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Everything posted by Craigy1881

  1. Sadly I think he is right, however with it looking ever more likely that we will be back as a newco and with no real prospects of qualifying for europe it doesn't really matter. Going to be a tough 3-4 years but hopefully by the time we come out of it we will be on a good footing to build for a successful future.
  2. I will always support Rangers, as long as the history remains so will I.
  3. The thing that stands out for me as a blatant lie was the SPL's potential rule changes delayed the naming of a preferred bidder. 2 weeks on and all the talk of delays are not around these changes but other things. They were spinning a load of BS and used that as a great excuse for completely missing their deadline. It is becoming concerning.
  4. Never thought of that bears, hope you're right
  5. Awww that's being harsh, they did meet one deadline and that was to release the creditors report
  6. I think they have done a deal with ticketus in the same way tbk's did. think that fist tweet is a tad premature.
  7. What the hell is this "exclusivity fee". Why does such one exist and does it just line the pockets of Duff and Phelps?
  8. Did he say he watched the game Singapore? FFS some people really need to get a grip.
  9. Calm down lads, put the toys back in the pram. We're all here for the same reason supporting the same cause.
  10. Did Leeds not become a newco? Do you look at them as a new team or still the same?
  11. STV adding to their statement
  12. anyone really going to believe anything that comes out of Whytes mouth? Looks like Alex Tomo is lapping it up though. Clearly has Whyte on speed dial.
  13. they can gtf then if that is their plan
  14. Looks a player [video=youtube;sXy-RIPHybI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXy-RIPHybI
  15. I wish this little cockroach would just keep his mouth shut and disappear forever.
  16. Tell you what with ticketus coming out yesterday saying it is in the best interest of the club if it is sold now and the blue knights deal is the best it just reaks of them shitting themselves personally. Think they meant to add it is in their best interests if they sell to the bks.
  17. My scarf arrived today, looks pretty decent.
  18. What i don't understand where is this money coming from? What will it be secured against? They aren't just going to throw cash at them to buy the club surely in a loan type fashion. We already have 100,000 season tickets ear marked for them by Craig Whyte so where is this other cash coming from. I don't like this plan one bit.
  19. I will be willing to give McCoist ample time to prove himself, let's not forget how many of his 1st choice targets he wasn't allowed to get. Juhaez, that big striker that went to spain, Danns, Goodwillie, Cuellar, Miller and I am sure there were more than that. To Judge McCoist when he was being backed by that wee rat Whyte is very harsh indeed.
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