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Everything posted by Darthter

  1. IF (big IF...) the Gers take the option, and apply for the 3rd div, would any of the titles won on the way back up count towards the 54 already won??? They way I see it, the actual league has changed on occasion, but the count still increases. The only factor that has remained constant (i believe) has been the fact that these titles have been in the top tier. However, the record is for "Domestic League Championships"......
  2. Do we even know what time??? The link I posted originally didn't state when...
  3. With the news breaking on Monday....has anyone heard ANYTHING further with regard to any of the bidders??? Ally mentioned in his interview yesterday that Bill Miller had called him on Monday night - don't know if that's good or bad. So far nothing from any of the other camps. Any inside info/rumours etc???
  4. Now your really starting to enter the realms of the ridiculous....
  5. A quote from Paul Murray from when John Bennett was named: Source: DR 12/03/12 Total contrary to John Bennett's stance!!!
  6. I am being realistic - The Blue Knights consortium appears to be held together with Blu-tac - JB's involvement shows this. They will not progress with their bid. The info that BH has posted - with the permission, agreement & knowledge of JB - has highlighted flaws & mis-information from the BK's group. He has not done anything underhanded IMHO, and has posted this information for everyone's benefit. Does anyone know what role JB had within the consortium??? What his input would have been???? All anyone would have known was whatever PM felt like telling!!! BH's info has highlighted a serious weak link in the BK's. It has also raised the question (with me anyway) - How committed are the other members???
  7. Hope Lemmon watches it - he'll then see how a manager SHOULD conduct himself.
  8. Can I just refer back to BH's original post on this subject. Comments from John Bennett: To me this says a helluva lot!!!! Here is a guy who had not even confirmed his commitment to the consortium, and has stated that he would not be able to commit the time required. Yet just over a month later, folk on here are up in arms saying that BH has driven a member to quit the BK's - which could be the downfall of the whole bid. I think folk need to calm down and look at the bigger picture. This was a guy who was quoted by the head of the BK's consortium as being a "Big Hitter" and a key player. Has John Bennett's name been mentioned either in the media or from Paul Murray since??? Then folk wonder why there are delays with his bid - he can't even get the members of his team sorted!!! I stand by my view that the information contained in these threads paints a more worrying picture of the BK's than it does of BH. For the record....I have never met BH, and have no idea who he is!!! I will also repeat an earlier question: Do we really want folk who aren't committed to the club to be in a position of power/control???
  9. What would folks thoughts be if Rangers were to propose a 6 month delay on the embargo?? The club would effectively accept the punishment for the rule breaches, but a delay long enough to cover the summer transfer window would at least allow any new owner to deal with squad number etc. Effectively we would not be walking away from any punishments, just saying "give us a slight chance to recover, and get on an even keel then apply the restrictions"
  10. If TBK's can't even agree who is definitely in the consortium, how do they ever plan to reach agreement with Ticketus???
  11. John Bennett had confirmed that he wasn't 100% sure of his involvement, despite Paul Murray touting him as a Key member/big hitter within the consortium. Would folk rather have someone who is unsure of their commitment as part of a consortium or not have them at all???
  12. Sooooo.....no-one is at all concerned that someone who was originally touted as a key member of TBK in the media and by Paul Murray himself, confirmed by his own mouth that he wasn't 100% sure of his involvement in the group. No-one has any concerns over the overall stability of the BK's group, or their use of the media to try and enhance their support even to the extend of confirming members who haven't even confirmed them selves???? Instead, folk are focusing on one guy who revealed some important info (IMHO..) re. TBK's
  13. According the Court of Session Roll for tomorrow: Presided by Lord Hodge. Anyone have any idea what its about??? Link
  14. From my reading of the original post...John Bennett was never 100% in!!! Details of his involvement were released by Paul Murray before he had fully committed. I think folk have blown this completely out of proportion. BH had concerns of a professional nature which he addressed, and posted - with the full consent & knowledge of Mr Bennett.
  15. No....but the decision has now been made, and any actions from fans needs to be thought out carefully. Targeting the sponsors will do little good - they are tied into contracts with the SPL/SFA, with I'd assume penalties for breaching those contracts. A demonstration outside Hampden isn't gonna suddenly get the SFA to backtrack & remove the sanctions. Boycotting league games will impact innocent clubs, NOT the SFA. What do you expect to come out of ANY actions???
  16. I think this is where the Supporter groups really need to step up to the plate. Rather than 50,000 fans individually voicing concerns or sending emails to the SFA, the various fans groups need to put together carefully constructed letters of concern. The fans groups are there for a reason - a unified point of contact.
  17. Targeting the sponsors will achieve absolutely nothing. Demonstrations outside hampden will achieve absolutely nothing Boycotting games will achieve nothing - possibly make the situation worse as other clubs will suffer. Boycotting Scottish Cup games MAY have an impact. The only thing that will change things is the appeal. The sanctions etc were decided by in INDEPENDENT committee, the SFA have no say in the process. The fact of the matter is, that the club broke the SFA rules. I do think that given the current situation, the transfer embargo will make things VERY tricky, but I think that will be reduced on appeal - possibly to 6 months. This would allow transfers in the Jan window. We can all voice are concerns etc, but it will be to no avail.
  18. Fees have nothing to do with it....the embargo is on registering players over 18 yrs old. We can sign players all we like, but until we can register them with the SFA, we can't play them!!!
  19. Thanks to the SFA sanctions, that's at least one thing that can't happen!!!
  20. NOW is the time for any of the prospective buyer to step up & whap their bid in the table!!! (other things may be whapped out, but that's optional... ) The club needs leadership desperately. Ideally, I would love to see ANY of the bidders simply saying here's yer cash, forget exclusivity periods or due diligence, just give me the reins and let get on with it!!!
  21. Craigy Bhoy gets his tadger caught in his zip.....AGAIN!!!!
  22. "WHAT!!!!! Rangers aren't the ones that play in green & white - Ah've been supportin' the wrang team!!"
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