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Everything posted by Darthter

  1. Dorin Goian....scares his own shadow...
  2. I'm sure I heard/read a quote from Coisty saying that with so many attack-minded players in the squad now, it would be stupid not to attack.... Long may it continue....
  3. I think folk are quietly basking in the glory..... It was a fantastic match & A great advert for Scottish football.
  4. I read that, but nothing else. I'm sure the trial is due to end about now.
  5. Anyone know the latest with the Argentinian trialist????
  6. Definately..... From what I have seen of him so far....he appears to like to get stuck right in & could REALLY annoy the opposition!!!
  7. ...and quite right too.... At the moment, the club is spending considerably more that its making. Until the expenditure is decreased, ploughing more money in is simply a waste - it may make things look better in the short term, but disastrous in the long term.
  8. Is that not the official spending policy now???
  9. What position did Kerkar play???? From the line up, it looks like he was @ left back - I thought he was a winger???
  10. At least the Judge is a True Rangers man..... Bain goes in asking for £900,000 to be frozen......the judge offers £480,000!!!! He's obviously been involved in recent transfer activity...
  11. Lets be quite honest.....there is no attraction of Euro football!!! This was clearly evident in some of the targets we pursued before getting knocked out!! We were touting the Euro footie thing yet players opted for alternative teams with no chance of trophies or Euro footie....but more dosh on the table.
  12. Just seen the announcement that ex-player Derek Grierson has passed away....he was my Maths teacher @ Williamwood HS
  13. but you did say "The idea that more/longer always = better is false."....which IMHO implies that the current training is enough, and that they wouldn't get any benefit from longer or more training.
  14. So training for a few hours in the morning is enough??? I have noticed when people are talking about top players, a common point that's mentioned is that you normally find them out on the training ground practising after everyone else has gone!!! That's what sets the absolute elite apart from the very good - they put in that extra amount of effort/training. The extra training needs to be VERY focused, and not simply having a kick about. It should be about honing and improving individual parts of a players game.
  15. Looking at the team for today...looks like Bedoya doesn't even make the bench???? http://www.rangers.co.uk/articles/20110910/laff-leads-the-line_2254024_2446529 Would like to have seen him in action. :sw: :dg: :kb: :sn: :sd: :me: :jmo: :gw: :kl: Bench: Alexander, McKay, McCulloch, Kerkar, Perry, Fleck, Healy.
  16. If you want to be the best......you have to train harder, longer and BETTER than the rest. Fitness: if your players can't last the entire game at full pelt, they are useless. Ball control: if your players can't keep the ball under control, they are useless. Goal scoring: If your players can't put the ball in the net, they are useless. I have always maintained that footballers get it too easy. Nothing wrong in doing fitness work in the morning, then specific training in the afternoon - ball skills, passing, crossing, finishing. This doesn't just need to be out on the field. Using classroom time as well to allow the analysis of different games (Rangers & other), to see how better teams play. use video to demonstrate to the players how they should be doing it, then get them out on the park to do it. I think one of the biggest problems we have ATM is poor positional awareness. Players all too often make a pass, then stop!! Its as if they have done their bit, and now its someone else's turn. OR.....they make their pass then move into a position which takes them out of the game - as demonstrated perfectly by Whittaker last week for Scotland. If you watch Barca.....whenever a player has the ball he usually has at least 2 passing options within 10-15 yards. This doesn't happen with us, which only leaves a long pass across the pitch. As for the risk of more injuries.....don't buy it. If excessive numbers of players are getting injured during training, something is wrong!!! They are supposed to be Professional athletes FFS. Also, the extra sessions don't need to be overly physical - more focused, specific & technical.
  17. It shouldn't be a case of when will we hear about it......it should be more WHY are we hearing about it!!! IMHO, this is a matter for behind closed doors, yet again though, it has found its way into the public domain. This isn't a matter for fans to debate/discuss etc.....it should be a matter of day-to-day dealing for the club.
  18. I think Naismith SHOULD play on Sunday....just not the whole game - 45min tops. Enough to keep him sharp & hungry, but also enough to allow him a bit of a break. I think Coisty needs to be firm....he has taken a knock and played 2 full international games since then. He needs time for the injury (in whatever capacity) to heal. He could play the next doz. games while taking painkillers.....then finds out he's crocked for the season - don't want that to happen!!!
  19. I think we are!!! I would have him on the bench, but make sure he plays at some point to give him a wee run out. As other have stated, this would be purely to give his injury a wee break.
  20. You could play with Davis/Bedoya/McKay in mid, with Naismith/Wilde out wide....
  21. McKay is quoted in the Record as saying he can play anywhere on the left....so possibly Davis/Bedoya in the middle with Naismith/McKay out wide
  22. That's also something that's a problem....with rumours/facts/information all flying about from a number of varying sources, it becomes VERY difficult to determine what's official and what's not!!!
  23. From my understanding, a lot of the info is available to the public.....its just in previous years, the vast majority wouldn't know how to access it, or have any desire to go looking for it!!!
  24. with technology over the last few years, it has made it soooo much easier to get "facts" into the public domain....whether that be from the media, sources within the club, or fans. Information about the recent mortgaging off of assets.....does this happen at other clubs/companies??? I for one can't answer that, but the fact that scans have been published, is enough for fans with no knowledge of what they are, or what they are about, to form opinions, and "facts" about what is happening at the club. In years gone by, would the fans even have known about anything like that????
  25. Been thinking about events @ Gers over the past 12 months (ish...) Given the number of available media streams - forums, facebook, twitter etc, is there simply too much information available??? Transfer talk is a good example.....recently the amount of "information" about possible transfers has been fairly overwhelming. In previous years how many of these transfer targets would have been known to the public domain??? Now, with the internet/facebook etc, the rumours and at times complete mis-information spreads like wildfire and can quickly become "fact". The financial stuff as well....normal folk can access information from the Stock Exchange or companies house, without actually knowing what it is...this then gets spread around at an alarming rate on knots. While this has always been the case, it was never as easy to do, and yer average fan would have no interest in contacting Companies house to find out if there is anything new...a few clicks with the mouse, and recent transactions/publications can be displayed. The overall result is that all the clubs business is being played out in public - not the best thing to happen. So, is too much information a good or a bad thing???? Discuss....
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