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Everything posted by Craigy1881

  1. These lower division clubs are going to told how it is going to be. If they can't see that they need to open their eyes.
  2. Maybe to you but not to me, I don't like gloating with rock hard evidence. Very much hope this is true btw.
  3. Well that's all very good but until said emails are leaked it's not worth much
  4. well to be fair gs, he has a point, everyone else has been full of hot air sadly
  5. All this because of Rangers? Surely not, they can all love without us remember. Who is involved in making this document?
  6. Don't hold back amms tell us how you really feel . Can't really say I have disliked many players, there may have been a few i have not enjoyed watching and thought they weren't good enough but not sheer hatred.
  7. Hopefully the rest will block it. The sooner sky pull their deal and those SPL clubs feel the squeeze the better imo. Not at all bitter lol
  8. na there was 13 mate that was the starting list
  9. I love this, you can't make this shit up. The clubs get to vote on the changes proposed but not rangers going into SFL 1 If they vote no we go to DIV 3 and the changes don't get made ha ha ha Do they vote no and banish Rangers to Div3 or do they vote yes and finally get the changes and extra money they all crave so much.
  10. Sporting Integrity my arse. Sure the fans and other clubs will love this. Will they not need the backing of SFL clubs for this to get pushed through? Or will it indeed be the introduction of playoffs as a carrot incentive.
  11. Salim Kerkar is out of contract but he has also reported to training.
  12. Do we know where McCoist is just now then?
  13. Broadfoot yay, we have a goalie and back 4 sorted now
  14. Why has he not already applied for the SFA membership? Are you confident he will provide all the relevant information to the SFA tomorrow to get this? Because I'm not. He talks about season ticket money being ring fenced but from what I have read that is lies, the oldco can still get their hands on it. Also he can't really expect people to part with cash just now surely when we don't even have a league to play in. Think I read something on twitter the other night someone correct me if this is wrong, but the RFFF said they didn;t actually get to see proof of funding but we're told in good will it was ok and proof would come this week maybe. The water at ibrox is as dirty as it ever has been and the last time it was like this I just accepted what crook Whyte was telling us. Struggling to swallow it this time to be honest.
  15. Part of me agrees with you GA but I am now at the stage where an aggressive approach like this is required, Green is giving us nothing. Day and day passes and he still offers up nothing. His first interview ever he sat back and said he would be transparent with fans and keep them in the loop. Don't think I have ever felt more out the loop to be honest. Only thing he has told us since taking over is go buy your season tickets. Short of having someone just walk in and plonk £20 million down on the table and saying do one I don't see what else we can do if he is being that hard to bring to the table.
  16. Yeah I agree which is why i questioned further up if they wanted a company with a Scottish identity why did they not register sevco Scotland to start with instead of changing it now. I was just pointing out their "reason" behind the apparent switch over now.
  17. they already tried to answer that tonight did they not with Sevco 5088 are obviously registered as an english company
  18. they haven't though have they? they haven't had approval to rename sevco yet to the rangers fc hence they keep referring to us as sevco. When they do they will rename the newly registered scottish company to the rangers fc. I thought that was clear from the statement. Maybe i am wrong, my question would be if they wanted the company to have a scottish identity and not an english one why not register the company in scotland in the first place.
  19. i disagree i think he has something about him, hopefully he'll grow as a player now
  20. Good on you son http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/football-news/article/2824675
  21. either way some experienced heads in the team will be required considering i think it will be youngsters playing if we get a league to play in.
  22. Good if true I guess but I won't hold my breath until something official comes out.
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