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Everything posted by Darthter

  1. My personal opinion is that if he IS found guilty by the courts, the club should take the hard line and get shot ASAP. Certain groups feel that this is a problem within the club, and I get the impression that some feel that the club isn't doing enough. If Adam is found guilty of a sectarian breach, and the club get shot of him, they can at least turn round and say that an issue had arisen, and dealt with. Could Celtic say the same about last years Poppy embarrassment or any of the reports of their fans sectarian behaviour???
  2. In fairness to Bedoya, Ortiz & McKay.....they haven't really been given the chance in the 1st team. I do feel that Wylde has stepped up in recent weeks, and find it kinda strange that he's been dropped in favour of Papc. However, it is the perfect opportunity for these guys to really stake a claim for a 1st team start - especially Bedoya & Ortiz since they are both right-sided players.
  3. That's why I thought they might have been additional medals commissioned by the club. Otherwise, I don't see how they could be deemed an asset to the club. I am guessing whoever wins the league doesn't have to pay for the medals....
  4. it deflects attention away from them...plain & simple. Back page of the Record today....majority of the page is about the the Gers & the SPL medals - only a wee bit about them dropping points. In a footballing sense, I would have thought that the Bhoys dropping 12 points behind the leaders, and 3 pts behind 2nd place was fairly major news!!!
  5. What I'm confused about.... Are these the medals presented to the players by the SPL for winning the league, or are they additional ones commissioned by RFC for their players???? If they are medals from the SPL for the players, how can they then be deemed as assets of the club???
  6. Is that not AFTER the tax case has been heard. I was referring to voluntary administration, before the case is heard ie. CW's parent company forces the club into Administration before HMRC does....
  7. Could it not be the case that CW's parent company, which holds the current debts, could effectively demand payment now. The club wouldn't be able to pay and therefore go into administration.
  8. I think its too early to start heralding him as a legend.... There is no doubt he has quality, but he needs to prove it over the long term to become a legend IMHO. Banging in a few goals over the course of 1 full season, shows he's good.....doing it every season over a number of years would get him to legend status.
  9. Don't believe a license is required to watch iplayer etc, coz its not a live transmission.....to watch things live, you require a license.
  10. but not to the same extend as STV for example. Commercial channels generate revenue based on advertising.....the higher the viewing figures, the more they can charge for the advertising space/time. Low viewing figures = lower advertising charges = less profit. The BBC on the other hand, rely on viewers (by law I believe, if you wish to watch LIVE TV) paying a set fee each year. Strictly Come Dancing dropping from 10m viewers per week to 1m, isn't going to impact the BBC revenue....the show would just get cancelled and something else would appear in its place.
  11. Whether you watch BBC or not...you still need to pay the license fee....
  12. read this in the paper today......click here
  13. Don't start that....I can see the headlines - "Monarchy biased against us - Celtic's concern" The story will no doubt start...."Paul McBride QC commented yesterday....."
  14. From what we've seen of Bartley....he appears to be good, but rather injury prone. Therefore, how effective is he REALLY gonna be later on in the season?? Not gonna help if he plays one, then sits out 10 through injury....
  15. could this be it: http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/employers/employee-benefit-trusts.htm
  16. Most likely someone wanting to make a fast buck.....register the logical names, then sell them back to CW if required for a tidy profit. Happens a lot with internet domain names.
  17. need to go into administration 1st....lets not jump the gun!!!
  18. do you think last years shameful actions will get mentioned along with their "generous" donation this year - obviously not!!!!
  19. A generation of Dominance......100% correct!!!! Nobody has dominated 2nd place as well as they have over the last 3 seasons.....Motherwell obviously challenging that domination this season...
  20. It may just be me....but that article sounds like proper journalism to me??? Wouldn't do some of the other "journalists" any arm to have a read....
  21. They really haven't grasped the concept of consistency have they??? Obviously we're doing something wrong in having a settled first 11....maybe we should start using the 'tic tactic of changing the defense about every week and conceding numerous goals.....this consistency lark just isn't working!!!
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