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Everything posted by Darthter

  1. Therein lies part of the big issue....he hasn't made his mind up, yet P Murray has publicly stated that he is part of the consortium. Could it be a sign the PM was getting desperate to release SOME names to keep fans happy/interested.
  2. Get ready for a Celtic complaint......Lemmon wasn't included....
  3. It only takes one to hopefully take the club forward.....
  4. Don't see why the BK's are a no brainer..... They are borrowing the money for the initial investment from a company that has already loaned cash to buy the club before (Ticketus may become the first company to buy the same club twice in under 12 months...) They plan to raise more money to pay off Ticketus and take the club forward by selling shares to the fans - again the fans effectively pay for a 2nd time!!! Paul Murray has previously sat on the Rangers board for approx 4 years, while the club was for sale yet did nothing till the last minute. He appears to have gathered together some decent business folk together, but lack any real wealth between them, therefore its VERY unclear how they plan on doing things. The Sun has quoted them as the front runners, yet the administrators have commented that that is simply not the case. At the moment, I don't think there is any real front runner, mainly due to the lack of details about the other bids. Hopefully things will become clearer over the coming days.
  5. he would only have been offered the 75% if he was in the upper echelons of the pay scale....
  6. The Administrators are basically there to look after the benefits of the creditors. Therefore offering a massive wad of cash to pay the various creditors will be deemed VERY favourably. I think you are pretty mush right though....they will look at the whole package and opt for the bid which offers the best chance of satisfying the creditors and providing financial stability moving forward.
  7. Lets get real....Broadfoot would probably have been on about £10k per week. That means he'll be on around £2.5K PER WEEK or £10k pcm. That is a helluva lot of cash to play a couple of games of football per week. While I do agree that it is admirable that these guys have taken a 75% wage cut for the benefit of the club, being honest their not exactly gonna starve or miss their mortgage payments etc....
  8. All very true....but pulling in approx £10k per month (give or take a couple of £k). What sort of life his he living??? I've got a nice house (IMHO), a wife, young family, cars to run and messages to buy and various other monthly bills all on approx £3k per month (inc my wife's salary). These guys might find finances a wee bit tight with a 75% cut....Pretty mush every normal person could simply NOT survive. A 75% wage cut wouldn't even come close to paying ma mortgage!!!
  9. While I think what these guys have done is highly commendable, the above statement makes me wonder what his monthly bills are like. I'm sure he will now be on £2-3k a week (maybe more...) - that's still a helluva lot more that most ordinary folk are on PER MONTH!!!
  10. I'm sure I read in one of D&P's statements that the big tax case can be included in any CVA. I believe the plan is to get a preferred bidder then get them in discussions with HMRC in order to agree a way forward - before an actual takeover is completed.
  11. Definitely agree with that - the lack of funds is a BIG concern though. Ideally, I would like to see someone/group come in and clear the debt etc, but not invest Millions in the squad - Stabilise the club & get it standing on its own 2 feet financially. Hopefully then the club can start to generate its own transfer fund etc. Knowing that the owners have the financial backing there if required.... The issue with PMurray's plan...what happens if/when the money runs oot???
  12. While the tax case wasn't a foregone conclusion, it was still an unknown. The fact that a new buy COULD find themselves with a bill for £49m put everyone off. However from my understanding, the tax case can be included within a CVA agreement with HMRC. Therefore, it is much more controllable and less of an unknown or concern once the CVA is agreed.
  13. I think they would look at initial funding options - does the bidder have the cash to buy the club?? They would then look at the proposals for future development and ongoing funding plans I would thing that each bidder will have to submit something like a 5-yr business plan. The Admins can then make a decision on the best bidder to ensure the future of the club.
  14. Can't see Souness coming back as coach/manager....I would see him more as wither Director of Football role (as Alex suggests), or possibly as a figurehead chairman. I can't see Brian Kennedy taking an overly active role in the club if he gets it. Having Souness at the top of the tree would really get the fans behind the new board!!!!
  15. Souness as chairman.....El Hadji Djouf as head of Celtic relations - a winning combination methinks!!!
  16. What happens if the court now confirms the administration.....does that mean another 10 points off......
  17. Not really.....so far they have put forward a very weak proposal IMHO. They don't have any real financial muscle behind them with regard to investment. Ticketus will be providing initial funds for the take over and running cosrs then fans will be stumping up the rest. Obviously the details of the of the other bids is still unknown, but this poll still shows that folk would rather opt for the unknown that go with the BK's offering.....
  18. At least its another credible potential bid....thanks
  19. Without going into detail....is it good/bad/indifferent???
  20. Don't know what kind of work your in....but I've a pretty well paid job & a family to feed/house - there's no way I could justify, never mind afford to spend £1000 on a Rangers share!!!
  21. So what is it....a complete contradiction in the space of 7 mins!!! Either £1000 is fair or £500??? In the current climate, even normal punters will struggle to find a spare £500 to invest. However I think it would be a much more achievable figure for folk. Keep in mind that this would be on top of whatever people are paying for their season tickets. I for one couldn't afford £500 - I have more important things to spend that kind of cash on!!!
  22. Also adding to the mix....rumours are reporting 2 possible bids from the US - AEG & Fortress. There is also the reported interest from Singapore....
  23. Something like this could be his compete undoing.... One thing that the admins will look at with potential bids, is how they are going to fund things long term. The BK's long term plan is the share issue. The admins may look at the pricing structure and decide that it may prove to be too expensive for the majority of fans and therefore may not raise the required revenue. When compared to another bid (for example), where there is already funds in place due to a person's or companies current wealth, this would look the more attractive option. From the info so far, I believe that the BK's bid is too weak.....
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