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Everything posted by Darthter

  1. A very tricky one to answer at the moment. Mainly due to the fact that nothing has been confirmed about the US interest. If the AEG interest is true, I think it would be fantastic for the club. This is a group who like to make money in this sector. I can't see them investing ££££££m's in the playing squad, but I could see them ensuring stability in the squad, and the club as a whole producing a profit - which can then be used to fun transfers. I would also predict a lot of other revenue streams being opened up, which can only be good for the club. The one thing I do know for sure is that I don't want the BK's - I believe that there intention is good, but I don't believe that their bid is strong enough, and the vision clear enough - there also appears to be a number of similarities with CW's initial takeover methods.
  2. Don't have an issue with that at all.... The important thing, as you say, is that the club is run correctly. Who ever the new owner is, they need to put a board in place that have their heads screwed on correctly. I am of the opinion that the board should be make up predominantly of Non-Rangers folk. This would give a great deal of objectiveness & impartiality - the club will be run with their brains, not their hearts!!!
  3. How many normal punters are going to be able to afford £1k???? Make you wonder how successful the overall effort will be.
  4. Start of the season.... Recent game against Dunfermline.... and one or two others dotted in between... The problem is that its not happening regularly enough. 4-2 win against Celtic...followed by 3-2 defeat by Falkirk 4-0 win against Hibs...followed by 2-0 defeat to Utd 4-1 win against Dunfermline...followed by 1-0 defeat to Killie 4-1 win against ICT...following by 2-1 defeat to Hearts Looking at that...maybe its just whne we score 4 goals..
  5. If its a profit he's after....I'll gladly give him £5 - that's 500% profit!!!! not bad for less than a years "work"
  6. That seems to be a fault through out juniors over the past few years. I have noticed this especially since my daughter has been @ school. They no longer have a proper sports day (as I had...). It is all group challanges instead of running races etc - so that someone doesn't feel bad coz they didn't win...they're all winners.... The competitive spirit is being driven out of kids from their early years, then folk wonder why we don't win anything or succeed @ anything anymore - people are growing up believing its ok to finish 2nd!!! Technique & awareness are vitally important, but so the the desire to win!!!
  7. I think the biggest difference is the Whyte firstly sold off something that wasn't yet his, then secondly, he constantly lied about it when found out. At least Murray is being up front.... I think having to use Ticketus really shows how weak Murray's take over bid really is - there is no "eye-watering" pot of cash at their disposal!!!
  8. Isn't that pretty similar to what was happening to PLG with Ferguson??? Players dictating the managers actions??? Is there actually anything about Rangers that you like??? I detect a LOT of negativity in most of your post, with the exception of Paul Murray!!! This is an absolute belter.....so your opinion is always right. By having such a stance it makes ANY form of debate impossible!!!
  9. TBH, I think had the club situation be different, that probably would have been the case. If everything else was rosey, and McCoist still couldn't get the results, then fair enough.....but that hasn't been the case. Pretty much anything that could go wrong, has gone wrong and its been completely outwith McCoists control in most cases. As stated previously, I am still very skeptical about his long term suitability, but I am willing to be proved wrong and believe McCoist should be given that change once things are stabilised.
  10. So that fact that you've added a smiley at the end makes it OK to suggest that someone blows their brains out.... There is a BIG difference between someone suggesting you continue taking medication compared to committing suicide!!!
  11. Don't think that argument stands up to be quite honest.... PLG had the financial backing of the Chairman - he was allowed to bring players in to "create" his team. Ferguson proved to be a thorn in PLG's side - as a manager IMHO, he failed to deal with it!!! McCoist has had very little financial backing from the Chairman. The players he brought in were not 1st choice, but more a case of whatever he could get. A couple of them have proved their worth 10 times over....others have failed to shine for one reason or another. You claim that given time PLG would have succeeded, yet you aren't prepared to give McCoist his chance to succeed. both had issues to deal with, and out of the two I would say that McCoist problems vastly outweigh anything PLG had to deal with. Through it all McCoist has remained strong & dignified - At the moment he is Rangers!!!
