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Everything posted by Darthter

  1. From memory....was he not a similar case to Webster. Struggled with constant "injury", then when sold/released miraculously recovered, played regularly for his new club and regained an international spot....
  2. From my understanding of it....it's essentially the same plan that he voiced before Mr Whyte took over. However, the situation at the club is now completely different to what it was last April/May....and as far as I'm aware, there doesn't appear to be any provision for the tax debt(s).
  3. I think that due to the High Profile nature of the case....there will be intense scrutiny - Especially from HMRC!!!
  4. Came across the info below: Source: HMRC Could this be the reason why administration has occurred this week??? The section in bold is especially pertinent....
  5. What would be the point of that, if his plan was to fold the club anyway??? Or at the least put us into admin (which has obviously happened).
  6. As I have said in another thread...I think liquidation was/is always on the cards - it would be the ONLY way to remove HMRC from the club. By doing that, I'm sure there will be a number of folk then willing to invest.
  7. That being the case it could make things kinda "sticky". We obviously want to pay as little as pos to HMRC, but I would have thought we would want to maintain good relationships with other SPL clubs that we owe money and other creditors, so therefore would want to pay back as much as possible. Doesn't look like this is a possible situation then - in order to shaft HMRC, we need to do them same to company's/teams we may want or require to do business in the future....
  8. I hope so as well. With regard to the history - that can't be changed or taken in folks memories. It also can't be removed from the timeline of the club - liquidation would simply be another event on that timeline!!! (IMHO...)
  9. With regard the CVA....is this a single document that applies to ALL creditors, or can different versions be applied to different parties. ie. everyone except HMRC are offered 100p to the £....HMRC are offered 1p to the £????
  10. I honestly don't think anyone will step forward until the big tax case result is announced - there is just too much uncertainty @ the moment. I believe more than ever that the plan is to liquidate. The resulting Phoenix company would then be debt free & no big tax thread looming. Once that has happened, I think Mr Whyte will have a line of possible buyers looking to buy the club on the cheap. The new owner will have a club with established reputation world wide, hopefully a decent first 11 team...and no debt - a VERY attractive prospect.
  11. I don't think motivation will be too much of a problem - Play well...keep yer job!!! All the money/pay issues @ Hearts doesn't appear to have had a massive effect on the players - and they were directly effected!!! As for "can we still win"....yes we can. The possibility has already been demonstrated this season, with Celtic turning round a double figure difference in the space of a few games. While Ceptic don't look like dropping too many points at the moment, complacency could be a real issue now!!! Bottom line is "whatever will be, will be". If we can close the gap slightly, I don't think it will bother them much, but it will make us feel a helluva lot better!!!
  12. I would imagine it is key to any future plans etc....however the big question is "will they make their findings public" In order to forge a way forward, the admins will need a clear picture of the club finances - whats coming in & from where, and whats going out & from where. Once they know that, they can then make decisions about cost cutting etc.
  13. Oh well....that rules me out then... How about a spare 21p???
  14. can you imagine the look on the Mhanky mobs faces if it was, and we won by a point....and were totally debt free...
  15. Maybe that's the way he works....pipe up just as the Fat lady's warming up, with a 1/2 arsed idea which gets laughed out of town immediately.....but he can turn round after and say "at least I tried"...
  16. A profit is still a profit...which is good. and yes the £6m profit may have been as a result of the McGeady sale....but they don't have that kind of resource now. I find it interesting that they can have such a large playing squad, all earning decent wages and minimum income from European competition, yet they still sign more players (with not many leaving this season) AND turnover a profit
  17. more pointing out the £5.5m+ drop in profits.....that is a massive drop!!! And something I'm sure will be completely ignored by the press.
  18. ...but their profit also fell from £6m to just under £200k....
  19. I see it as the financial equivalent of a "Square go"
  20. According to Mr Whyte, HMRC are not playing ball with regard to a settlement agreement. That being the case HMRC are simply saying "go for it"
  21. In the interview with Mr Whyte on RangersTV, he states that HMRC are unlikely to agree to any deal offered to them. If not deal can be struck on a potention £50m+ bill, I can't see any other way of removing the HMRC cloud than liquidation/Phoenix Co. but then again, I know nothing of the ins & outs of administration....
  22. The more I think about the whole situation, the more I believe this was the plan from the start - get rid of the HMRC debt!!! Whyte has mentioned constantly that with the debt hanging over us, progression is going to be difficult. Therefore the solution is to get rid!!! There appear only 2 ways to clear the air completely - Either pay whatever HMRC is asking, or administration/liquidation (Phoenix co.) As biggordy says, if the club comes out of this (one way or another) clear of debt (HMRC in particular), I'm pretty sure there will be folk waiting to invest. As for Mr Whyte misleading the support....I think he has been say what needs to be said at the time. If he was to walk through the door last May & announce that in less than 12 months, the club would be in administration, every single creditor that Rangers have would be panicking. This would then make any CVA more difficult to agree, and would have made trading even more difficult. As it stands now....those creditors (of which HMRC are not one yet...) now to make a quick decision whether to either accept a deal, or face the possibility of getting nothing. I have always been of the belief the since Mr Whyte took over, he has been setting things up for Administration, whether pre-planned or as a precaution. With that in mind, hopefully everything is in place to come through with minimal damage.....
  23. Darthter


    Maybe they'll simply force Ally to play players in the right position...
  24. I was thinking more along the lines that this whole episode with Mr Whyte etc has been intentionally orchestrated by either SDM or another 3rd party with the sole purpose of avoiding paying the HMRC bill & other debtors.... At the moment, the tax issue is connected with tax avoidance (which was perfectly legal @ the time, if done correctly)....if this whole thing has been played out in order to prevent paying the tax, could that then be viewed more along the lines of tax evasion????
  25. probably wishing he'd bought a scratch card instead!!!
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