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Everything posted by Craigy1881

  1. I get the feeling you sometimes forget that beggers can't be choosers and we are in such dire needs we can't be fussy. As GA says he is not doing anything illegal like Whyte did. We're not just talking about a couple of grand here, we're talking about business men who are putting in millions and millions of pounds so of course they are going to want their cash back. That is just plain common sense. Bottom line again is that this is the best deal for the creditors and they come first. Ultimately we should be happy we might come out of this with a cva having paid back what 9p in the pound according to another thread to the people we owe Millions to. So if we have to pay back the 8.5 million long term and run the club to it's means to do so I don't see what the big issue is. People don't seem to be happy unless these people are just spunking their cash away.
  2. So let me get this right, nobody is questioning the fact that FIFA seem happy that one of their governing bodies was willing to hand out an unlawful sanction that was not in their remit and also their rules did not allow for an appeal to CAS leaving the ONLY option to go via the courts. FIFA looking about as incompetent as the SFA here.
  3. I missed this part, can someone explain why this affects the cva? Cheers in advance
  4. GA is right, this could all have been avoided if the SFA just simply applied the sanction that they had in their own rule book and not tried to enforce a made up one
  5. But their CVA proposal was not deemed to be better for the creditors which is the bottom line here. The administrators have a responsibility to ensure they get the best deal for them. So this Green bid must be it.
  6. I still don't see what the big deal is, end of the day if we come out of this with a CVA we are paying back a HELL of a lot less than we should be with all the debt we are potentially paying off at pennies in the pound. No pleasing some people I tell you.
  7. Did people really expect this guy to put that much cash into the club and not want it back in the long run?
  8. The secured creditors, they have all the muscle don't they?
  9. I was laughing at this on the radio today. I thought the exact same thing. Pretty sad state of affairs that you're willing to punish your own club.
  10. yeah almost like they have tried making it a comedy
  11. No thanks from me. I don't see what he would add to the squad personally. We currently have enough cover for centre midfield. Non event anyway due to the obvious embargo. Bit of a non story too because of this, surprised this paper felt it was worth of back page news when there is a slim chance of it happening. Slow news day obviously.
  12. This was tweeted yesterday by STV regarding the CVA
  13. this guys interviews are certainly entertaining
  14. Thought we should have a thread of happier times. As tweeted by Rab from the Rangers twitter family it was 16 years ago today this special match took place. Laudrup playing an absolutely amazing game and Durie with a sublime hattrick. I remember this match like it was yesterday, starting to feel old I think . Take a second and reminisce of happier times
  15. This might put pressure on the new owners to sort out the contracts of the current players if we are unable to replace them. If they end up selling McGregor, Naismith, Davis etc then they are heaping a lot of pressure on themselves before they have even started.
  16. If this transfer embargo stays in place it is even more important for the new regime to get in the door and tie these players down or as many as they can for the next 12 months.
  17. I find this interesting, today we have McGregor coming out saying he wants to stay next season and Naismith has also suggested similar. Can we assume they have put these in place in-case Whyte was still in charge as a fail safe and not something they are 100% going to want to execute.
  18. I can see what you're saying Zappa and only time will tell, to be honest we'll never know what it would have been like under another administration. I will tell you what though, they were the first administrator I have ever seen that have done their up most to try and keep everyone in a job. If this was an administration that normally deals with football clubs then I think we would be lucky if we had a squad to see the season out with. If everything goes to plan and the new regime manage to keep some of the better players then we'll look back an thank them they just didn't wield the knife and make cuts left right and centre. I just don't see where we can go if we don't take action now. There is nobody else willing to put up the cash required to get us out of this situation and if it remained like that then we would have been liquidated in 4 weeks anyway. Wish I had a crystal ball to be honest
  19. I am confused here, what else are they supposed to do? Money at the club is running out soon, surely when that happens it will be game over anyway? They are not going to just knock back the best bid at the table for this mob because they have a legal responsibility to the creditors first and foremost to provide the best deal. At this moment in time that is the Green consortium. If other bidders just put their money where their mouth is then there would be no need to complain but they didn't. So we need to back this mob, they have as much chance of achieving a CVA as anyone else. I am not sure what else could have been done, time is running out fast along with funds.
  20. at the end of the day there is nobody else at the table who have laid down enough cash to take this mess on. These guys deserve a chance and hopefully they do it right.
  21. A Horse with no name you're deluded if you think the blue knights have a better chance of getting a cva that any other bidder, did you see their bid? no chance in hell would creditors have accepted that then what would that leave. People need to get real and accept that it doesn't matter what bidders want to do the possibility of a newco if very real. It is not easy to get a CVA.
  22. Yeah agreed, none of this protesting over somebody we don't know because that is just unfair. Hopefully him and his chums have it in them to turn the club round
  23. RT @BBCchrismclaug: BBC Scotland has learned that Charles Green has put pen to paper in a deal to buy #Rangers. Looks like Frankie was spot on last night.
  24. i think both these clauses are very ambitious and unlikely
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