  12. McCoist hasn't had the best of starts this season. He's a rookie manager @ Scotland's biggest club, which is going through it most torrid time in its 140 year history. There was little money for fresh players, he's had several key players injured, and one key player sold then add to that all the off field stuff. I do agree that he has struggled on the field for the most part, however there have been glimpses at times of good play/tactics etc at times, just not enough. I am not convinced about his long term suitability, but I am willing to give him a chance!!!
  13. The reports that I read stated that the money was with Collier & Bristow long before it was actually transferred to LBG
  14. Paul Clark has stated the D&P have not been paid a penny yet.....Whatever they are owed goes into the pot with the other Creditors!!!
  15. They may well have invoices and contracts, but not with the Football club - The deal was all done through Whytes company, which is the parent company. The Ticketus money NEVER came anywhere near the clubs bank account, that's part of the current problems...
  16. Paul Murray had the chance to prevent the current situation when he sat on the Rangers Board for 4 years....he chose to wait until the 11th hour before saying anything. Now he is shouting from the rooftops with what appears to be the same plan, which still isn't finalised!!!
  17. The BK's have done a lot of shouting, yet still little is really known about their intentions etc. We know that 4 folk have signed up to the consortium....how many of them have serious cash to invest??? The main investor appears to be Ticketus - until the fans stump up with the share issue!!! Ticketus are only involved due to the Craig Whyte deal - they want to ensure they still get some of their money back...that's all their interested in. All in all, I think it sounds like the same fag-packet idea, the Murray announced before Whyte took over. I have yet to be convinced of ANY real financial backing for the BK's!!! The BK's are VERY public about their intentions, simply to get the fans onside. Initially had they not touted a fans ownership scheme....now it appears to have changed to a share options scheme. Also, a couple of Paul Murray's comments got the bells ringing: "Everything he does is for the good of the club" - heard that before.... "As a Rangers fan...." - heard that before as well.... I believe that they are telling the fans what they want to hear, in order to secure their support, even though they maybe don't have the most financial clout. It will be interesting when the alternatives are made clear....or if a suitable bid in made before Friday.
  18. I think folk are quite right to be suspicious of ANY potential new owner!!! However at the moment it is difficult to be suspicious of the other parties coz they haven't gone public - Paul Murray can gone the opposite direct & been VERY public.
  19. All of the above.... However, at the moment i am hopefully of a positive resolution. There would appear to be interest from MAJOR investors, which can only be a good thing. Hopefully in the near future, all the uncertainty will have been lifted, and a clear path showing the way ahead with a good strong Board to lead the way. I don't care if the Board are "Rangers" men, or if the fans have a rep there....as long as they are strong, positive & honest/transparent about what is happening.
  20. but if it wasn't for the C Whyte issue....would Ticketus have EVER been considered. They want a slice of the cake to try and get some of their money..... The BK's are only using them due to not having the finances themselves....
  21. In some ways, I wish the BK's would just shut up!!!! I believe that their proposal is fairly weak, and are trying their best to get the fans on board in order to provide a bit of extra impetus/weight behind their offering. Everyone seems to be behind the BK's simply coz there is no alternative to back, not necessarily coz its the best option. There has been a lot of talk over the past year about the club doing its business in public - That's exactly what the BK's are doing, while there are others quietly doing what needs to be done without the showboating!!!
  22. In some ways, I wish the BK's would just shut up!!!! I believe that their proposal is fairly weak, and are trying their best to get the fans on board in order to provide a bit of extra impetus/weight behind their offering. Everyone seems to be behind the BK's simply coz there is no alternative to back, not necessarily coz its the best option. There has been a lot of talk over the past year about the club doing its business in public - That's exactly what the BK's are doing, while there are others quietly doing what needs to be done without the showboating!!!
  23. I'm really not convinced about the whole Blue Knights thing at all.... Of the names confirmed, Douglas Park is the only one I've heard of. I know that he is certainly wealthy, but is he wealthy enough to fund a football club??? Same goes for the other 2 guys. I get the impression that Paul Murray is gathering as many rich folk as he can, and getting them to input a relatively small amount in order to get the takeover through....but what about the ongoing costs etc. A share issue (as he suggested before Whyte took over), would certainly raise a good whack of cash, but what happens when that runs out??? While I don't expect any new owner to be constantly pumping money into the club, it's reassuring to have that safety net. Without long term financial plans, I can't see things being too different to what Whyte was trying to do....
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