, a toytown bank in virtual goverment ownership and the various football authorities in our parochial wee shit hole would be a 60 second walk in the park. We, on the other hand, cannot make contact with a local mp.
  20. They couldn't beat dear old Walter, a manager with no money, one hand tied behind his back and hopping on his weaker leg. Yet the titles kept coming. If anybody seriously thinks that Reid's firm and bhoys network getting Regan, donkey ect in position, the ancilliary back up in place, Harper etc doing all the legals, Manus and his buddies at LBG hard at it and all the other coincidences in line at the correct time was not a grand plan, they are deluded. They absolutely needed us out of the way, I agree 100%. The bitterest pill is that 'our' lot aided them greatly.
  21. I believe Ticketus are not even on the creditors list. The guys due the vat + paye are high up on it though. The FTT is irrelevant.
  22. Seems the guys under 24 are youngsters now
  23. In fairness to Templeton, he has more than earned it.....
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