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Everything posted by Darthter

  1. I believe the administrators will determine the value of the club, its assets and its debts - I'm guessing that this figure will most likely be post-CVA. Everything will be laid out clearly in B&W inc. purchase cost & daily/weekly/monthly running costs, which will include agreed payments to creditors. I may be wrong though....
  2. I ain't backing anyone, until full details are released.... the admins, said that several parties had registered interest....what makes Paul Murray's so special???
  3. If they could at least park the bus the same way 2 weeks running, that would be something!!!
  4. The big problem is that McCoist & coaches can't seem to get the team performing consistently. From what I heard of today's game, the team just weren't up for it....I would have thought that with peoples jobs possibly on the line, they would have been well up for the fight - obviously not!!!
  5. I'm not 100% convinced about the patsy/fall guy thing....however, I do find it very credible. I believe he may have spotted an ideal opportunity (primarily for himself)....buy the club cheap, put into admin, get it cleaned up, then sell for a profit.
  6. I don't think he wants to retain ownership. He's came from nowhere, took over the club for a £1 and has created a situation which gets the current debt under control inc. the Big Tax case. He will then sell to the highest bidder & disappear!!!! The fact that the Admins have confirmed several interested parties already (kinda) confirms this.....
  7. Objective hats on please.... Now that the Administration process has begun....Do you think that Mr Whyte will return to Ibrox, either during the process or after it?? Please note: This is not a "do you WANT him back", more a case of "do you think he will show face"
  8. That was my understanding from the press conference yesterday. Also reports today suggest that they are in communication with Mr Whytes lawyers to try and trace the money - it may still be in the original account....the admins simply don't know.
  9. I think the "master plan" has now unfolded. From day one it was to enter Administration. If the Administrators are correct & there are several parties that have registered interest in purchasing the club - and one succeeds - then its a job well done. The club was up for sale for several years, with no takers. 2 days after going into Administration & there are several interested parties......
  10. They know, as do the administrators where the money was paid into. What happens to it after that is of no concern to Ticketus. Since the money was paid into the parent company account (which is still very solvent), I don't believe the Administrators have authority to scrutinize those accounts. What they will be able to ascertain is whether any of the cash has found its way into the Rangers accounts.
  11. There is no comparison.... Fred the Shred received his Knighthood for Services to Banking....he then nearly single handed brought down the countries banking system - clear justification for taking away the knighthood. David Murray oversaw the mismanagement of a Glasgow Football team who's impact outwith Glasgow is virtually nill!!! Also, the Administrators said it was the debts run up since Mr Whyte took over that put the club into Administration, not anything that SDM did!!!
  12. I think its a case of...they don't know YET!!! They confirmed that the cash wasn't paid into the club account, but into the parent company's account, which they don't have visibility of.
  13. I believe so....at the discretion of the SPL/SFA & the administrators - hence why the Cousin deal isn't totally dead!!!
  14. The team still needs to maintain some level of success on the pitch though, otherwise revenue may go down. It makes sense to keep certain resources and dispose of others. I would be looking at players with short terms left on their contracts, and reasonably high wages. Then have a look at their squad position - can the team perform without them???? Aluko has been an excellent player since he joined, and he's not on extortionate wages.
  15. I definitely think that's what will happen.....
  16. What if the tax bill result is delayed, and we're out of admin by that time....my question was, is it still covered by the CVA agreement??
  17. From my understanding...I don't think they'd want too....
  18. Don't know why it didn't occur to me sooner.... Anyone thought about approaching Apple about sponsoring the Stadium??? iPod, iPad, iMac and finally iBrox... and don't forget the club motto....iReady...
  19. Some ramblings.... While we are in administration & HMRC agree to a CVA, if the box tax case is announced then the resulting bill would fall into the overall value of HMRC's existing claim covered by said CVA. However, what happens if we have exited administration before the big tax case is announced??? Is the resulting bill (if we lose), still covered by the CVA??? Or is payed as presented??? Or is the whole case effectively null & void due to the administration process itself???
  20. Personally, I don't have a problem with this. IF he secures the future of the club & gets it into a healthier state of affairs, while still pocketing a tidy sum - I would say its good business!!!
  21. I'm VERY skeptical about Paul Murray..... Until actual details about his proposal are announced, I would take everything he says with a massive pinch of salt. At the moment, I hear him saying all the stuff the fans want to hear. At present he is still rather non-committal - saying that he's waiting for meetings with the Administrators (fair enough), then once he knows the exact situation, he will then be in a position to confirm partners/backers etc. So, at present, while hes shouting about his great plan...it has no substance (yet???) As everyone knows he was on the Board for a good long time, and the 1st folk heard about him was 15min before Whyte took over, when he produced a rescue plan on the back of a fag packet!!!
  22. I would imagine the selection process to along the lines of: - Offer reduced wages to all higher earners - release players whose contracts are ending soon - release players with minimal sell on fee The team still has to maintain some success on the park, otherwise fans won't pay the money to watch. That being the case, selling ALL your best assets doesn't always make sense. Also selling players at the moment would be VERY tricky due to the transfer window being closed. Cutting the deadwood is the easiest and most practical solution at the moment.
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