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Everything posted by Craigy1881

  1. Of course not, just don't back down and watch their tv deal go bye bye along with half of the teams.
  2. I think you need to wake up and smell the coffee, you honestly want a 37 year old has-been to play in our squad who has been out of football for over a year? You may as well just put our young players out of their misery then. Because if we can't trust them in the 3rd division along side the likes of Ian black etc then they have no chance. It would be the ultimate kick in the teeth to these players.
  3. Thing is hopefully Green refuses to sign on the dotted line if this is the case. It is clear as day to a blind man they need us to get membership for their sky tv deal to stay in place otherwise there will be so many clubs up shit creek without a paddle, so we have the ultimate bargaining chip imo. Do they have the balls to not give us a membership I doubt that, the longer this drags on the more it looks like we aren't just bending over accepting any sanction they throw at us which is good or at least I hope that is the case.
  4. he not zidane or gazza ffs, sell shirts lol
  5. you guys cannot be serious. he is rubbish, not played for a year and well is just an utter knob. Only popped out the house for 2 hours, wtf has happened lol
  6. Big old Broadfoot made such an impression on you that you forgot his name is Kirk
  7. Yeah he did and at Ibrox this afternoon with the other players.
  8. Ha ha never thought of that. Those thoughts don't cross my mind when working 9-5 on week days
  9. Think we can put this to bed now. He just tweeted
  10. This disgusts me, really am annoyed those clowns have been able to buy the rights.
  11. I can only assume and hope to sign his contract
  12. Kevin Kyle whoring himself about trying to get a move to Rangers. I am sure a few players agents will be on the phone.
  13. Thought Fleck was just a sell on fee? Was it money as well?
  14. What a minute, you had to watch them play a game to get tickets for the rangers game? That is so fecked up if so.
  15. I am not sure what to make of this, does this show that Green knows he has them over a barrel some what but refusing to accept punishment for dual contracts knowing how much they need rangers in a league? If he pulls this off then i shall take my hat off to him because i was expecting them to just accept whatever.
  16. you been drinking? Looks like you believe in a good fairytale, no chance in hell any of that would happen. I suppose you can dream though
  17. Isn't it good to actually be talking about potential signings and players staying on, it actually feels as though we are making progress to getting back to playing football. This makes a refreshing change. Probably the best I have felt in while today to be honest.
  18. It's not even that simple, they are not supposed to similar in name. Can't mind where I read the article about it but I will try and find it.
  19. Sky Sport also chucking in Gary Teale's name, where does he play?
  20. What strikers do we have? experience in that position we are really lacking in
  21. Not just that we need a squad which we don't have. Any idea what sort of wages Black would be looking for?
  22. Get your tin foil hat looked out mate. Paranoia overload. Sorry don't buy that at all.
  23. My mate is a Sunderland fan and I went down to a match with him to watch them against spurs. It was highly annoying because he bought the tickets through the website which is fine and then less than 2 weeks before the match it got moved to TV for a 515 kick off on a saturday night. We arrived in Newcastle at 11am or something stupid and had to kill time. Was a good game though
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