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Everything posted by Darthter

  1. SO in reality then, its a case of accept the CVA or we liquidate & you get whatever you would have got from the CVA anyway
  2. Out of the two that are currently active, I would opt for Miller as well!!! TBK's REALLY don't fill me with confidence!!!
  3. I get the impression that the newco route would speed things up no end & put an end to the current situation. The club can then get on with winning titles!!!
  4. After masterminding a cut price CVA from the shadows.....Craig Suddenly realised he'll only get 10p for his £1 investment!!!!
  5. but what happens if all the assets have been transferred to another company??? does that not make the original PLC worthless???
  6. "headlights comin' ma way...I'm trapped......."
  7. "Optional" condition could be something like the BTC or anything else that is outwith both the Admins or the bidders control....This may also include Miller's offer which is conditional on the SPL/SFA. Another condition could be that whom ever is granted PB, is guaranteed first refusal.
  8. All we know is that they require unconditional bids. There may be some flexibility depending on what the actual conditions are.....However the fact remains that TBK's simply can't table a bid until they have agreement with Ticketus, and Miller can't table his until he gets his info from the SPL/SFA. However, Miller has the opportunity to put those conditions to the side and simply say "here's yer money...lets get on with it!!!"
  9. I'm actually going to side with the admins for a second...... D&P have stated time after time that they require a formal. non-conditional bid in black & white. So far that hasn't happened from any bidder. How can they progress with the sale of the club if the conditions havn't been met. All interested parties know what is required of their bids, yet none have delivered yet. TBK's stumbling block appears to be a never ending saga with Ticketus. Bill Miller's appears to be guarantees from the SPL/SFA. It's unknown what Bill Ng's stumbling block was but I wouldn't completely rule him out. I personally find it very concerning that TBK's have not secured an agreement with ticketus - it has been weeks since they announced the proposed collaboration. I do kinda feel ATM that the Admins are getting a bit of a rough time. They have set the terms, and no-one has met them!!!
  10. seems a bit of a daft statement to me.... Why would you announce mid-morning that there will be no preferred bidder today.....there is still an awful lot of the day left, and sometimes things can happen VERY quickly.
  11. That is one of my concerns with Paul Murray.....how long has he been trying to get a deal sealed with Ticketus in order to move their bid forward??? There has always appeared to be a lot of hot air coming from the BK's camp....the pressure is now well & truly on to see if they can actually carry out what they've been saying!!!
  12. Miller stated that his bid & the £500k payment WILL go in today....the big question is, what happens if it goes in BEFORE the BK's??? Will the Admins simply accept the 1st formal bid that ticks all their requirements??? I suppose the BK's at least have the time difference on their side - will Bill Miller even be oot his scratcher yet???
  13. I agree with pretty much all the above....not 100% with you on the last point though. With the information available, I think it is very difficult to tell which is the best option. TBK's at least have experience of running the club in PM - that also goes as a negative as well unfortunately. There is also the question of funding - Ng, Miller & Kennedy at least have well documents funding behind them (personal wealth etc.). Hopefully more details of the BK's funding & backers will come out once the CVA has been agreed & signed. It doesn't make sense to offer £10m (example) to clear a £55m debt, then suddenly reveal that the consortium is made up of 10 multi-millionaires each willing to invest £20m each before the CVA is sorted. I am not exactly over the moon about the BK's....but I will cross everything that can be crossed, and hope to be proved wrong.
  14. Good news - IF TRUE!!! However, I will still remain sceptical of the BK's - Paul Murray in particular - until: - everything is signed & sealed. - their plans are revealed in detail. - They start delivering their plans. The future's bright.....the future's Blue!!!!
  15. From what I read about stockport....the fans started blaming Kennedy AFTER he handed control of the club to the fans!!!!
  16. Here's another wee thought.... If a newco club is formed and "officially" the history starts from scratch, surely its up to those fans who have followed/loved the club for generations NOT to allow the true history to die!!! Its up to those fans to pass that 140 year history down the generations, as their fathers & grand fathers did to them. Rangers are a lot more than a PLC company. IMHO a newco being formed is just another entry into the Rangers FC history book!!!
  17. If thing go down the newco route, i do belive there will be a lot of folk saying they'll not support it. However, i would put money on the 1st newco game @ Ibrox being a complete sell-out!!!
  18. I also agree with Miller's comment that Ticketus are part of the initial problem, and can't understand them being part of the solution!!!
  19. The way I am reading/understanding Bill Miller's proposal is this: At present, certain creditors are not co-operating. If the club is liquidated, all assets (Ibrox, MP, Players etc) are sold off, and the resulting moneys pay off the admins and the rest goes to the creditors. What I believe Bill Miller is proposing is to purchase the assets, and move them to another company. This would render Rangers FC PLC completely worthless. He can then go back to the creditors and force a decision - accept a CVA on his terms & get some kind of return, or liquidate the company (which has zero assets or value) and get nothing. Logic would dictate that problematic creditors would prefer something over nothing, and the CVA gets approved and folk get their money. Rangers FC PLC is then officially debt free, and the assets transferred back. I may (probably am) be completely wrong in my thoughts above...but they do kinda make sense.
  20. Obviously you have inside info then???? At present there are 5 partied all involved (4 bidders & the Admins). Every one is quick to blame the admins, yet seem to forget about the other parties in the deal making process. Now, I'm not say that its not the admins holding things up, but based in the facts that are available, it is impossible to say for certain where the delays are coming from. Any one of the bidders mya be wanting to clarify information or impose various conditions before moving on....
  21. In fairness to the Admins....some of the delays could be coming from the bidders side ie. unwilling to pay the exclusivity fee....contract/sale conditions.....creditors pot etc.... There are always 2 sides to the story.
  22. Didn't Goodwin get his knighthood for services to the banking industry.....he was then instrumental in the near total collapse of said industry - If that didn't warrant losing his Knighthood, I don't know what would. SDM's Knighthood had nothing to do with Rangers, and he could even argue (as he has) that his only real error (until BTC outcome) is selling to Whyte who ultimately brought the club to is knees.
  23. While it is clear that Rangers can't sign any new players while in Administration, does the restriction still apply to extending or renewing existing player contracts??? Did D&P issue new contracts with the reduced pay structure or was it simply a signed addendum to their existing deal???
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