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Everything posted by Darthter

  1. What if this whole situation has been carefully orchestrated in order to free the club of debt and avoid paying the big tax bill???? If that was the case, and it could be proved, what would be the outcome then. Surely it would become a criminal case, with those responsible in the dock accused of tax evasion amongst other things....
  2. Darthter


    No harm in giving it a shot....still 2 OF games - there's a potential 6 points straight away!!! Administration or not, we still need to give everything on the pitch, and hope the "other lot" drop points.
  3. Sometimes surrender is the only option in order to fight another day.....
  4. If the tax result is nigh, it's probably the best time for this to happen. As I understand it, at present we don't owe HMRC anything for the Bog case - coz it's not been decided yet. Therefore, if we don't owe them anything, they form no part of a CVA. However, if the Tax case went against us, we would owe them a lot, and any CVA would be near on impossible to agree.....
  5. Trying to play Devils advocate.....maybe this is the last resort!!! (but then again....maybe this was the plan all along...)
  6. Gordon Smith??? but he's obviously too busy doing his other...."stuff"
  7. WHO??? The club had been for sale for years, with nobody willing to take it on. Whyte DID take it on, and only time will tell if it will work out. At the moment there appears to be a helluva lot going against Mr Whyte, but in the face of that, his comments about where the club is going haven't changed.
  8. Why do the media still insist that the Ticketus money if £24.4m....when Whyte has stated its nearer £20m??? Is anyone REALLY surprised about King getting the chop/leaving/resigning (what ever the truth is...)??? He was the last remnant of the previous board, which Whyte has made it clear, by previous dismissals, he wants rid of completely. Maybe King lasted longer either due to his Stake holding, or that fact that he wasn't really involved in the normal running of thing - a somewhat silent director....
  9. Does it REALLY matter which company it is??? I'm sure checks would have been made before completing the deal to ensure coverage!!!
  10. not exactly the most prolific scorer either (according to Wikipedia...) - 11 goals in 28 appearances for the Gers last time. Not a bad record, but not outstanding. Years..............Team...............Apps†.....(Gls)† 1997–1998 ....Martigues..............36.........(5) 1998–2000 ..Chamois Niortais......46.........(5) 2000–2004 ....Le Mans ...............129.......(44) 2004–2007 ....RC Lens ...............101.......(26) 2007–2008 ....Rangers ................28........(11) 2008–2010 ....Hull City.................30........(4) 2010 → .........Larissa (loan).........9.........(2) 2010–2011 ....Larissa..................27.........(6)
  11. No I am the 1st to admit that I have a very poor understanding of financial matters....so these are my thoughts on the Ticketus deal & takeover funding.... CW has stated that the £20m from Ticketus was secured against one of his companies, rather than RFC. If the deal was concluded before the takeover (according to P Murray's info), then this would make sense. Why would ticketus handover £20m to someone, secured on something that they don't own? My thoughts are that CW secured the "loan" against his company - as an agreement independent of RFC, but then plans to use the season ticket monies for the actual repayment of the loan. In effect, he has ring-fenced the season ticket money himself to cover the load repayments. It could be possible that the original loan could then have been transferred to RFC after the takeover was completed. Alternatively, the original loan could stay with CW's company, which would then increase his position as Secured Creditor in the event of administration. just some thoughts that are probably wrong....
  12. it does appear rather strange that AJ is taking such a vocal stance against CW.....'specially since he has no other connection with the club other than being a "fan" (I use that term VERY loosely) Where were the calls for investigations, when he was still in charge???
  13. at the very least, he kept a promise.....
  14. Whether its racism, bigotry or something else....its wrong, and he should be held accountable for it!!!
  15. Must admit...it wasn't a term I had heard before. My first instinct was that it was a lot of fuss over nothing. However when then article explained the meaning, I was pretty surprised. It's clear that he can no longer maintain his position!!! but then again, is it still classed a racism when it refers to someone of the same race etc???
  16. Can we win??? Yes.....but the big question should be "will we win???" I believe the team has the talent/quality required to win, but will they be able to perform as well as required in order to win???
  17. Broadfoot, while not the classiest....he is at least an experienced RB - unlike bartley!!!
  18. They way I read the story, it was simply Mr Whyte showing support for his mates project...not cash involved - only a letter of support to the council!!! Complete no-story!!! God help us if Mr Whyte has a son, who plays for his school/cub/scout/pub team - Rangers will be linked with them as well!!!
  19. is that not just a stock article, with the opposition team changed to suit??? How many times this season has "the hard work" had to start??? Never mind publishing articles on it - prove it on the pitch!!! (and not just for one game!!!)
  20. How about practising passing the ball & keeping possession???? At times there appears to be a distinct lack of the basics - you pass to a team mate, not the other team!!!
  21. I am not one for advocating sacking the manager, but if McCoist goes, Durrant & McDowell should follow. I feel that a fresh & experienced approach is required. Even bringing in another experienced 1st team coach to work along side the current team, who has some fresh idea with regard to training & tactics would be of benefit!!!
  22. I disagree!!! Now is the perfect time to judge ANY manager. Some managers are excellent, only when they have funds available to them, others excellent in ANY conditions...
  23. I don't think financial backing is a nesesity at the moment. The players we have should be more that capable of playing to a decent standard - how many of the main squad are regular internationals?
  24. did he not state in the circular that if the club was still operational a certian number of days (possibly 60) after the tax result, that the debt would then be cleared??
  25. In YOUR opinion, what needs to change within the playing side in order to get back to winning ways??? - Attitude adjustment?? - Training changes?? - Personnel changes?? - Squad re-shuffle?? - tactical changes?? I believe that we actually have a decent squad of players, with some good quality there - and they have shown glimpses of this throughout the season, but just not often enough.
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