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Everything posted by Darthter

  1. Think its worth pointing out that in a post-match interview with Heart manager Paulo Sergio, he commented that while the officials didn't get every decision correct, he still felt that they had an excellent game!!!! Nae difference at all between the 2 managers.....
  2. Why???? he's already there!!! Edit: Beaten to it.....just like Septic....
  3. Heard an interview with Allan Thompson after the game (Lenny obviously not trusted to keep his mouth shut...)....he had plenty to say about the Hearts penalty, and the one they claimed they should have had at the end, but when it was mentioned that Hooper's was clearly offside, Thompson went rather quiet and commented that he'd only watched the penalty incidents and nothing else.....
  4. Possibly......or maybe they are starting to play their cards a little closer to their chests. Whatever their thoughts, I am still getting the impression that they have a narrow scope of vision, with limited future planning.
  5. I fully understand why Miller & Ng want further discussions with the SPL - I don't blame them. They are planning on investing SERIOUS cash in the club, and obviously want to try and plan for all potential outcomes. They may be asking about the transfer of the SPL license.....if the proposals come in, there might be less of an issue. I just don't get the impression the the BK's are covering the bases....I may be wrong though.
  6. It has been reported that despite the SPL's latest announcement about proposed rule changes etc, all 3 bidders remain in the race. However, Bill Miller & Bill Ng have both stated that they wish to discuss these proposed rules further with the SPL. Yet the BK's don't appear bothered about them at all - there certainly hasn't been any reports to the contrary. This got me thinking....(probably not a good thing..) I am forming the opinion that the BK's are desperate to gain immediate control, and maybe not looking @ the long term plans. Both Miller & Ng has said that their preferred exit route is via CVA, yet both appear to be coving the liquidation route as well. The BK's don't appear to be covering the liquidation route at all (going by media reports). I personally find this slightly concerning if things don't quite go according to plan, will the BK's be able to sustain the club?
  7. Maybe he's starting to realise that he doesn't necessarily have the strongest bid, and maybe not the fan backing that he 1st expected. He's been VERY quite since details of both the Asia & US bid started coming out. Personally, I am liking the noises coming from Bill Ng - he appears to be saying all the right things. The fact that it is a full funded "cash" bid, with all funding in place & ready is very promising!!!
  8. Probably that it's a Deacon blue song.....actually, that's probably pushing it!
  9. According to AJ....the £18m bank debt was well in hand, and the repayment was actually ahead of schedule. As a result, the bank were happy with the financial performance. All other bills were being paid in a timely manner. The BTC was always/has always been a threat, and there weren't any positive noises coming out of Ibrox about it. That has now kinda changed....there appears to be a growing (all be it tentative) voice saying that the BTC may not amount to as much as originally feared.
  10. Good!!! The more we win, the more it annoys them!!!
  11. The best thing Rangers, as a club can do is sweep the domestic board next year!!! Show all those who are happy to put the boot in....that they need bigger & heavier boots to keep us down!!!
  12. will info be re-posted on here??? (for us non-twitterites!!!)
  13. Think I follow that.... Basically the transfer of the floating charge, does not have ANY impact on the clubs assets ie Ibrox/MP etc - these are still owned/secured by the club as opposed to the RFC Group.
  14. It's really not good thinking about this stuff when your trying to get to sleep....
  15. Thinking about this last night. Has Whyte not got a history of doing similar before??? He has effectively transferred the security/guarantee from the RFC group which owns the club, to another company with no official connection to the football club. Therefore in the event of liquidation, the club & parent company have no assets, so therefore cannot pay creditors ANYTHING. on the other hand.... I also believe that the guarantees given to Ticketus were probably from Liberty Corporate (which now holds the floating charge). Therefore if the admins rip up the deal and refuse to pay, Ticketus will go after Liberty Corporate to cash in on the guarantee.....which now has security over Ibrox, Murray park etc!!!! I may not have ANY of the above correct (not being financially minded), but it is kinda worrying....
  16. Initial instinct would suggest Ng & Miller....
  17. I believe it was done @ the end of March - I would assume that the Administrators were made well aware of it!!! As to its implication (if any) I have no idea.
  18. Contrary to what some believe....I think we have the makings of an excellent, young team!!! I'm really looking forward to Naismith & Aluko together!!! Andy Little is also starting to shine a bit brighter in recent weeks - starting to get on the score sheet fairly regularly.
  19. While I agree with this....the flip side also means there is no "old boys club" or personal loyalty - purely business. Therefore, if anyone is under performing, they can be removed without personal/emotional issues etc.
  20. I like the noises coming from Ng.....there is just something about the info/data that looks more promising that the other bids.... I like the fact that he does business behind closed doors - a lot of folk were highly critical of the way business (mainly transfers) has been conducted over the past year. Hopefully if Ng takes over, that will be something of the past. His vision of "another young boy watches Rangers lift a European trophy" gives an indication that it's not just about money - he wants the Glory back, which is no bad thing!!! As for keeping McCoist.....not got a problem with that - but I am still sceptical about his abilities. He has done a decent job this season, and shown some inconsistency, but hopefully that will change next season & he will have a clearer vision of the direction he wants to take the team. He deserves a fair run @ the title, without a millstone round his neck!!!
  21. My thinking on this is similar to Bears thinking.... I think Ellis has got wind that Whyte stands to make a health profit from any take over. Whyte & Ellis had an agreement with regard Ellis getting 25% of the shares and he wants his cut any profit that is made. I am not convinced that Ellis has the clubs well being @ heart as he makes out - if that was the case, why is he only raising this now??? It could be another spanner in the works if it does go to court - I can't see the admins being able to sell shares/ownership, if the ownership itself is being contested in court.
  22. Thats more along the lines tyat i was thinking of.....rather than brand sales. I think there would maybe more revenue in corporate sponsorship, than shirt sales. A large brand sponsor to raplace tennents maybe? Or stadium sponsor?
  23. Did miller not state that he's never had any contact with Whyte?
  24. I had a thought....if either the Singapore or US bids were successfull, do you think it would open more doors to potential overseas investment?
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