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Everything posted by Craigy1881

  1. yeah hopefully his legal team agree for the blog to be posted so we can see. Hopefully the end for regan is near
  2. No complaints with that was this not mentioned months ago? Were Hearts not left off the creditors list?
  3. This guys is hugely entertaining purely for how worked up the Celtic fans get on twitter at him. Not entirely sure what his end game is here.
  4. I am sorry but JB needs to just do one and bolt. Weeks have past now and he has offered nothing up other than very poorly constructed Braveheart speeches. We are what 4 weeks away from the new season, should know where we are playing as of Friday. Focus needs purely put on this now. If he wants to buy the club then fine but just shut up and do it ffs.
  5. I honestly have given up guessing what these circus monkeys will do. It seems as though the SFL clubs want to put us in the 3rd which suits me but the powers that be will have something up their sleeve to probably shaft everyone left right and centre. I guess I will put my money on Div 1.
  6. Yeah that is fair enough but stop talking about what you're going to do and just do it. Tell us afterwards when you have the keys what your plans are. I don't care how many meetings he has had doesn't mean he is getting anywhere fast and I certainly don't care for his woeful metaphors.
  7. Sure because that will help the scottish game in the long run. This guy is an idiot. Great way to speed up the death of the game.
  8. I liked McCann as a player, I actually quite like him as a pundit as well these days.
  9. Sadly as nice a gesture Gazza but I think our U12's would be in better shape to tackle the 3rd division
  10. Pretty sure this is the least of our worries. Who plays this any more anyway? Did this not die out in the 90s you know when proper football games appeared on computers.
  11. give it up bomber ffs it's getting embarrassing.
  12. What would be the point in doing that though? Surely this is all happen to get us back to the SPL in one season no? With the squad we have I doubt we could win the first division as it is. So a points deduction and transfer ban will surely only mean we are still playing division 1 the year after. Would that not just put the tv and sponsorship deals at risk again? Edit, its too early I misread that lol
  13. Did the SFA document where had to provide information for not say in section 9 "Transfer Proposals for Replacement Players?" Would we not be allowed to replace those that have left and that's it?
  14. Well I assume he has just taken that number straight from this mornings Daily Record article. I would imagine once we have a division to play in we will be sell more season tickets.
  15. Keevins is a knob, that is all.
  16. Well I suggest you start learning quickly how to forget about them because the reality is we can do nothing about them for a good few years now. So keeping a close eye on what they're doing and winning will only depress the living shit out of you.
  17. Funny thing is see since all this has started Celtic has not even entered my thoughts in the slightest because they are so irrelevant to where we are just now it is not worth it. Funny seeing how obsessed they are with us though even though we're allegedly "Dead". If that was the case should you not be moving on and forgetting about it.
  18. I think Regan did a lot more than just a college course before getting the SFA job . I don't really see your point to be honest. I don't even think in this whole mess they have paid much attention to the rule book. They seem have totally disregarded it in some senses to suit their own needs. The love for the game at a high level vanished years ago when television money and sponsorship deals started to dictate the game in my opinion which is why we are seeing the major scramble to shoe horn Rangers into the 1st division. It is quite embarrassing really. Not sure it would happen in any other country.
  19. Clyde are £150 in Div 3, they do a special £200 one though where you get a few ramsden cup matches and entry into half time draws
  20. That presentation could have been the best presentation ever bloody created it still would not have made a blind bit of difference. Why knock your pan in when the decision was already made. I mean after all these clubs haven't exactly kept their vote secret over the last few weeks. Feck off SPL hope you die a slow and painful death.
  21. Niall McKay @nmckay82 Nobody wants to read paperwork, seems to have silenced/answered question.
  22. Niall McKay @nmckay82 JB not happy, fans losing patience with him butting in. Niall McKay @nmckay82 Property expert asked (by board/ff) to come forward and check paperwork re title deeds. Stockbridge had just authorised docs to be shown
  23. If that is indeed correct I am pretty sure the old tippex will be out removing that rule as we speak to ensure it doesn't get in the road.
  24. You would think but he clearly hasn't had many offers if he is accepting a deal off us at the beginning of July. He has been free since May.
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