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Everything posted by Darthter

  1. I'm still favouring the Miller route at the moment, but my preference would probably be for the BK's bid (if that makes sense???) I just don't have the confidence in Paul Murray that he can actually get it over the line!!! They have had weeks & weeks of discussions with backers & the admins, yet they appear no nearer the winning post. Miller has come in with a bid that ticks virtually all the boxes from the Admins, and he's done it pretty quickly. Miller's option also crucially doesn't involve Whyte's shares!!! I also get the impression that Murray has taken the Whyte route of negitiations.....current price is £11.2m....we'll offer £5m. If the BK's REALLY want to win control, they need to step up to the plate, with a financial package which rivals that of Bill Miller. The time of talking etc has long since passed....Miller has done his talking, now its time for the BK's to act or leave it to Miller to get on with!!!!
  2. I don't think your too far wrong with that.... It also appears that the Admins may be supporting that plan as well - if now, why not just accept Bill Millar's bid & move on. Instead, the admin appear to be constantly allowing TBK's especially to revise their bid, yet even though EVERYONE is pretty much aware of what is required, they still haven't come up with the goods.
  3. What I want to really know is....why is it taking TBK's so long to nail down a bid??? Miller has stated, in fairly broad terms, what his bid entails. The value of it has also been published. Yet TBK's are constantly messing about. Paul Murray has had since last year to get something arranged!!! He's been messing about with ticketus (in, out, in , out) for weeks and failed to reach a solid agreement. Over the last few days he's been in constant talks with Kennedy, and yet their bid is still short. From the media reports, he has been in very regular contact with the Admins, yet he STILL hasn't got a bid firmly on the table - does this guy just like holding meetings??? Kinda makes you wonder what would have happened if Murray had succeeded with his 11th hour bid last year to pip Whyte......
  4. I've said that for ages....see this poll from 22nd Feb I was the only one who completely blamed Whyte.....
  5. THAT is a very promising midfield!!!! Hopefully Ness & McCabe will get a chance together before the season's out.
  6. ANY bid has to be conditional on a CVA being agreed. A CVA can't be agreed until a bid is placed/accepted and a creditors pot is confirmed..... I would imagine likewise with CW's shares....
  7. Probably can't find a pen to sign the deal - another weeks delay while another pen is found!!! Ticketus had offered to supply a pen, but pulled the offer at the last minute. Mr Whyte told them where to shove the pen. Collyer Bristow are holding a spare pen in a secured pocket for use when the deal is signed. South African officials trying to get hands on Dave King's pen. Local Ibrox newsagent refusing to sell pen until debt settled.... Neil Lennon offered a crayon....once he'd finished chewing it, and it'd been removed from his nose....
  8. He should get it onto iTunes fro download - get it into the charts!!! I would certainly bypass my disdain for iTunes to download it!!!
  9. would bring a tear tae a glass eye!!! Absolute belter!!!
  10. Hopefully the BK's have ditched the financial input from Ticketus (or all together), and receiving funding from Kennedy. If true, there should hopefully be some movement!!!
  11. I would argue that he didn't turn it around.....we lost it. All Lemmon had to do was keep an even keel while we crumbled.
  12. Nothings guarantees....just going by what I've read elsewhere previously. I work in IT...not finance!!!
  13. I believe that delaying payment to HMRC is legal, as long as it has been fully accounted for through the books. I believe many companies across the UK do this when cash flow is tight. I also believe that HMRC are actively trying to reduce the number of companies doing this.
  14. The bit that I don't get is the fact that the BTC is a POTENTIAL tax bill - as it stands, it ISN'T a bill - the club owe a grand total of £0 in relation to the BTC. The BTC has also been hovering around for years, when we were still paying all the bills and reducing bank debt etc. Before CW took over, the club finances were reasonably stable all be it not particularly healthy - bills were being paid, as was PAYE & NI. The problem is the financial mismanagement of Craig Whyte!!! He bought the club and seriously under valued the running costs. He also had zero money to input himself. In order to cover running costs CW CHOSE to delay paying the PAYE & NI, which in itself is not illegal. However when it looked like he had no intentions of paying that's when HMRC stepped in to force the Administration. So, the current situation has ultimately come about due to CW's choice NOT to pay bills.
  15. As it stands right now....the EBT tax thing isn't an issue!!! It has been CW's deliberate decision not to pay PAYE & NI amongst other things that have ultimately got us to where we are today.
  16. Ceptic have also released their new strip.... Tennents logo is the same, but they have BLACK socks!!!!
  17. Going by the fact they've released a new strip....looks like they're confident of just being here next season
  18. Simple & under stated - everything it needs to be!!!!
  19. That is my thinking exactly!!! We are going to be crippled for the next 2 season - no guarantees of finishing in the top 2, so therefore we may start to receive the reduced finances due to league position. NOW is the time to hold our hands up and admit we've been humbled, and to align our SPL vote with the other teams. Better distribution of the TV & sponsorship money, and a better split on voting. I would love to see Liewell's face if D&P were to start voting against them and supporting the other teams!!!!
  20. That's something I've been mulling over for a couple of days!!!! In order to get the other SPL sides on board - Rangers should vote through the voting changes!!! The SPL influenced bosses want to make it difficult for us - so lets make it difficult for them. Side with the other clubs, get the voting changed, then we'll see how much of an influence Celtic REALLY have in the league. At present they rely on us...I say we opt to change that. By siding with the other clubs, it would also make it more likely that in the event of a newco, we could retain our SPL membership.
  21. So, at the present time, who is best placed within Rangers to make those decisions???? We have no Board of Directors, and are being run day-to-day by accountants from Engerland....
  22. I think that might be a very valid point of view!!!
  23. I have often questioned the logic of going to the 3rd Div. I believe that with current costs, the team would not survive. However, after seeing the DR today, who've a "feature" on a possible team for next season with the youngsters etc I actually quite like the look of the team - with McCabe, Hutton, Ness, Perry, Fleck etc. I'm pretty sure those guys could stick around and do VERY well in the lower leagues. There is also the prospect of the Scottish cup - a possibility of Europe maybe. As for running costs, I think certainly 1/2 of Ibrox would be pretty much moth-balled for a couple of years. Avg attendances for the 3rd div are in the hundreds, never mind 10's of thousands. While I'm sure the Gers support would still turn out, it would be greatly reduced. Season ticket prices would also have to be reduced accordingly, as well as gate prices. Extra revenue streams would need to be found. Possibly sharing the facilities @ MP with other teams/groups etc. I think for the most part it is a fairy tale, but one that might just be believable!!!
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