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Dragonfly Trumpeter

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Everything posted by Dragonfly Trumpeter

  1. Of course they have, companies act 2006, section 229. Why do you think they are scrambling after plod asked?
  2. No surprise that you 2 guys are in full support of the board and damning the ordinary shareholder in this instance. The disrepute and bad publicity here was caused only by the law breakers. Which, whilst not surprising, is nearly as sad as those who condone it
  3. Your first question, "how have they broken the law ?" They broke the law, yes. An investor and shareholder in the RIFC plc asked to see the directors contracts as laid down in section 229 of the companies act. Absolutely 100% within his rights and 100% entitled to see them. They have to be available at the registered office for company members to inspect. They told him to fuck off. That renders the rest of your post irrelevant.
  4. Are you for real? That has been tried, hence where we are today. I will ignore the un-highlighted part of your post. It is staggering. The deceitful bunch of charlatans at our club think they are above the law and continually act as though they are above it. Never mind a down market red top, this should be top story on sky news and the financial times. Perhaps you should petition parliament to change the law?
  5. Fan forces Gers board climbdown, has someone been challenging or calling out our nice director chaps?
  6. 4 months down the line after he sees the relevant detail, he should then clarify the position then. Not perpetuate the lies with deflection and denial. The big boy did it and ran away does not wash. He could have asked his director buddy Easdale about it, he was there at the time. I know what a CEO's job is, thanks. At least RFC is just a small company to be CEO of, no wonder the CEO is hanging on like grim death for his salary and bonus.
  7. To be fair, Wallace made the statement. Absolutely not Stockbridge.
  8. So he lied and blamed somebody else then? Fitting in well I see.
  9. Then it would have been wise of him not to comment when he did not know. Why say we had enough money to last the season? No one but himself to blame. That in itself tells you all you need to know about the guy. He said what he did because he is picking up a fat wedge to do so. Like all the puppets before him.
  10. Are you serious with this? He is not being chased out anyway. He is working his ticket, it started at the agm. We have enough money to see out the season. The speculation re fans delaying buying season tickets cost us our cc mandate. No need to fill in the gaps, yet you think he is doing good work? Wow.
  11. Never a truer word spoken. But you would not think it going by Sandy Easdale. Then again, he just likes to divulge share sensitive, boardroom discussion even though he is not even on the board. Strange, eh? Btw, I do not suspect legal action at all. The truth is hard to condemn. Sarcasm is not my strongest point.
  12. It is okay, the board will sue them. So no need for the dear oh dear. Assuming, of course, that the statement is full of lies.
  13. Yes, I agreed with you that they would not give the fans security over anything for their £12 million, up front, loan.
  14. You seriously think that the CEO lying publicly and blaming other influences for the CC decision that was made before any hint of ST payments only dents his credibility? And that we should continue to throw money directly at him and his puppet masters is actually better? Then yes, I do think that is quite unbelievable tbh. It is as clear as day that the CEO asking players to take a wage cut and presiding over a massive 18 month cash blow is the reason.
  15. I don't even see it as a postponement. Why do you think Mr Easdale got security on his £500k facility yet £12 million should not be secured? Regardless, I think the board will offer Ibrox as security when push comes to shove. To one of their own prior to them pulling the plug. And yes, I know they, along with you, will blame the fans.
  16. You may have a point. They want security for a £500k facility of their own but are lying through their teeth and want a free, up front and unsecured £12 million plus from you, I and a few more. I wonder why. Even the non-director commenting on the club, giving out share sensitive information, financial detail and worse, chose his words carefully.
  17. What a picture to post, gave me the boak. Surely a few words, if you really felt it worthwhile, about the tarrier top would have been more than enough to make the point. The picture is a bit out of place imo, in fact it has no place on this forum.
  18. I have 4 renewal papers lying beside my pc just now - total renewal cost is £2,448, plus an extra 20 quid if want to pay by card over the phone. I don't think so, very likely none will be renewed.
  19. How about if I lie with impunity, is that okay? Interesting comments re Mr Bennett. Alternative but also very interesting version. You lied. Care to browse your posts? http://www.gersnetonline.co.uk/vb/sh...(Blue-Knights) http://www.gersnetonline.co.uk/vb/sh...hts-Consortium Finally, I cannot see why you are backing to the hilt the guys who burned the £50 million. But I have an idea. I hope you get everything they have promised you, make sure the chest size is okay on the blazer. How is your RangersFirst foray going btw? You have a nice night also.
  20. Did you not see the statement? The fans drip feeding the ST, even though we only play a game every fortnight or so, would create problems re a going concern. In fairness, he never mentioned the non transparent, in house, undetailed £50m cash burn. Lawyers letters re Hearts? They sold STs for 2013/14, spent the dosh then went into administration long before the season even started. That is a fact. You will be telling me next they were not trading whilst insolvent immediately prior to that? Was it a surprise that the SFA/SPL rules and set up were changed to finish the season early and Hearts ran out of cash officaily the next day? No relegation, admin deduction this season in the top flight instead? Purely coincidence, not in cahoots though. No problem for Frankie's inbox. But fair enough if he wants to pull the post You stick to hassling hnw Gers men. Have you nailed DK yet? Mind you, you lied about the Bennett contact the other day and FS had to post a link to your own posts. So don't bother answering.
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